Do 80% of people who accept counteroffers leave within 6 months? The answer is NO!! ??

Do 80% of people who accept counteroffers leave within 6 months? The answer is NO!! ??

You've probably heard the bullshit from recruiters "MoSt PeOpLe LeAvE WiThIn 6 MoNtHs"

There's no truth to this, no one knows the statistics. This usually comes from HR and recruitment professionals as it 100% suits our needs for you to NOT accept a counter offer. With all the goodwill in the world, we recruiter do not make money if you accept a counter offer, plain and simple.

Now that's out of the way, here are some of the benefits of accepting a counter offer ??

? You won't have to go through the whole 'becoming a newbie'

? Subject to you enjoying your colleagues company, there's no risk of joining a toxic environment with people who might not like you

? You're likely going to receive a pay rise, to just continue as normal. Reality is, your boss is probably happy he convinced you to stay, and you're happy that you're being paid more

Now some negatives ??

? If your boss is a dick, you may have hindered your development. You will definitely have to earn their trust back

? You could change the environment. Think of how your colleagues might feel when they find out you've had a rise just for threatening to leave

? It may even affect your professional image

Consider these when making the decision to accept or decline one ??

?? Is the reason for leaving purely money related? ??

Let's say you accept a counter offer of £5,000 instead of an increase of £5,000 at your new job, this is probably £300 take home per month for you, but a £500 (estimate) cost per month to your employer. Does £300 a month truly solve all your problems? If so, weigh up the employers cost against what you actually take home, and decide if you'll now receive added pressure to overperform to make up the difference!

?? Personal development ??

Sometimes we all get caught up in the 'Hussle and bustle' of business, and that can cause a breakdown of communication between employer and employee. We are all humans. As employees, you want praise and recognition for your hard work and as an employer you may make a mistake of not acknowledging this to your staff. If you're leaving for growth, this may remind your employer to breakdown your development more clearly. You will have to use your judgement on how genuine this is but I have personally seen a Planning Consultant receive a great counter offer and they're still working at their firm years later and have received multiple promotions over the years!

??Toxic culture or bad manager ??

In my personal opinion, this is very important. Addressing a toxic environment is never a walk in the park. Managers need to lead by example and never micromanage, they need to take all complaints very seriously, backstabbing behaviour and ruthless competition needs to be stopped in its tracks, and a non-inclusive environment needs major reform and policies in place. This takes times and input from both your employer and their employees and addressing concerns may even cause a temporary downwards spiral for your working environment. Can you wait it out until the dust settles? Is it even worth it? There is absolutely no price on peace of mind at work. Equally, could you be the change that your company needs?

?????? Work life balance and personal happiness ??????

Flexible working will become the new normal whether you like it not. Some employers are still struggling to accept this fact, whilst the workforce are now recognising the benefits and seeing the opportunity creep up which allows better. As a recruiter, I fill significantly more jobs that allow flexible working than more rigid office based roles. Truly think about what does flexible working mean to you, and DO NOT hold back when you discuss these with both your existing employer or prospective new employer. Does your currently employer try and push you back and negotiate these down (or vice versa) or are they positively supportive of your wants and needs. We have a saying at Hugo Reeves "Work to what brings out the best of you". Frankly, we don't care if you come into the office or not, or when you decide to pick up your laptop. So long as you do the job your employed to do, to the best of your ability. We trust our staff wholeheartedly.

?? Have an open and honest conversation with your employer ??

Don't walk in and start telling your boss how much you hate working where you are and how much better your offer is. Be professional and have a meaningful, open and honest conversation about your reasoning for considering leaving and LISTEN to their suggestions and proposals moving forward. (Unless of course they are a manipulative narcissist, then say whatever you can to get out quicker! ??) Consider the environment too, maybe ask them to go for a coffee away from the office. They'll know something is up, but will respect you for treating the matter with humility.

? Take your time ?

Once you've had the conversation with your employer, thank them and then take some time to consider everything and weigh up your options and consider writing a pros and cons list. Don't take the piss, schedule a date in which you will have a decision. Inform your prospective employer too that you've received a counter offer and are reviewing options. Give them a date and time that you will come back to them with an answer and allow them to give you some space. Do not lead people on wondering what's going on and questioning your next move. You're a professional with a reputation to uphold.

There you have it! Remember, the decision is yours to make and yours only. Do not listen to statistics you hear or read, their purpose is only to benefits themselves. This is your life and your career. "Always look after #1".

#counteroffer #property #newjob #careerchange #rics


