DO OR DON'T build team asset?
on TEAM BUILDING, I recently have experienced a novel, a blistering moment that made me wonder if I got it all wrong...
perhaps, many people think of this as an obvious statement on team essence, but I would like to challenge the few interested in a simply put question.
who's gonna help me in team building for a common goal?
at the beginning you share courtesy, respect and important common goal as must does to achieve goals, wether sales which defines me nowadays, or simply corporate success.
well you may be surprised........
my attitude, simply put as a positive sharing of my views, my knowledge and my comfort to set common goals has been tricked. Not at some point, but as I have found out, at the very beginning, some false teamplayers really do not play fair, in fact you think they do, but when you sum it all up you really get a foolproof statement that some people just will
Despite my tenacious effort that probably I inherited from my strong family roots, I said to myself, what the heck!!! keep going like a man, don't bend. Needless to say I came to the conclusion, today really, that some people just don't deserve to be in the herd. Yes because this is what we are, a HERD of simple people that help one another, but some are never going to join. Not because they are more clever or roothless, just because they are all
that's it folks, just curious if someone sees him or herself in this picture.
ciao Enrico Rossi