DMC presents WA Austmine business keen to engage with Indonesia miners.

DMC presents WA Austmine business keen to engage with Indonesia miners.

On the 26th July 2022, the Djakarta Mining Club (DMC) held a gathering in Jakarta of more than 50 industry executives, while more attended online. The first part of the presentation was organized with “Austmine - showing innovative Western Australia mining technologies and solutions”. In Indonesia, Austmine has engaged?The Britmindo Group?as their in-country business consultant in Indonesia. The WA METS Digital Mining Export Hub Coordinator, is Jolene James:?[email protected].

Presenters were allocated 5-minute slots over zoom to showcase their business;

Jon Landau of Portable PPB; Product is portable low level XRF detectors (ppb) of gold.

Richard Bek of Digatex; customized solutions for Gaining Digital Access To Legacy Drawings and Documents Using Artificial Intelligence.

Paul Callaghan of Oleology; Product is water treatment solutions.

Mahmood Hussein of Global Drone Solutions; drone surveys and training

Jakes Raubenheimer & Arsanda Ardianto of BBE Consulting Australia; Underground ventilation.

Richard Williams of McLanahan Corporation; product is manufacture of mineral processing equipment.

Andre Cadellaa of Motiun produce rugged panels PCS & tablets that fit into mining equipment.

Marc Fimeri of Adept Turnkey P/L produce imaging equipment (Ore3D Ore Fragmentation Particle Sizing System)

David Nassahi of S5 system produce micro sensors to detect wear etc.

Wade Guelfi of PROK produce new generation conveyors.

Johan Hawinkel of MTi Group produce Smart Tools for Better Blast Outcomes.

Willem Krog of Dome Shelter Australia produce domed / arched buildings.

This was an impressive list of keen Western Australian METS companies with interest to promote their business into the Indonesian mining sector. However, it appeared that only 3 or 4 such companies had any experience or knowledge of what is involved in doing business in Indonesia. Only about 3 of the presenters provided web site or contact information for follow up, wherein this article included a Google search to find these companies web sites. Many of the presentations were difficult to see from the back of the room (tiny lettering). Despite pre meeting contact, some of the presenters had difficulty to ensure their screen share / sound etc was working properly. Overall, many of these presenters need to improve their “elevator pitch”, and sharpen their focus to the specific market (Indonesia). Many of these products and services would appear to be readily marketable in Indonesia. In a very few cases it appears that some of these WA products have strong competition with well established Indonesian domestic products.

Well done Djakarta Mining Club and Austmine.


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