The Effects of Electric Vehicles to Fossil Fuel Vehicles Replace on Sustainable Development Goals

The Effects of Electric Vehicles to Fossil Fuel Vehicles Replace on Sustainable Development Goals


Nowadays, vehicles with almost all internal combustion engines in the past are getting ready to be replaced by electric motor vehicles. This change has started with the intensification of Electric vehicle sales in new models, and according to estimates, it will gain momentum after 2022 when the sales prices of electric vehicles are the same as vehicles with internal combustion engines. Compared to the new electric vehicles, the internal combustion engine vehicles that use fossil fuels such as Diesel, Gasoline, LPG, the main difference between electric vehicles is that the power required to move is generated by the electric motor. Apart from this, there is mainly no difference in the mechanical parts that make up the body of the vehicle. Electric motors use electrical energy as a source. Another important change triggered by this is the presence of energy storage units in electric vehicles to store electricity, which is the fuel of the engine. Today, energy storage products can be mostly chemical storage batteries, as well as fuel cells using hydrogen.

In this study; All sustainable development goals and indicators were examined and divided into groups as public services-related effects, wastes and air pollution-related effects, technology-related effects, and non-direct effects. The effect of each objective and indicator due to the transformation of electric vehicles is conveyed by first examining the changes in the subject and then specifying its relationship with these objectives and indicators. It is seen that the use of clean energy to be created by electric vehicles is possible if the source from which the energy is produced is clean. Again, one of the most prominent issues is the use of energy storage units of electric vehicles, which can provide an advantage in capacity utilization and prices in the energy market, and the pollution that will be created in case of not doing the waste management of these materials can be an additional disadvantage.


?Electric vehicles get their name from the fact that the engine, which is the most basic power supply mechanism, replaces the internal combustion engines with the electric motor. Although these vehicles mainly use batteries as an energy source, there are also models that work with fuel batteries (DEK, 2018). It was used in many cars introduced in the 17th century for electric motors. Although initially used in cars, electric motors could not become as widespread as petrol engines due to their difficulties in energy storage and therefore their low distances (Kerem, 2014). Tesla, the company with the same name as the inventor of these engines, is the first manufacturer to hold on to the market by launching only electric vehicles in the 21st century. The launch of the Tesla Roadster model in 2008 was an important turning point for the intensive use of electric vehicles. Following this development, steps came from major manufacturers such as Nissan Renault. In addition, Renault is leading the way in Europe with its investments in electric vehicles (Birer, 2020). Numerous incentives for electric vehicles have been announced in European countries. For example, in Germany 100% electric, hybrid and hydrogen fueled vehicles; Until the end of 2021, the current incentive is 6,000 euros instead of 3,000 euros, and up to a total of 9,000 euros with an additional 3,000 euros from manufacturers. In France, which aims to produce 1 million electric and hybrid vehicles annually by 2025 and to become the country that produces the most vehicles in Europe, it is known that people who buy electric vehicles receive a discount of 7 thousand Euros (ODD, 2020). According to the Sustainable and Intelligent Transport Strategy of the European Union Commission; It is predicted that there will be around 30 million electric cars and 80,000 trucks in Europe by the end of 2030.

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Figure 1: IEA Global EV Outlook 2020, Global Electric Vehicle Stock

While there were only around 17 thousand electric vehicles in all countries in the world in 2010, it was reported that there were approximately 7.2 million electric vehicles by 2019. Global stock is still concentrated in China, Europe and the United States. At least 20 countries achieved a market share of over 1 percent in 2019 (IEA, 2020).

Approximately 450 new electric vehicle models are expected to be available in the automotive market by the end of 2022 (Gersdorf et al., 2020). In order to stand out in the great transformation to be experienced in terms of the automotive and energy world, manufacturers are taking important steps in prominent issues such as battery production. Manufacturers carry out long-term strategies in order to acquire the necessary materials to make batteries and to establish factories that will provide the production of these critical materials.

Electric vehicles; will be examined in terms of being non-polluting and clean, which is the most well-known aspects, and the environmental impact of not having environmental pollution from fuel consumption in the vehicle itself will be examined. In short, the cleanliness of electric vehicles should be evaluated with the cleanliness of the source from which they obtain energy. In this regard, the effect of resource change on yield will be examined. If we consider the resource distributions of our country, if used in the current energy production capacity in our country, the current resource distribution is 30.61 percent Natural gas, 24.24 percent Dam hydroelectric, 11.86 percent Lignite, 10.54 percent Imported Coal, 9.21 percent River. , 8.73 percent wind, 1.78 percent geothermal and 0.83 percent biomass (EMRA, 2020), it will be understood that there is cleaner electricity energy production compared to many countries. In addition, electric energy production in our country will be more advantageous according to the change in carbon emissions provided by petrol powered engines, which is the subject of the change in this research.

Different electricity prices may be possible in the short, medium and long term for the economic issues in the sustainable development goals. It is possible that each price change that will occur in this subject, the alternatives of which are examined in the relevant indicator, will have a great impact on poverty and economic development if electric vehicles are used by a wide audience, including the poor.


One of the goals that electric vehicles will have the greatest impact on will be to provide access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all, which is the 7th goal, Accessible and Clean Energy. These vehicles can also be considered as an energy facility on their own. Since the DC electric car engine is usually between 20 kW and 30 kW (Birer, 2020), today the value is 2-3 times the size of an average power house. If all vehicles in the world are electric, there is a need for access to the electricity grid wherever vehicles can reach. This creates expectations that there will be no need for additional resources by making use of the existing network at the beginning, but that new investments will need to be made with increasing numbers. It is expected that the rate of electric vehicles in all vehicles will reach 35 percent by 2030 worldwide. It is predicted that this number will be between 1 million and 2.5 million in Turkey (SHURA, 2019).

In terms of sustainable development goals, the impact of millions of vehicles in circulation will be seen in ensuring universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services, which should be realized by 2030. The fact that the fuel, which is the most basic transformation of electric vehicles compared to fossil fuel vehicles, is electricity, announces the need for an infrastructure that requires energy storage in these vehicles. For this, technologies such as both battery storage and fuel cells are used today. Batteries, which are much more common than fuel cells, are mounted on vehicles in large capacities for long-range use. The use of this capacity when energy cannot be obtained from the grid will create an alternative for access to energy. The intensive use of energy storage materials in electric vehicles also ensures the production of these materials in high quantities. Although this is a disadvantage for waste management, it has many advantages for the use of electrical energy, which is a critical public service. The intensive use of energy storage materials contributes positively to the development of the technology of these materials. Noise and heat problems are encountered in the materials used in battery products today (Ta?c?karao?lu & Erdin?, 2019) and this situation makes it difficult to use this storage material, which is in use, in daily life. With the increase in the amount of storage material and research and development studies in this area, the provision of more advanced technologies and the overcoming of noise and heat problems provide an advantage in creating the opportunity to use the products in different areas. The costs of these chemical storage materials, whose production amounts are increasing rapidly, provide improvements with the increase in supply. While the cost of batteries was around $1,100 per kWh 10 years ago, it has dropped to $150 today. Electric vehicles generally need battery capacities of at least 50 kWh. According to the research of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, called the Energy Initiative, with the support of energy companies and vehicle manufacturers such as Aramco, Equinor, Exxon Mobil, Shell, BP, Chevron, Toyota and General Motors, battery costs will increase by approximately 120 per kWh after 2030. It is expected to go down to $ levels (MIT Energy Initiative, 2019).

The increase in energy storage materials has a positive effect on the increase of renewable energy facilities. Since renewable energy facilities have constantly changing resources, it is possible to use these facilities in the most efficient way if they are a part of a system such as storage. Since renewable resources such as wind and sun are constantly affected by the changes in the world, their amounts can vary. We can give an example of the change in the amount of the sun due to the position of the sun on a day with very similar weather conditions, as well as the change of this renewable energy facility by another external effect such as the cloud. The effect of continuous changes can be due to the decrease in the capacity and not meeting the demand, as well as the sudden excessive rises and falls that will occur during the changes may cause the devices to experience problems. If the renewable energy facilities have an energy storage solution, the energy produced from the renewable energy facilities can be stored when the supply is higher than the demand and can be used when the demand for energy use is high. Since electric vehicles are in a sense an energy storage unit, it will be possible for a renewable energy facility to operate as a storage unit by simply connecting. For this, it will be sufficient for vehicles to be connected to renewable energy facilities when energy production is high. With the increase in electric vehicles, the establishment of renewable energy facilities in our living spaces will reach more production in this regard, technological infrastructure and development will increase in order to reduce the area in the living spaces of production facilities, thus the total cost of these facilities will be improved. In our country, the installation of renewable energy facilities in areas such as homes and workplaces is still limited. One of the reasons why renewable energy facilities are less common in living spaces with small capacity is that they are still not a profitable investment, and that they cannot coincide with the times that will contribute to the energy costs that serve the same result. The global renewable energy agenda report prepared by IRENA shows that at the end of 2016, photovoltaic energy production exceeded 55 million. Since batteries are used in houses, it is understood that renewable energy produced by solar energy in more than 275 million houses can meet the energy consumption of the house. In addition, with the rapid increase in the number of electric vehicles on the roads worldwide, low carbon or zero carbon has become possible (IRENA, 2020).

With energy storage providing the opportunity to use energy whenever we want, the proportion of the population with electricity access, which is the renewable energy-oriented indicators that should be reached by 2030 in the 7th objective, increasing the share of renewable energy in total energy consumption by increasing the share of renewable energy in global energy resources, Doubling the amount of improvement in efficiency, developing international cooperation to acquire renewable energy and energy efficiency research and technologies, and investing in energy infrastructure and clean energy technology areas will have a positive impact on investments in energy efficiency as a percentage of gross domestic product.

???????????The effect of the increase in electric vehicles on energy costs should be evaluated with the 1st objective, End poverty, end all forms of poverty everywhere. While there may be an increase in energy prices with the rapid increase in the number of electric vehicles, advantageous prices may be encountered thanks to the storage capacity of the vehicles in case of investments equivalent to demand on the supply side. With the rapid improvement in the sales prices of electric vehicles, it is estimated that between 2022 and 2024, the prices of fossil fuel (Diesel, Gasoline, LPG, etc.) vehicles will catch up (Bloomberg, 2019). Considering the current fuel (electricity) costs of electric vehicles, the sales numbers are expected to gain a rapid increase. At this stage, the prices are advantageous. If the number of electric vehicles increases too quickly, if the energy supply cannot respond quickly to this demand, it is possible to experience increases in energy prices. If the rapid increase forecast is realized, it will be necessary to establish a charging infrastructure that will respond to this demand. According to the data obtained from the vehicles in use in Turkey so far; a consumption of approximately 3,000 kWh per vehicle (SHURA, 2019). Both in the world and in Turkey, at the first stage, it is expected that there will be a maximum of 30 percent electric vehicles by 2030. With the current expectations, there is no expectation of a crisis in the energy supply due to the increase in electric vehicles. A high price situation is only likely to happen if there is a rapid increase. If the rate of increase in the number of electric vehicles and the pace of electricity generation investments are similar, or if there is no restriction, a more balanced use of capacity will lead to an advantage in energy costs. By evaluating the energy production capacity, which decreases especially at night, in batteries, which are the storages of electric vehicles, idle and cheaper cost capacity at low demand times will be used.

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Figure 2: EP?A? Market Clearing Price for January 18, 2021

In the period of the increase in electric vehicles, the rate of increase in the investment capacity of additional energy consumption facilities may not be as high as it is now. Electric vehicles' need for energy capacity will be lower than other consumption points, as they help a more balanced energy demand by dispersing energy facilities around the clock and using low-capacity days such as the days when the industry is not working, and providing energy back to the electricity grid from their batteries, which are energy stores. That means; The fact that the increase rate of electric vehicles is higher than the increase rate of electrical power generation facilities will not create a problem. How much the scissors will be here should be closely followed by the energy market and care should be taken not to open it. The ability of electric vehicles to provide energy back to the electricity grid will create an alternative capacity in times when the energy demand is at the top and the energy production supply is very difficult. In this process, electric vehicle users will also benefit. As seen in the table with the market clearing prices of EP?A? on January 18, 2021, if the electric vehicle is fully charged between 2:00 and 6:00 when the energy costs are low, this energy will make a profit if it sells during the day when the prices are high. Currently, hourly pricing applications are not available for home users, but since this pricing mechanism is available in the free market, it will inevitably enter our lives with intense hourly demand. Pursuant to objective 12, elimination of market disturbances, including phasing out harmful incentives that have an impact on the environment and adjusting tax structures to national circumstances, taking into account the specific needs and conditions of developing countries, and protecting affected communities, as they will have potential adverse effects on development subsidies on fossil fuels and fossil fuel subsidies as a percentage of the country's total fossil fuel expenditure and gross domestic product need to be changed. Another important issue related to the 1st objective is that some companies that currently produce vehicles will shift their production to other countries because they are electric vehicles, while there may be negative changes in the economic conditions in the countries where the old facilities are located, while the economic conditions will improve in the places where new facilities are opened. Likewise, if companies with fossil fuel vehicles lose their superiority in the market and withdraw from the market as the worst result, negative effects may occur in the lives of the people working in these companies and in the lives of people working in many sectors that feed on this field. Since there is a global balance here, companies that started their lives with the production of electric vehicles will also have positive effects in the economic life, and new job opportunities and more economical comfort conditions will be provided to the people living here. As in the new automobile venture in Turkey, where there are companies that will start production with electric vehicles for the first time, it will be possible to create a positive effect for this region in reducing poverty with the employment that will be created due to the production to be made. With the production in their own country and the decrease in the number of vehicles purchased by the countries before, it will be a positive situation for exports if these companies can make international sales. The opposite will happen in countries with declining sales. The fact that there may be a global advantage or disadvantage in the shift of production from production places to other regions today, and it is necessary to further develop and monitor the sector in order to measure this. Today, with the announcement that many new companies will start their production in different countries, we will be seeing the results of these effects.


With the increase in electric vehicles, there will be batteries with chemical energy storage solutions that will need to be found in our lives more than ever before. When batteries for electric vehicles are no longer usable, recycling processes will not be easy compared to other parts. These materials are often discussed within the framework of the waste hierarchy: they go through processes such as reduction, then reuse, recycling, energy recovery and treatment and disposal (European Council, 2008). Also known as a stepped approach, it is a guiding philosophy used by policy makers for the sustainable management of many types of solid waste. When batteries are removed from an electric vehicle for no longer use, they can be reused in stationary storage applications or sent to recycling facilities to recover component materials. By managing used EV batteries, value preservation processes can extend product life through reuse, repair, refurbishment or remanufacturing. Conserving value has been shown to significantly reduce material demand and emissions in other industries. Regardless of whether batteries are reused for stationary storage, they will eventually need to be recycled or disposed of. Understanding the opportunities and barriers associated with recycling is crucial to reduce the environmental impacts associated with mining and refining primary resources, as well as to prevent improper disposal of batteries (IEA, 2020).

Health and Quality Life, which is the 3rd goal: Issues that should be associated with the increase in electric vehicles in order to secure a healthy and quality life at all ages; It will reduce the number of diseases and deaths caused by harmful chemicals in the indicators and air, water and soil pollution. Since the disposal of batteries at the end of their useful life is both technically difficult and costly, it may not be preferred in developing countries. At this stage, it is up to the international community to monitor the chemical pollution in each country in order to avoid high pollution. These large amounts of waste materials that will mix into the seas and oceans can turn into such a great danger that all nations will be harmed. Batteries conversion procedures should be implemented with precision and their results should be made a matter of public scrutiny. Purpose 6: Clean Water and Sanitation By minimizing the release of chemicals and substances, halving the proportion of untreated wastewater, and recycling and safe reuse are global indicators to reduce pollution, indicators within which to ensure accessible water and wastewater services for all and sustainable water management. Increasing the water quality by increasing the rate of water areas with good water quality environment is followed. 12. The Purpose is Responsible production and consumption, ensuring the sustainable management and effective use of natural resources, one of the indicators within the scope of ensuring sustainable production and consumption patterns, and ensuring the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes throughout their life cycles, minimizing chemical and waste effects in terms of human health and the environment. It is aimed to reduce their mixing with air, water and soil.

When the relationship between the energy produced from all energy sources and electric vehicles is examined, the electrical energy production capacity produced independently from the source can be used. Although there is an expansion from petroleum-based fuels to some biofuels in fossil fuel vehicles, an energy source that does not emit carbon is possible in such vehicles and every new technology can only be a cleaner source. In order for electric vehicles to be a cleaner energy source, the sources coming from the electricity network from which they obtain energy must also be clean. With the transition from fuel engines such as Diesel, Gasoline and LPG to electric motors, fuel-based greenhouse gas production in automobiles is eliminated. By comparing whether the electrical energy source is cleaner or more polluted than the existing petroleum products, it can be understood whether these sources are clean in terms of all environmental sources. Countries that mostly produce energy from clean sources (such as Turkey) offer cleaner electrical energy in total compared to petroleum products (?zdemir, 2020) and are more preferable in terms of the environment. In regions such as China, where electricity generation is predominantly produced from dirty sources such as coal (Paik, 2015), even if the vehicle produces zero greenhouse gases, it may do more harm than good in terms of total pollution in terms of the environment. When assessing total contamination, the type of generation source and the amount of power it imparts via the electric motor must also be taken into account. If we explain with an example, considering that the production of all electrical energy in a region creates more greenhouse gas emissions and pollution than petroleum-based fuels, the electrical energy obtained from here is used in a higher efficiency electric motor compared to internal combustion engines, as well as the result obtained in the internal combustion engine providing the same kWh power. should be compared with the results. While there may be more greenhouse gas emissions and pollution from the energy source, it is possible that the increase here will have less effects due to the efficiency in the engines. Electric motors are much more efficient than internal combustion engines. Electric motors can convert more than 90 percent of the energy they use into motion energy. This ratio is around 25 percent in fossil fuel-based internal combustion engines. Electric motors used in electric vehicles are divided into alternating current or direct current motors. Generally, the electric motor of a DC electric vehicle works between 20 kW and 30 kW (Birer, 2020). When this power is compared with our houses, it is seen that this power in electric vehicles is approximately 2 to 3 times of a house. Even this simple comparison shows how much power we are dealing with. Considering the efficiency of the engines and the additional benefits it creates, it is clear that this change will increase efficiency. In this regard, recovering the kinetic energy obtained from the braking mechanism while the electric vehicles are slowing down is one of the most important additional benefits. By performing engine braking in this way, the load on the brake systems on the wheels of the vehicle is reduced, and these parts can be used more. In addition, electric motors do not consume energy while waiting without transmitting power, like internal combustion engines, in moments such as waiting in traffic or not accelerating in motion. The energy we waste in this way is also an item that should be added while making all calculations.

Even in the case of co-pollution in terms of air pollution, it will be possible to move away from the living spaces with electric vehicles, such as exhaust gas density, which reduces the quality of people's living spaces. When this is evaluated in terms of health, it will be possible to provide an advantage. Today, in many city centers, it is aimed to prefer lower engine volume vehicles by taking high tax when there is a high engine, in order to avoid exhaust pollution that occurs in places with heavy traffic in many city centers. If electric vehicles are preferred, this will help the desired emission reduction. An important prevention of electric vehicles will be for noise pollution. With the engines completely silent, only the sounds from the vehicle's contact with the road will remain from the electric vehicles. This will eliminate the noise in city centers and crowded roads, which are very noisy today, and it will be possible to make a permanent improvement. In terms of sound, this can be called as an advantage, since the pollution in the fuel will be reduced, not as a displacement, but will completely disappear.

Reducing the negative environmental impacts of cities per capita by increasing the air quality, which is in the indicators of making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, which is the 11th objective regarding waste and air pollution items in the sustainable development goals, Damages and deaths from air pollution by households and the surrounding environment, 13. Climate action The indicator for urgent action to combat climate change and its effects is to develop low greenhouse gas emissions and improve climate resilience and to increase the ability to adapt to the negative effects of climate change, Developing education, awareness raising and human and institutional capacity on mitigating climate change, adaptation to climate change, mitigation and early warning, 14th goal is life in water. Addressing and minimizing the effects of ocean acidification, which is one of the indicators within the scope of protecting and sustainable use of trace resources. ensuring sustainable forest management; combating desertification; stopping and reversing land degradation; In this context, preventing the loss of biodiversity will be positively affected by the advantage of electric vehicles in greenhouse gas emissions. 3. When the other indicators within the purpose are examined; As electric vehicles replace the currently used fossil fuel vehicles, the type of energy consumption will change rather than the driving technologies of vehicles. For this reason, it seems that it will not have an effect on the change in the number of deaths and injuries in traffic accidents that will occur on the highways in the indicators. With the next developments, it will be necessary to review the advantages if the developments in technology in electric vehicles develop more in the driving technologies and body of the vehicles.

With the spread of electric vehicles in our country, it will provide a great advantage in the case of the development of technology in vehicle types using fuel cells. The majority of boron minerals are found in our country. Turkey's technically proven boron mineral reserves are determined as 800 million tons, and the total probable reserves are determined as 2,443,142,000 tons. 72.5 percent of the world's reserves are in our country. With these reserves, there is enough Boron mineral to last 450 years for the whole world. Sodium Boron Hydride (NaBH4) can be used directly as a fuel cell in liquid form (?zdemir, 2020).




Electric vehicles are becoming commonplace in many cities around the world. The electrification of transport is taking place in a wide variety of forms, including personal cars, taxi, ridesharing, ride-hailing and municipal fleets, city buses, two-wheelers, and commercial and freight vehicles (IEA, 2020). Changes in these increasing vehicle fleets all over the world will take place in the long term, whether fast or slow. When we examine the indicators related to technology 1.4. The amount of assistance given to developing countries in research and development for sustainable consumption, production and environmentally compatible technologies, Advancing North-South, South-South and tripartite regional and international cooperation in the fields of science, technology and innovation, and access to science, technology and innovation, particularly at the United Nations level, in order to strengthen the means of implementation of partnerships for purposes 17 and to revive the global partnership for sustainable development. enhanced cooperation between existing mechanisms and increased knowledge sharing on agreed provisions through a global technology facilitation mechanism, countries by type of cooperation support the development, transfer and dissemination of environmentally sound technologies in developing countries on favorable terms, including on concessionary and priority terms as agreed jointly, and the development, transfer, dissemination and dissemination of environmentally sound technologies Technology transfer will be associated with the charging infrastructure of electric vehicles and waste management in energy storage solutions in the total approved fund amount for developing countries that encourage Although there are changes in the countries producing electric vehicles, there are technology transfers to be made to the countries that use the vehicles, even if there is no transfer in the current vehicle manufacturer countries, predominantly in the automotive sector. As mentioned in the section on waste-related materials, if the harmful wastes that will arise from electric vehicles are left alone, there will be difficulties in reaching the sustainable development goals if the countries that drive and do not develop technology are left alone.

It will make the infrastructure more sustainable in developing countries that will enable them to produce their own technologies beyond just technology transfer. When the objectives and indicators in the sustainable development goals are examined, the 9th objective is to establish durable infrastructures for industry, innovation and infrastructure, to support inclusive and sustainable industrialization and to strengthen innovation, to increase the more efficient use of resources in passenger and cargo volume, Enhance scientific research by developing infrastructure and retrofit industries to be sustainable through greater adoption of robust technologies and industrial processes, fostering innovation, and significantly increasing research and development per 1 million people, public research, private research and government spending Expanding the technological capabilities of the industrial and industrial sectors is moving to African countries, least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing states. It will be associated with facilitating sustainable and resilient infrastructure development in developing countries through the delivery of expanded financial, technological and technical support. In this way, instead of just sharing the available technologies, providing their own development environment will provide an important gain in order to provide quality education, which is the 14th goal, to provide inclusive and equitable quality education and to encourage lifelong learning opportunities for everyone. Support for the establishment of research and development infrastructure in countries working to develop technologies will create wealth from the youngest schools to higher education. It is very natural that the quality of schools and education in places with industry and technology development is affected by the environment. Even within this country, schools in regions with more industrial and technological opportunities are more positively affected, while education in regions where these opportunities are less is weaker in the technical field.


Since transportation has become a basic need in our daily lives, every change made in this area affects all areas of life more or less. With the transition from fossil fueled vehicles to electric vehicles, they have been classified as such because they do not have a direct effect that can be matched with the indirect effect on the substances listed below. Since the industries of vehicles and fuels have a large share in global economies, the changes will play a role in both inter-communal exchanges and changes in the shares of segments within societies. For example, even if vehicles use electricity instead of petroleum products, the values of energy resources, regional wealth and geopolitical positions of countries will be affected.

When the objectives and indicators within the sustainable development goals are examined; The 2nd goal is to end hunger; End hunger, achieve food security and good nutrition and support sustainable agriculture, Goal 5 Gender equality Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls, Goal 8 Decent work and economic growth Ensuring stable, inclusive and sustainable economic growth Promote full and productive employment and decent work for all, reduce inequalities within and between countries, the 10th goal is Reducing Inequalities. When the indicators under the headings of Peace, justice and strong institutions, which are the 16th goal, are to establish peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, to ensure access to justice for all and to create effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels, it is seen that there is no content that is directly affected.


In this study, which examines the transformation to electric vehicles with sustainable development goals; By examining how electric vehicles enter our lives and what kind of changes they create, it has been tried to make comments on how this change, which will have an impact on social life, has a positive or negative effect on goals and targets. Although electric vehicles entered our lives even before our generation, they could not find a place due to the insufficient technology development, but they have entered our lives again due to the developing technology and environmental sensitivity. The titles on how to create an impact in terms of the environment and the reduction in air pollution and emission emissions acquired by the transition from the internal combustion engine to the electric motor can be grouped under the main titles as the effects of electric vehicles and chemical storage materials whose use is increased. With electric vehicles replacing fossil fuel vehicles in our cities, exhaust gas will be removed from residential areas where people live, and those living in these areas will reach a cleaner living space. In order to produce a total benefit from a global perspective, it will not be enough to throw the exhaust gas out of the living spaces in cities by using electric vehicles. If similar fossil fuels or worse, more polluting sources are to be used in electrical power generation facilities instead of the fossil fuel currently used in internal combustion engines, there will be no overall gain for the environment. As we move away from fossil-based products such as coal and oil, it can be said that electric cars are completely environmentally friendly when production is made with clean sources. At this point, the efficiency of the internal combustion engine and the efficiency of the engines in the electric vehicle are also factors to be taken into account. Electric motors have more advantages due to their high efficiency, not wasting fuel in passive situations such as waiting in traffic or not accelerating, and recovering in braking.

When the issue of access to public services, which is another important topic after environmental effects, is examined; electric vehicles will provide technical and financial benefits by helping the capacity of existing power generation facilities in the energy sector to be used more efficiently. It will ensure the efficient use of energy capacity by providing a huge energy storage capacity with the sum of the battery units of all vehicles and by filling the energy storage capacity when energy is used less, that is, when the unit cost is low. The storage of energy in low-cost times and its consumption in high-cost times concerns both the states due to the energy grid and the citizens who will be affected by the exchange cost. It will help to improve the foreign dependency in energy products, which is a critical issue for many countries, by ensuring the use of idle capacities of electricity generation facilities across the country. The energy supply security of our country is of great importance both politically and economically. The situation valid for Turkey is also valid in many European countries and countries that are not energy producers in different parts of the world. It is possible to turn the lack of fossil resources in these regions into a positive one for a more sustainable environment by trying to meet with renewable energy that increases its capacity by improving its technology day by day.

Many countries without fossil fuel resources have renewable natural resources. Generally, the reason why the resource potential cannot be converted into energy production is that the technology opportunities in these countries are not sufficient. With the spread of electric vehicles all over the world, technology companies have the opportunity to produce new products and solutions. Delivering new products and solutions to worldwide users will provide both financial gain and increase in qualified employment for our country. Support for Research and Development activities is very important as the use of domestic resources will become easier with the development of technology. With the on-site use of the budgets allocated for technology and research and development activities within the scope of sustainable development goals, the use of clean sourced production facilities and equipment that consumes clean energy will become widespread all over the world.

When it comes to the transportation services we use in our daily lives, it is possible that many sub-sectors will be affected by this situation, taking this into account, the production facilities that change between countries will also affect the lives of individuals. Since the change to be experienced in this regard is interregional, it has been added as a note instead of qualifying it as positive or negative.


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