Do the groundwork first
Mike Garner
Helping optimistic purpose-led businesses find their difference | Story-based email and website copywriter | Message Clarity | Speaker | Translating nerd into English and making the complicated simple
This marketing lark is easy, isn’t it?
I mean, if you believe every other marketing guru out there, it must be.
Apply my solution – landing page, lead magnet, emails, blah, blah, blah.
So why doesn’t it feel like it for you?
The fact is most marketing fails.
And it’s not even a question of how good or bad you are at it.
Even the best marketers fail from time to time, so don’t feel guilty.
The truth is that it’s all down to messaging and targeting. (You’ve got your ideal client down to a T, haven’t you? If not, we need to talk).
Your message needs to get these things across:
Your audience has a pressing problem, a pain, something that needs fixing urgently, not a nice to have. And you feel that pain too.
You are the best way to solve it for them.
You can help your audience see what their lives will be like when you solve that problem.
An ideal client profile is more than just saying you target men between 25 and 35 who like to meet in the pub. Far more than that.
It means looking into their hopes and fears; it means studying them, talking to them, understanding them.
Once you do that, you’ll be able to go back to the guru’s solution, and it might stand a chance of working.
But without the groundwork, without knowing who you’re targeting intimately, it’ll be difficult.
Wouldn’t it be better to make life easier for yourself?
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