Do not be afraid to ask dumb questions.

Do not be afraid to ask dumb questions.

The only way to become smarter is by asking dumb questions. <<=====

If you don't ask question you would never know the answer.

It's 1000 times better to ask dumb question than not asking and sitting on it cluelessly or without correct knowledge.

Ask questions to the knowledgeable people who knows about that topic and subject.

And it's completely OK to not get answers immediately or quickly.

Respect other people's time.

People definitely respond once they get some time to answer your questions.

Come to the point directly & frame questions short and refrain from weaving story around it.

A good question is a good question after all.

You do one job again & again, you start becoming good in that.

Similarly, by asking questions regularly in search of correct knowledge, you become good in asking questions and therefore attracting good & correct answers for your questions.

In schools & colleges, we see that the kids are generally discouraged from asking questions.

Thus they remain fearful to ask questions to others in order to increase their knowledge and that stops the expansion of their mind.

Dumb questions as shamed publicly & this is a cardinal sin according to me.

Dumb questions should be as appreciated as the good questions.

Asking good questions is an art and is something that one can improvise over the period of time by repeating the process.

So keep asking questions.

If you get answer then it's great and if not then too it's fine.

As you are not going to lose anything.

Ask someone else.

Someone would eventually answer your questions.

So keep asking questions.

It's a win-win situation.

In today's hyper connected world, if you are not increasing your knowledge by shying away from asking the questions then you are at the loser's end.

Life is good when you get answers to your questions.

Your mind expands and new things are explored and you become fearless for any challenges out there.

Be Smart. Ask Questions.

So do you have any questions? :)


Zakir Shaikh - YourEmailGuy的更多文章

