This is Do-Able …

This is Do-Able …

John 13:34-35 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” 

Abba Father good morning ~ Love is far more than emotions, feelings, desires within hearts, minds, souls. Love is something that motivates, encourages, and instills hope into real people living real life. It looks beyond imperfection while seeing unlimited potential. It focuses on feeling the heart and emotions of another. It engages a life intentionally without pressuring intimidation. It’s not about our way or ultimatums. It’s about believing. It’s taking-action when the ways of this world stops. Love breathes a life of everlasting hope into life’s brokenness. Throughout the living bible from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 agape love is affirming, forgiving, cleansing, redeeming, restoring, and re-establishing broken lives within intimacy of sacrificial love for all of life. Within this agape love breathes everlasting hope to move forward boldly, courageously, and fearlessly breathing unconditional love of accepting worthiness, breathing compassionate forgiveness of redemption, breathing everlasting life in heaven to live everyday life at its very best. Everyone is loveable, redeemable, restorable. There is absolutely nothing that will destroy God’s powerful agape love breathing everlasting life into life’s brokenness with anointed sustainable life from everlasting life in heaven. It sustains life within hardships, struggles, trials, temptations, uncertainties. God’s love of intimacy engages when the world goes out. It’s the foundation of truthfulness allowing freedom to accept or reject. Remember. Agape love is not forceful but powerful. It delights joyfully when hearts, minds, souls breathe willingly believing, accepting, trusting, following within God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit. This powerful agape love is a life-changing free-gift of God’s cleansing, redeeming, restorational undeserved grace ~ absolutely-free. Un-earnable, un-purchasable, un-creatable. Within this life of undeserved grace not one moment of life will ever be misplaced, ignored, forgotten. Every moment intimately breathing anointed promises to never leave us, never forsake us, never abandon us. Life at its very best breathing undeserved grace breathing agape love breathing anointed freedom to live willingly within every promise in the living bible from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21. Our Lord, Christ Jesus willingly breathed sacrificial agape love into all of life. No life was ever rejected, missed, pushed aside. Our Lord Jesus engages every life. Willingly reaching out into the brokenness of this world offering anointed protection within boundaries of Godly truthfulness. Engaging broken lives living real life with everlasting promises of cleansing redemption. Transforming hearts, minds, souls of real people with agape love breathing everlasting life in heaven. Remember ~ Every life is worthy of redemption. No life is too imperfect, too filthy, too broken, too sinful. Lord Jesus rejects no one; willingly stepping into lives of dysfunctional chaos. Lives hurting within hopelessness of life’s brokenness. Every moment of life breathing everlasting life. Our imperfect sinful life is cleansable, redeemable, restorable. Never forget, satan comes to destroy agape love’s intimacy breathing everlasting life in heaven. We must intentionally live moments of life within Our Lord Jesus. Moments renewing, refreshing, redeeming, restoring life’s brokenness. This is a choice, a decision, a way of life. We have the choice to engage or reject hurting lives in need of feeling worthiness. Dysfunctional lives living in chaos seeking everlasting hope. It’s our decision to get involved willingly ~ purposefully engaging lives of brokenness. Our way of life lives deep within our heart, our mind, our soul; our very inner-core of thriving life. Everyone knows someone feeling pain of separation, rejection, isolation. Our life can willingly breathe agape love into real lives hurting, struggling, desiring to survive. The life we choose to live is our choice, it’s our decision. It’s within our inner-core of thriving life within our heart, our mind, our soul where God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit lives. It’s our choice to believe, accept, trust, follow. It’s our decision to breathe agape love. It’s our way of life to live in the everlasting freedom of God’s powerful life-changing undeserved grace. Reflect if you must with utmost urgency. This life counts. My friend living life at its very best is breathing agape love into a world of extreme brokenness.  

Father ~ Thank you for loving my imperfect sinful life everyday. Willingly engaging my life’s brokenness with anointed, sustainable, protective promises breathing agape love, compassionate forgiveness, everlasting life in heaven. All intimately forever. Powerful anointed promises. Father ~ I willingly choose to engage within every moment life-changing intimacy of life into my inner-core of thriving life within my heart, my mind, my soul. I am thankful, grateful, and cherish this life of agape love of intimacy breathing everlasting life into my life’s brokenness with anointed sustainable life from everlasting life in heaven within you forever Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit.

Michael J zenner  

Curtis Gadson

CBRN/Emergency Response Analyst at JG System Analytical and. Integration Consulting LLC

3 年


Colin Andre Pond

Seeking new opportunities. EIC Superintendent

3 年


Theresa Robertson

Leader of Celebrate Recovery

3 年

Yes! For sure. Thank you for posting


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