Do The Hard Stuff First
Saifuddin Indorewala
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Do The Hard Stuff First. In fact, most people would rather do the most difficult thing first. By doing this, they will gain confidence and accomplish all the other things on their to-do list with ease.
Here are some ways you can do the hard stuff first. Listed below are a few:
Eat the frog
You have probably heard the saying, "Eat the frog first before doing the hard thing," and it rings true for many people. It means identifying what's most important
Shift your mind
Achieving your goals
Chunk down the hardest task into 100 steps
When you're faced with a big task, chunking can be a great way to take it one step at a time. Chunking involves breaking down an ambitious goal
Prioritize your to-do list
Using a priority system
Increase mental energy
The definition of mental energy is vague. It basically refers to the ability to engage in cognitive work. Mental energy can be a positive or negative attribute, and it can be boosted or depleted depending on the situation.
When it comes to working from home, you have the luxury of deciding how long to nap, whether it's a short 20-minute nap or a longer, 90-minute nap. You should aim for an eight-hour sleep.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed, and set up a good nighttime routine. Eating nourishing food and drinking plenty of water are also essential to keep yourself energized. Also, try getting real sunlight when possible.
Reduce stress
Stress is a silent killer, sucking up your energy and confidence. It's also difficult to talk about - coworkers and bosses tend to discuss it in whispers. Yet studies have shown that there are physical symptoms of stress, and these symptoms can be alleviated by making simple changes
Increase productivity
Breaking up big projects into manageable parts is a great way to improve your productivity. You don't eat a three-course meal in one sitting; you break them into bite-sized tasks to keep yourself motivated.
And by breaking up big projects into smaller ones, you avoid distractions. The harder task usually takes longer to complete than the easy one, so it makes sense to do it in chunks.
Improve skills
If you want to improve your skills, try to break them down into component parts. This will help you focus more of your cognitive resources on improving the parts of your skill that need improvement.
Breaking down your skills and doing drills to target their weak points is also an effective way to improve those parts. Along with drills, you should still do general practice. Here are some tips for this type of practice: