Do hard things

Do hard things

Recently I watched How to live an asymmetric life by Graham Weaver . I would recommend this speech to anyone looking for inspiration to get up & start doing things differently. In fact, someone I know watched it twice in two days and decided to change their career. They allowed themselves to call back some recruiters and see what's out there. More importantly, they decided to talk to their manager about their plans. It wasn't an easy conversation for either of them, but they received support and encouragement from their superiors and colleagues, and many compliments on their work. They even learnt that they?had a great reputation in their industry.?

I would not recommend just watching this video & telling your boss that you are quitting. Please don't do that. What you can do is listen to the video and live one morning telling yourself "Do hard things".

When you wake up and go to brush your teeth, do the hard thing and brush them for the entire 120 seconds.

When you say "good morning" to your kids, do the hard thing, put your phone away and add "do you know that I love you very very much?".

Plan and write that email you were postponing for the longest time. Okay, it's 9 am and you've already done too much. Maybe try to do more hard things tomorrow but add something else and finish at 9.10am. At least your dentist might thank me.


