DLT in Trade: Where do we Stand? (2)

DLT in Trade: Where do we Stand? (2)

Written by Deepesh Patel (TFG) and Emmanuelle Ganne (WTO)

A year is an eternity in the world of technological development, especially for a technology that has only been in existence for ten. The past year has taken this to a wildly new extreme. At the end of 2019, Trade Finance Global (TFG) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) teamed up to produce DLT in Trade: A Reality Check, where we unveiled a Periodic Table of DLT projects. From the outset, the Periodic Table was never designed to be static. The compounding forces of rapid technological innovation and a global pandemic have made seismic shifts in the world of DLT in Trade. It’s now time for an update. TFG and WTO are teaming up again to produce an updated version, DLT in Trade: Where Do We Stand?


This new publication provides an update to the original periodic table and introduces a new section on the standardization initiatives that work towards creating the standardized framework the industry craves.

Periodic Table

Since the original rendition, a lot has changed in the DLT in Trade landscape. Some of the projects that were profiled in the original version have fallen aside while others have risen from the ashes to take their place. A few, like Contour (previously, Voltron), have progressed from a consortium to an incorporated legal entity, enabling them to provide the full commercial services that they were previously unable to. Most of the projects, however, have made steady progressions towards their goals of a digitalized industry.

This updated version, focusing again on the digitalization side of DLT in Trade, has sectioned to projects into seven categories: Supply Chain Finance, Trade Finance, Know Your Customer (KYC), Insurance, DLT Digitization of Trade Documents, Shipping and Logistics / Supply Chain, and a miscellaneous category for projects that do not neatly fit into any of the other sections. Similar to the previous edition, each project is presented with its underlying technology as well as an evaluation of its current stage of maturity.

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At the time of the initial publication, in November 2019, the average stage of maturity across all of the projects was profiled to be 2.3 out of 5, with 1 representing the proof of concept (POC) stage and 5 representing live and running (well established). Today, nearly a year later, the average maturity has risen to 3.3, placing the average project between the early stages of production and being live and running.

This rise in the overall maturity indicator indicates that, despite some turmoil amongst individual initiatives, the industry as a whole has been steadily progressing in a forward direction.

To learn more about each of the initiatives listed in the periodic table, including insights into their operating models and current participants, have a look at the full publication, DLT in Trade: Where do we Stand?

Standardization initiatives

In conjunction with the publication, DLT in Trade: Where do we Stand?, TFG and WTO also produced a supplemental survey on the impact of Covid on DLT in Trade. According to this survey, a lack of standards is viewed as one of the largest challenges facing DLT in Trade initiatives in their quests to scale up. Not only this, but it also plays a role in exacerbating some of other challenges that have been identified by the survey, such as legal and regulatory.

To help address the challenges created by a lack of standards, developing and implementing globally accepted digital standards for trade is a necessary step. To help shed light on the state of the initiatives working towards standardization in the space, this updated and revised publication identifies and examines several such projects.

Some standardization projects are focused on particular sectors or geographies while others are more general. Some are being spearheaded by large international organizations, others by private companies. The following table provides an at-a-glance look at some key initiatives in the space. To learn more about each of these Standardizations Initiatives, have a look at the full publication.

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Any discussion of standardization in a digitalized trade world would not be complete without mentioning the importance of regulatory work and of building a harmonized regulatory framework. A key actor in this respect is the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL). While this is not a standardization body, it plays a key role in working to build a harmonized international trade law framework to drive further progress.

The role of this commission, operating in conjunction with the standardization initiatives detailed in the full publication, provide a necessary foundation for the DLT in trade projects to thrive. Without this crucial groundwork, the industry would not be where it is today.


It’s crazy to think just ten short years ago distributed ledger technology was little more than an idea. Over the past five years it has revealed its hand, demonstrating the potential power it brings to naturally leery industries like international trade. Today, we are beginning to see the pieces fall into place and its industrious powers come to fruition. The past year has brought many changes to the space. The next year is on pace to do the same. With the continued dedication of thought leaders and innovative thinkers operating at the digital intersection of trade and DLT, progress will be made. We hope that 365 days from today, the snapshot provided in DLT in Trade: Where do we Stand? is also outdated and due for an update. That will mean the industry is making strides towards its digitized vision. 

I don’t see Triterras or Kratos here? They did $5 billion of volume in the past 6 months and on Nov 10th will compete a public listing on NASDAQ at close to a $1 billion valuation. Is anyone else at that scale?


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