Do These 3 Things Before You Start Writing Your Book
Neno Littlewood
Ghostwriter & Book Coach for Bold, Impact-Driven Change Makers & Leaders.
When you have a book idea burning a hole in your mind, that fiery passion can make you want to dive right in and start writing.?
And, sure, there is nothing wrong with a good brain-dumping session, but before you start getting serious about writing your book, there are three foundational things you need to do.?
Identifying and clarifying these three things before you dive into your writing fest will save you SO much time in the long run and help you create a book that could change your life and the lives of your readers.?
Identify Your Whys
Before embarking on the journey of writing a book, it is essential to take the time to clarify your "why." Understanding why you are the right person to write this book and why you want to write this book can profoundly impact the direction and purpose of your writing.
So, why you??
Having personal experience, expertise in the subject matter, or unique insights that set you apart in your industry makes you uniquely qualified to author this book.?
Maybe you are deeply passionate about the subject and have the gift of igniting that passion in others. Whatever your reasons for writing this particular book, take the time to explain in detail why you are the person for the job.
Then, take some time to think about why you want to write this book.?
Writing a book is time-consuming and difficult, and it generally doesn’t bring much money into a business. So why are you taking the time and energy to write it? (Any answer that includes the word “should” is not a good reason.)
Are you seeking to inspire your industry? Create an impact in an area that needs impacting? Launch your speaking career? Funnel readers towards a service you provide?? Understanding your internal and external motivations provides the foundation for a purpose-driven and impactful book.
Your final why is, why is this book needed now? Consider the impact you hope to have on your readers and the broader world. Is there a change that has started happening in your industry that you want to expand? Is there a problem your audience struggles with that you have the answer to? Clarifying your intentions and desired outcomes can help you shape the content and direction of your book in a way that aligns with your core values and aspirations.
Identifying and clarifying your whys can fuel you when the writing process gets tough and be your guiding light, reminding you of your book's significance and worthiness.
Plus, if you’re aiming for traditional publishing, this will help you with your book proposal and query letters.?
Determining the Impact?
Before you start the journey of writing a book, it’s important to determine the layers of impact you want your work to have. By understanding the desired impact internally, externally, within your industry, and for your readers, you can ensure that your book makes a meaningful and lasting impression.
Internally Impact
Writing and publishing a book is no small feat. It can impact you in so many ways, such as launching you into thought leadership or public speaking. What impact will your book have on you??
Your book will become part of your legacy. What do you want that legacy to be? Also, how will this book impact your business? Understanding the role it plays in your marketing and growth, as well as the impact on you personally, can shape the tone and depth of your writing.?
Externally Impact
What impact do you want to have on your readers or the world? Books are powerful tools of change, so clarify what change you want to make. Having a meaningful goal attached to your book will help you with your planning process and how you position it once it's published.?
Impacting Your Industry
Outline how your book will impact your industry and the knowledge you’re contributing to it. Will it introduce new perspectives, challenge conventional thinking, or inspire others in your field? Defining the impact within your industry can position your book as a valuable addition to the discourse and development of your field.
Impacting Your Audience
Lastly, and most importantly, consider the impact your book will have on your readers. How will it touch their lives, offer guidance, and help them grow? Understanding the impact on your readers helps you tailor your content to meet their needs and expectations, fostering a deeper connection and resonance with your audience.
As you contemplate the impact you want your book to have, remember that your words have the power to influence so much on so many levels. Becoming clear on your overall impact will help you infuse your writing with purpose and meaning, setting the stage for a truly impactful and memorable book.
Understanding Your Audience
One mistake many new writers make when they start writing their book is not taking the time to deeply understand who they are writing to.?
You are not going to write the same information for a single mompreneur in the Midwest as you are for a family man in the big city. You can write about the same subject, but you can’t write it in the same way because these two people are very different. Their lives and experiences are very different.?
So, if you want to write a book that has the impact you want it to, you have to know who you’re writing to, what they are struggling with, and what they truly need to transform.?
One of the most important aspects of writing a book is creating a connection with your readers. To do this effectively, you need to have a deep understanding of who your audience is and what they are looking for. Are you writing for young adults, professionals, parents, or a specific niche group? Each of these demographics will have different struggles, needs, preferences, expectations, and interests.
Understanding your audience allows you to tailor your writing style, language, and content to resonate with them.?
Knowing your audience can also guide important decisions such as book cover design, marketing strategies, and even the distribution channels you choose. If you understand the demographics, interests, and behaviors of your audience, you can better position your book to attract and engage your readers.
By clarifying these three components, you will set up your book for success and make the impact you truly want to make. If you need help mapping out your book, set up a VIP Book Planning Day with me, and let’s build your book roadmap.