Do no Harm vs. your Doctor's Intent
First, Do NO Harm...

Do no Harm vs. your Doctor's Intent

I will prescribe regimens for the GOOD of my patients according to my ability and judgment and never do harm to anyone...

Well, Let's start with the average doctor. The one that you trust with your life (literally). This same Doctor seems to see us (as humans) less and less while claiming to know what's best for us. Most if not all Western Doctors choose to ignore common herbs that are breaking through medically, and in the doctor's mind, this is ok. Western medicine has taught doctors to ignore workable products if they are not approved by the FDA. The FDA is also the culprit to an extent based on how they choose to selectively monitor some and allow others to surge the internet with illegal clandestine products.

More and more are looking at the energy/actions that our doctors are giving/or not. Energy is the most transparent to those who are able to interpret. Attention to detail seems to have gone out the window with most doctors as they prescribe more visits to said office. All the while prescribing more and more meds that do not contribute to healing. The majority of medicine is contributing to maintenance vs. cures. Once a medicine has cured a patient they no longer need to see the doctor. Losing patients is something business does not affordably cater to. Business means making money and once medicine reached this point it was over.

Let's say 1400's @ the time of the disappearance of Shamanism and the widespread conversion of Christianity and Catholicism. The Roman Catholics also helped spread new determinants of social acceptability and the ways of the shaman were cast out as forms of witchcraft. All medicine diverted to the Priests who called upon doctors or more priests to administer wellness methods. Since the beginning of secret (privatized) medicine, we have been sold our health continually by great minds who are unable to recognize the power of unadulterated herbs.

We go to our trusted family doctor and do not know that this same doctor is being paid (incentively) to prescribe different drugs to their patients. Remember, medicine is always proving itself wrong as minds debunk theory vs reality in the lab. In this day and age, we are overwhelmed with trying to find stronger and more effective products. Using nature as a base to create something nature never intended to become used by man. Constantly manipulating molecular structures to create legal drugs in a lab is also something that our populace is becoming more and more willing to administer over natural herbs. Half-life and efficacy are the selling point while side-effects are ignored and understated. We must remember that Doctors used to prescribe cigarettes for stress... Lobbied by big tobacco. We need to start decreasing the number of maintenance drugs and increase the cures. Cures always seem to be destroyed or neglected while mainstream medicine overrides any accomplishments with a lack of exposure based on lack of credibility.

We must see that the (average) stranger who calls themselves our doctors is not really sticking to the oath that they took. Overlooking facts when it comes to product viability means that they choose to NOT learn the truth and this is negating their oath's. Doctors are required to update their learning hours to keep their doctorate or certification in all states. Since Mitragynine is not recognized there is a flood of misinformation. The information that is (if any) readily available for doctorate extended learning is filled with bias and false claims. Lack of education and clinical trials have created a vast network of users who are administering a product that they have no idea what it truly contains based on the harsh shipping/manufacturing methods that are continually practiced overseas.

Those who hold a medical license or who are holistic pain providers know about Kratom. Most choose to NOT educate themselves based on that they might learn something that contradicts their purpose. It is very rare that we see a doctor entering the Industry for selfless reasons. Most owe so much on student loans they have become obsessed with financial rule and it governs their entirety. Those whose claim to fame is money motivated are the root of all evil and have not witnessed or examined closely what "money motivation" has done to the medical community. Shamanism started with the villagers. Shaman's rarely charged their friends and family for services in their community trades were more common. Being a shaman was their job and whoever sought was granted help.

Clinics who are listening to the Kratom truth (maybe) are denying the facts about toxicity. The common feeling is that those who use Kratom are already messed up so why should I teach about the heavy metal buildup and lose clients? Most (whom we have approached) at holistic pain management clinics who administer Kratom have no regard for their client's overall health, only money. Actions are speaking by how they deny our help and services. A true advocate and doctor will NEVER help someone get sick (knowingly or not). Talking about addiction and Kratom is essential so the client may maintain positivity within kratom treatment. A pain management clinic should NEVER sell Kratom powder without a serious warning and disclaimer. If the clinic is selling Kratom they are seeing the effects and choose not to look at facts. We are here to disrupt these educationally challenged Doctors, vendors, and clinics. We are here to share the truth and offer our heavy metal remediation services at an extremely low price.

Since we have a huge amount of medical providers in our network it is a shame that more holistic practices don't acknowledge the miraculous breakthrough that occurs when Kratom is used to protocol. When I meet a doctor or naturopath who sells/prescribes Kratom powder to their patients I ask them if they know how toxic it is. Most say they do and then quit talking to me based on how I wish to help. They mostly think I am there to sell them something when in all actuality I am giving them a lifeline and free education. I dedicate my entirety to the proper use of Mitragynine and when I approach a medical provider who denies the oath and chooses to NOT educate themselves, well that's why there are more people who are struggling with pain and addiction to opioids. Lack of solid rapport leads people astray. Seeking out only clients with big pockets is where medicine went wrong. Only the best Dr's are being seen by the wealthy, and everyone else gets government care. We see more and more learn false facts about kratom and then are detoured from using it in their practice. Well, The truth about Mitragynine goes on and on. There are not multiple strains, this is not THC! It's only Mitragynine.

Doctors and Holistic Providers, If you are selling Kratom regimens in your facility are you teaching the truth about toxicity? Do you offer safer alternatives at cost? All holistic providers that choose NOT to educate themselves about the truth (regarding Kratom and its many uses/side-effects) have negated the oath. When we are able to seriously relate with all/everybody. Only then will the world be blessed with good/the best doctors. Kudos to all providers who have begun Kratom regimens. Now it's time to keep your patients safe from Heavy metal toxicity/buildup. All naturopaths know how serious this is. (note: I almost died from heavy metal buildup... Heavy metals are the least talked about and most prevalent in our society's snacks and foods/medicines.)

Any provider who is selling Kratom powder (only) please remember that you are hurting your clients, not helping. A band-aid is cool if you don't care about your client's true health. We do here at and Educate yourself today please by grabbing a copy of Leaf of Luxury Kratom myth vs Fact.

Kratom is the cure to so many ailments it just hasn't been proven officially. As a vendor and manufacturer for 5 years, I can see the difference as if it were night and day. Kratom works far better for pain than any opioid. Increases motor control 15% in lab studies with mice. Leaf of Luxury Kratom myth vs Fact.

What we need are more partnerships that will allow us to assist with clinical (in-house) trials. To help one person at a time, we wish to work with your clinic and supply a month of product for 15-20 clients in each clinic. If any Holistic pain clinic, Naturopath, or private (nonopioid prescribing) Dr wishes to learn more about Kratom and all of its glories please reach out to us at [email protected].

We hope that more providers will listen to the people, analyze the results and pick up the truth in Mitragynine. The nonsedative properties alone mixed with all of the ailments Kratom helps, curbs 1/3 if not more of western prescribed medicine. It takes 25 years for a Kratom tree to mature. Let's start working together (now) to create the field of dreams here in the many Tropical corners hidden within the minor outlying Islands in the USA. While we secure the future of cultivation, we can continue the research by administering as many in-house clinical trials as possible (until we find more representation to fund an official one).

Mitragynine changed my entire career path once I saw the results it constantly provided to the most severe cases of addiction and pain. Once medicine opens their hearts and minds to Kratom only then will the truth be revealed and utilized. We need more and more people to try this within the parameters of their own practices. We hope this door that we are opening may shed light on the most influential herb of the century. (Kratom has been around for a long long time, however) The ancients had no past with addiction or mental health as these were called something else and approached with spirituality methods rather than strictly medicinal. The energy our doctors give (or take) seriously affects the patient's end result. Just as Dr. Emoto proved that water is programmable, We must remember our Dr's are given great influence within the parameters of our water's memory and shape.

I congratulate any and all who have listened and begun administering Kratom for pain and addiction, Insomnia, depression, anxiety, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, and MS. I must ask if your clients are showing signs of dependency or abuse? Do they use it daily? If so, are you educating them on how the human body can only process a small level tablespoon of Kratom powder per day? Toxicity occurs when kratom is used daily and especially when more than a tablespoon per day is used. (A level tablespoon is only around 1.5-3 grams.) Most need far more active ingredients (kratom) to alleviate the effects of their ailment. These users exceed the allotted amount of Heavy metals the body may absorb daily (unknowingly). The Doctor or Naturopath administering Kratom should always decrease use when abuse occurs. Kratom works best in smaller amounts anyways (proven). Heavy metal buildup affects absorption and tolerance. Using more and more to feel the same they did when using the first time means it's time to take a break... Using kratom daily will skyrocket tolerance to the point of no return. Organs start becoming latent with heavy metal as does the brain. The only safe way to administer Kratom daily is to use a 100% heavy metal-free regimen. This should be law for anyone who sells Kratom in a clinical environment but unfortunately, it's not. Most who buy Kratom rely on the importer/manufacturer to provide lab tests also. Most do not know that their Kratom contains large amounts of heavy metals, clay, and Dye (even Research chemicals). Clinics who chose to sell this product as a multiple strain (Red, White, Green, etc). know very little about the truth of Mitragynine. The marketing ploys reach even the most advanced doctrine and clinic-based on education sources. Clinics who hesitated to start using Kratom for health were and are very smart as Kratom is unsafe in its natural form (at this time). Unless using 100% Heavy metal Free Regimens.

I truly and sincerely hope this article will be read by more Doctors and Naturopaths/ Holistic pain clinics. Remember... good heavy metal-free kratom is basically nonexistent. Education is lacking everywhere online based on the people who put it there. Lack of monitoring and white papers for research are holding us back. There is nothing illegal about Kratom, it's entirely up to the providers to suggest new products. Something that works as well as kratom needs to be perfected not "accepted." The KCPA bill sets us back by calling it food also. I suggest for all vote NO on the KCPA bill or on Oregon House Bill 2646. Until they address the truth about addictiveness and stop calling it a portion of food, we will not settle rather take a stand on this settlement. Kratom is not food!

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