Do Brahma Vishnu Mahesh relate with neutron, protons and electrons?


From some time i have read and learn something about the Hinduism and in this period I have refer many text, ved to know about the Hinduism, my learning journey about the Hinduism is in early stage and but in this period i have learn that Hinduism is not a religion, it is beyond religion, it is a complete science.

so for this i have write something about the ELECTRON, PROTON, NEUTRON AND ENERGY.

All are known that these are responsible for creation for universe. So i have linked all are those with Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh and shakti. And i am promise that after sometime, i will attaching the pages of ved and many text to support this theory. 

Brahma: Lord Brahma is the creator of universe likewise proton is the main reason for creation. He is married to Goddess Saraswati (Anti-proton). Saraswati is the Goddess of knowledge, of learning and arts, cultural fulfillment (consort of Brahma the creator). She is the cosmic intelligence, cosmic consciousness,and cosmic knowledge.

Vishnu: Lord Vishnu is protector of universe likewise electrons with wide range of reactions which protects the universe and married to Goddess Lakshmi (Positron). Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and fertility, material fulfillment (consort of Vishnu the maintainer or preserver), all kinds of prosperity, glory, magnificence, joy, exaltation, or greatness come under Lakshmi.

Shiva: The Destructor likewise Neutron collide with nucleus and cause complete destruction and give a way to Creation and married to Goddess Parvati (Anti-neutron). Parvati/ Mahakali (or in her demon-fighting aspect Durga) the Goddess of power and love, spiritual fulfillment (consort of Shiva the destroyer or transformer). She also depicts the transformation power of divinity, the power that dissolves multiplicity in unity.


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