Do Admixtures Cost More Than a Load of Concrete?
As the cost of construction materials continues to rise, many companies are looking for ways to lower project costs. For many concrete producers and contractors, this means reducing or even eliminating admixtures in the concrete. While this may seem like an easy way to lower costs, here are a few things to consider before you eliminate admixtures.?
The Cost of a Rejected Load
In 2022, the National Ready Mix Concrete Association estimated that between three and five percent of concrete loads were rejected from the job site. Based on the current costs of concrete materials, plus delivery and labor costs, each rejected load costs between $1,500 and $2,000. This does not include the added cost of batching a new load of concrete (which will not be invoiced) and recycling or discarding the rejected material.
The Purpose of Concrete Admixtures
Concrete admixtures change the characteristics of fresh concrete. They can adjust everything from the consistency of the concrete to the air content and even the set times.? Using concrete admixtures in concrete is one of the easiest ways to reduce rejected loads.? If the concrete has too much air, try an air-detrainer.? Not enough air; use an air entrainer.? Is the concrete too tight? Add a superplasticizer to increase the flow without extra water.? Need to slow down the concrete? You can add a delayed set admixture.? Whatever problem you’re experiencing with your concrete, there is an admixture to help fix it.
The Cost of Concrete Admixtures
Adding admixtures to your concrete is not free. There are a variety of costs associated with the use of admixtures.? Liquid admixtures require specific measuring equipment, which may need to be transported to the job site. Liquid admixtures also require specific storage conditions to keep them from freezing.? Powdered admixtures can sometimes be more expensive than liquid admixtures, but they can be easier to dose at the job site and don’t require heated storage.
But Do Admixtures Cost More than Rejected Loads?
While we can’t speak to the cost of all admixtures, Fritz-Pak manufactures our products to keep the costs as low as possible for our customers.? Our products are not subject to freezing, so they don’t require climate-controlled storage.? Plus, you don’t have to worry about the additional cost of measuring equipment.? Most of our products can be dosed at a rate of one bag per yard and cost about $8 a bag. This comes to about $80 to make load-saving adjustments at the job site - Saving you more than $1,000.
Learn More
Go to to learn more about our powdered admixtures and their unique on-site applications. Don’t forget to follow our social media channels for more information about how our products can improve your concrete.