The mere thought of cannibalism is repugnant, its mere reference may appear to be an inhumane and insensitive metaphor. However. the plight that is facing our children in today’s society is no less disgusting.

Recent history seems to suggest, that, this adult population harbors a higher than “normal” narcissistic attitude as we sit stoically by coddling feelings of apprehension relative to our children’s future while massaging our own personal indulgences.

Some parenting and family experts may suggest that; we appear to be watching, and waiting with baited breaths in anticipation of our children’s lives to erupt like volcanoes spewing angry plumages of hatred, rage-filled tirades of dissonance.

Refusing to accept any responsibility, for their children’s feelings of discord while arrogantly pretending that the madness will not last.

Unfortunately, our arrogance and dare I say; our pompous attitudes often paints this picture; with wrinkled brows and stammering tongues, many assume a riddled look of confusion, playing mind games with themselves, vainly attempting to convince others that the smoke and ashes from the volcanoes are mere mirages and easily explainable illusions.

We vilify others with snickers and sneers when challenged to observe certain behaviors by pacifying ourselves with my children are responsible and are well adjusted, God-fearing Christians.

Go on, stick your head in the sand, bump your nose on that landmine as it squats silently…; lurking menacingly awaiting one’s destructive apathy!

The rumbling, thunderous noises accompanied by smoke is shrugged off as harmless, as genuine fear becomes lodged in one’s throat.

Ultimately it erupts…! As its contents within singes one’s soul with searing, excruciating pain, simultaneously burning itself, as it burns everything in its path, leaving one to wonder; how long does apathy have to last!

Laughter suddenly becomes inaudible, misplaced aggression happily replaces the willingness to fail to act.

As the howling winds of reality blows in our reactive, cumulative faces, we scramble uncontrollably in an attempt to cap the erupting volcanoes, only to discover that the lids are too small, quickly they melt from the torrid heat and is digested in its flesh-eating belly, one’s guilty conscious slowly erodes the sickening, apathetic, attitude of selective ignorance.

Grandstanding for the public has now become the acceptable order of the day, as we hypocritically and self-servingly?exclaim, I did my best, while we know in our hearts that far too often we did what we were comfortable doing and shunned advice and suggestions of others.

After the ashes have begun to settle, a moral majority becomes self-righteous; boldly and brazenly spouting; we must rid ourselves of these immoral acts of unjust and unprovoked eruptions, it eats away at the moral fiber of our mere existence, we must destroy the essence of its destructive presence!

Becoming chagrined and having a feeling of being mortally wounded as dagger-like questions pierce the thick smoke; why didn’t you do something before now?

Sheepishly, stuttering tongues, twisted, coiled and laser sharp as they prepare to strike; how could I, I was not aware…! I did the best that I could!

As we vehemently fan the smoke away from our burning eyes, we should all pose this question to ourselves; have we, with our lack of action and infinite wisdom, mortgaged our children’s souls?

If not, what are we doing to ensure, secure and solidify a promising future that will allow them to avoid self-destruction as we remain asleep with our eyes wide open!

Do we attempt to absolve ourselves of our neglected, responsibilities by blaming our inactions on “They say”, who is this infamous “They say?”

During the process of succumbing to what “They Say” a recurring anger rears its ugly head and causes blindness that may be more devastating than the actual loss of physical sight.

As this occurs have we ignored the importance and necessity of wisdom and insight?

The world is often filled with negativity and obstacle that we personally may or may not have directly contributed too.

Unfortunately, that sinister stench, encompassing that putrid smell, coupled with a damaged vision that was ultimately caused by smoke filled eyes, may have permanently inhabited their nostrils and created an atmosphere, of deprivation stripping our children of their; passion, compassion, and sense of right and wrong.

Ultimately, choosing to allow “they say” to devour your children could allow the following conditions to manifest and will often include but are not limited to:

  • confusion
  • frustration
  • abuses
  • disadvantages
  • physical and mental vulnerability
  • systematic deprivation
  • a loss of self

The aforementioned challenges are breeding grounds that can often be a blueprint that will cause an overwhelming number of individuals to be faced with feelings of immeasurable inadequacies and hopelessness.

These gruesome circumstances may cause many to question their “God” given right to enjoy “freedom and the pursuit of happiness.” Inner strength may begin to erode.

Coupled with the interlocked hands of feeling defeated and inadequate, a happy life for our children may suggest that their present existence is better to be viewed through the rearview mirror.

Indigestion is a very uncomfortable ailment, just as ignoring the signs and patterns of the potential for destruction that our children often exhibit right before our eyes.

Are we conveniently squinting thus causing us to fail to see that, they are bleeding to death with no blood in sight!

?2018?Melvin “Chief” Lars


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