Do Future You a Favor! Invest in Networking

Do Future You a Favor! Invest in Networking

“It’s all about who you know.”

There’s a reason you hear professionals use that phrase often - because it’s true!?

If you were to interview anyone you deem professionally successful - whether that’s because they have a specific job title or they make a certain amount of money - they’ll likely tell you they owe their position and success to someone in their network. That’s because people want to do business with and work alongside people they trust - they’re willing to give opportunities and support to those who share their values, work hard, and are pleasant to be around.?

How do they identify this community of likable, trustworthy professionals? They use services like Timeli to bypass awkward introductions and “cold call” style emails that get ignored or end up in Spam folders so they can network comfortably and successfully!?

Students & Young Professionals?

The early stage of your career is one of the most pivotal moments of your life. The decisions you make today - particularly where you choose to invest your time - will influence the future you’s lifestyle, professional opportunities, and happiness. So, do yourself a favor! Invest in networking. Invest in yourself.

Build your confidence

One of the greatest benefits to networking during the early stages of your career - even more so if you’re still in school - is the conversations you have are an opportunity to build your confidence.?

Networking isn’t the same thing as interviewing for a job. You’re simply introducing yourself and getting to know someone who’s piqued your interest - in a way, it’s not so different from dating. The main difference between job interviews and networking is, in this setting, there’s no expectation that the conversation leads to something larger. That makes it the perfect low-stress opportunity for you to practice how you prepare for meetings, communicate, and present yourself in a professional setting.?

Find a mentor

No one person knows everything. There’s always more that can be learned - especially when you’re early in your career. One of the best sources of knowledge is someone who’s spent substantial time in the industry or role that you want to pursue.?

If you do identify an individual - or several individuals - who you think it would be beneficial to learn from, introduce yourself, get to know them, and then ask if they’ll be your mentor. It might be nerve wracking or uncomfortable to ask, but remember, the worst they can say is no - but they’ll likely be excited by the opportunity to pass their wisdom onto the next generation!?

Internal Networking

It doesn’t matter if you’re early in your career or if you’ve been working for more than twenty years, networking within your company is always important.?

Get noticed?

The corporate world is a political one. Again, it’s all about who you know.?

Consider the following employee profiles -?

Employee A is a “heads down’” type of worker - they work incredibly hard, are constantly crushing their goals, but they keep to themselves. They don’t socialize at company events - or they skip them altogether - and they make minimal effort to get to know their colleagues on a day-to-day basis.?

Employee B is a “social butterfly” - they aren’t excelling at their role, they do just well enough to get the job done, but they put significant time and effort into establishing relationships with their coworkers and they make sure to get face time with those in senior positions - even if it’s just a quick 15-minute Zoom chat over coffee.?

Scenario: There’s a new opportunity that hasn’t been posted yet and the boss wants to consider an internal applicant before they look elsewhere.?

Which employee is going to get the invite to apply? Employee A who kicks ass on paper but whose name no one can remember, or Employee B who’s mediocre but has an excellent reputation for embodying corporate values, and the boss has a pleasant memory of them??

Networking can be exhausting. It’s not for everyone - especially those who identify as an introvert - but it’s absolutely a worthwhile investment for your professional growth!

Surround yourself with a supportive community

No one understands the struggles you face at work better than your coworkers - they are your comrades in arms. Networking with them - befriending them - will help you surround yourself with a community who can provide emotional support, empathy, and advice that can help you not only survive but thrive.?

And, if you’re lucky, they’ll turn into life-long friends!?

External Networking

Opportunity is everywhere. While you should absolutely invest in building your internal network, it is equally beneficial to dedicate time and energy to expanding your professional network beyond the workplace.??

Introduce new ideas and perspectives into your life

People add to their external network for the same reason young professional seek out mentors - to learn! We spend so much time at work around the same group of people - a group who are all being taught to function a certain way - it can be easy to develop “tunnel vision” with the way we think and problem solve. Building meaningful connections with individuals who work in different industries and tackle different issues can keep your mind and growth from becoming stagnant.?

Foster mutually beneficial business relationships

When we choose a career path, we commit to becoming an expert in that field.?

Let’s say you need help crafting a financial plan and want to learn about investing. Who are you going to turn to for aid? The internet which’ll spit out thousands of options for you to sift through or the financial advisor you met at a networking event a few months back who you had a good conversation with over a drink??

You’re an entrepreneur who’s never managed a team before and you need some advice. Are you going to hire a consultant who you know nothing about or turn to your friend who’s been in numerous management positions over the last decade??

Having a diverse, trusted network of professionals at your disposal can be incredibly beneficial to your business efforts and theirs - plus, they might be the connection you need to land that dream job!



