Do the different. Be the different.
Rodd Chant ????
Creative Director | Founder | Coach | LinkedIn Top Voice Since 2019 | Get in touch about projects via the button below. ?
When it comes to creativity it's much easier to do as others do, because that's the easy way, the safe way, the way that wont take much pushing, the way that wont rock the boat.
You need to rock the boat.
Blending in is okay if you're a chameleon trying to catch bugs on a tree branch, but you're not a lizard, well I hope you're not, if you are you just made some UFO hunters very happy. Blending in, when it comes to a creative piece of work, does nothing worthwhile.
Wallpaper is wallpaper. Rarely does anyone truly notice the wallpaper, they might notice a texture over there behind a pot plant but that's about it, they don't go telling all their friends about the wallpaper.
Don't create wallpaper.
If everyone is going in one direction then head in the opposite direction.
If the accepted norm is to do one thing then do the other thing.
The expected doesn't make a difference and rarely gets noticed.
Do the unexpected. Venture into the unknown.
If you're unsure about what you're creating then you are most likely on the right path, as in the path least travelled and one that wont be cluttered with similar work, thinking, and ideas.
Get lost on that path. It's the right path, even if you don't know where it is taking you.
When it comes to your own personal creative work be that art, photography, filmmaking, or anything else then it should be your mission to push your own boundaries to see what you're capable of.
When it comes to creating work for clients/brands I am fully aware of how hard it is to sell daring and different work, it's not easy most of the time. But if you don't keep trying you will never sell anything different. It's very easy to just throw your hands in the air and serve up mediocre thinking and work. Quitters never create great work, ever. Wayne Gretzky said it well, and yes this applies to more than sport - 'You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.'
I'm a Creative Director / Writer / Strategist / Thinker and a bit more. I work with clients/brands directly and with agencies and production companies. I also teach creative thinking and idea generation to groups and individuals. You can read more of my LinkedIn musings here. You can also find me on Twitter, Instagram and on Facebook. Or drop me an email – [email protected]
Words (aside from credited quotes) Copyright Rodd Chant 2018
#creative #creativity #passion #creativelife #ideas #inspiration #creativecareers #curious #thinking #create #creativethinking #creativeguts #careers #lifelessons