How To’s – Deploy DMVPN Phase 3 with IKEv2
Hi there, in this post will see how to secure DMVPN with IKEv2.
When compared to IKEv1 the big difference is how we authenticate the peers in IKE Phase 1. Without diving to deep into IKEv2 (we'll see more on FlexVPN), let’s just say that it is IKEv1 with steroids :-). A good use case for using IKEv2 instead of IKEv1, would be if each spoke required a different policy to secure the tunnels. We can configure the hub with a single tunnel, and make it accept the different policies proposed by the spokes.
These are the parameters we have to configure for IKEv2:
NewYork - Hub
Let's check DMVPN tunnel on the Hub
Encryption is UP for all the spokes
Testing reachability from PC2 (London) packets are delivered "successfully (kind off...)".
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