Is DLT necessary to build a CBDC? Part 1
Much has been written about different technical implementation options of central bank digital currencies. Often, the use of DLT is proposed. It appears that the choice in favour or against DLT is so fundamental, that the CBDC Tracker even has it as a dedicated category. Yet, I often observe a lack of clarity about what DLTs are, what they can provide, and how that relates to the desired characteristics of a CBDC. In this series, I want to examine these topics in more detail, starting out with an introduction to DLT. Stay tuned for more!
Series overview.
What is a DLT?
As an academic reference, I will follow the definitions by Xu et al. There, a distributed ledger is defined to be an “append-only store of transactions which is distributed across many machines”. Here, append-only means that the set of transactions keeps growing, i.e., it is impossible to remove it at a later point in time. Typically, this is ensured through cryptographic means: If an attacker were to tamper with the ledger on one machine, the other machines across which the ledger is distributed, or a client interacting with the ledger, would reject the entries that have been tampered with. A popular way to implement such append-only storage is by using chains of hashes, where older transactions and their hashes feed into hashes of newer transactions. This concept is well-understood in computer science and has many applications outside distributed ledgers. In other words, a distributed ledger is a logbook of all transactions that have occurred historically, and on which all nodes agree based on a predefined consensus algorithm.?
Adding on to that, Xu et al. define a blockchain to be a special kind of distributed ledger, in which the ledger “is structured into a linked list of blocks”. There, transactions are not treated in isolation, but rather, they are grouped and processed together. Typical examples for blockchains are Bitcoin and Ethereum. An example of a distributed ledger that is not a blockchain is Corda.
Note that the term transaction is left unspecified in the above definitions. This is intentional, since transactions can have many different shapes. In the financial context, this is typically understood to mean the moving of funds between parties, where those movements may be simple (“A transfers $50 to B”) or conditional (“A transfers $50 to B, unless C vetoes within one day”). Some systems are more flexible and allow operators to assign custom meaning to transactions.?
Finally, let us turn our attention to the “T” in “DLT”, which means technology. In other words, DLT abstracts away from a concrete running system, and focuses on the technology platform that can be used to implement distributed ledgers. This distinction is important, but often murky: Ethereum can refer to both the public Ethereum network, or the technology platform that powers it, its various test networks, and many other instances. The collection of algorithms, conventions, code, and other contributions to the correct operation of a distributed ledger can be referred to as its protocol.?
For the purpose of this series, only the basic design criteria of distributed ledgers are relevant. Consequently, I will ignore most of the technical details, such as transaction and block format, account or UTxO model, and cryptographic algorithms. The reason is simple: CBDCs can be made to work on DLTs regardless of those technical choices.
What do distributed ledgers provide?
While there are many varieties of distributed ledger platforms, they share a few key characteristics, which I will discuss here: Immutability, Atomicity, Decentralization, Consensus, and Incentivization. Later in this series, I will analyse which of these characteristics are useful for CBDC, as well as if and how they can be achieved with non-distributed-ledger technology.
Once a transaction has been accepted for inclusion in a distributed ledger, it will not be removed. This is a direct consequence of the ledger’s append-only nature. It also ensures non-repudiation: parties to a transaction – once included in the ledger – can neither successfully nor convincingly deny that the transaction has happened. Another useful property is that the current state of the world, e.g., account balances, can always be re-computed by starting from any chosen state and re-applying all transactions that have occurred since then.
Although – as discussed above – there is no uniform definition of transactions, any distributed ledger treats its transactions as atomic. In technical terms, atomicity means that the effects of the transaction are indivisible, and either occur fully, should the transaction be included, or not at all. To give a concrete example: Given a payment transaction of $50 from A to B, atomicity would be violated if B is credited with $50, but A is not debited the same amount. This may be caused by a network or power outage. DLTs protect against this scenario and will only acknowledge inclusion of a transaction into the ledger if all modifications have been carried out properly. This may pose significant challenges if, like Ethereum, a single transaction may trigger a multitude of constituent modifications to the system’s state. One such example are flash loans, where the loaned money is paid, put to use, and repaid in the same transaction.
To explain decentralization, it is useful to distinguish it from the well-understood concept of distribution. In computing, a distributed system refers to a network of autonomous computers that work together. While the network may span different data centres or even continents, control is typically exercised by a single entity, such as an organization running the system. As Xu et al. point out, in such a system, “a central authority could manipulate the whole system”. In contrast, a decentralized system would “devolve responsibility and capability” to individual participants. For example, in Bitcoin, the network is structured as follows: Participants form a peer-to-peer network which anybody can join. While everybody in the network receives new blocks of the chain and new pending transactions, some participants choose to also contribute computing power in the process known as mining. Those participants continuously solve a mathematical challenge that results in a new block being added approximately every ten minutes, and in turn, transactions being included in the ledger. Statistically, every individual participant will create new blocks at a rate that is proportional to their fraction of compute power compared to the whole network. Other networks like Ethereum use a different system, where block formation depends on reserving some holdings as a stake. But in both Bitcoin and Ethereum, the set of participants in potentially unbounded, and everyone “gets a say”. This is referred to as permissionless. In contrast, some DLTs may restrict membership on various criteria. This is referred to as a permissioned. In cases where the set of participants is well-known, there are typically legal arrangements in place that codify the operation of the system. This is referred to as a consortium blockchain or distributed ledger. Depending on the degree of decentralization, distributed ledgers often enjoy high resilience, because they can continue operating even in the face of network failures, which is ensured by consensus (see next paragraph).
Closely related to decentralization, consensus refers to the algorithm that is used by the participants to collaborate. As an example, assume that there are five computers, each under individual control by different entities, that are allowed to validate transactions and append them to the ledger. Each computer keeps its own copy of the ledger (the “D” in “DLT”). If a transaction is submitted, they need to arrive at a common verdict about its validity, and later, to ensure that the ledger is updated uniformly across the system. From a computer science perspective, the challenge is to maintain immutability and atomicity in a system where participants may not trust each other. To solve this problem, multiple consensus algorithms are known that, in essence, allow all participants in a distributed system to arrive at a common view of the system. A particular subcategory of these algorithms that do not assume mutual trust between participants is called Byzantine consensus. Under normal circumstances, when everyone adheres to the same protocol, consensus will be achieved easily. In case of disagreements, a fork might occur, where the network participants are split into two groups which may have differing views over the state of the ledger. Reasons for disagreements include not just malicious actors, but also (temporary) network outages. Such forks would, if ever, rarely occur in consortium arrangements, where disagreements can be resolved through legal proceedings (governance).
Participants in a distributed ledger system may spend a considerable amount of computing power to validate transactions and append them to the ledger. This is especially true in Proof-of-Work systems like Bitcoin. Therefore, these participants need to be incentivized, for example by financial gains, to contribute. More specifically, the incentive structure must be set up to reward correct behaviour and punish protocol violations. Cryptocurrencies typically incentivize their participants through a combination of transaction fees and minting (reward). In more restricted settings such as consortium ledgers, incentive structure can be more subtle, and range from intrinsic motivation of participants towards legal agreements.
Conclusion & Outlook
In this post, I have introduced the key terminology of distributed ledger and blockchains, as well as their key characteristics. Distributed ledgers ensure immutability, meaning once a transaction is included in the ledger, it cannot be removed. Atomicity is another characteristic, ensuring that the effects of a transaction are indivisible and either fully occur or not at all. Decentralization refers to the devolution of responsibility and capability to individual participants, while consensus is the algorithm used by participants to collaborate and maintain a common view of the system. Incentivization is important to motivate participants to contribute to the system. The next part of this series will be about smart contracts and programmability. Together, this will pave the way for a deeper understanding of the applicability of DLTs to a CBDC implementation.
Notes & References
Pruning. Some distributed ledgers allow for pruning procedures, where the actual transaction data can be removed, but the full system state is retained and can always be verified through cryptographic hashes. Pruning therefore corresponds to compressing the ledger data, not to undoing transactions. One specific example for this is the way Ethereum uses Merkle trees for state roots. For further reading, see the articles “Selective Blockchain Transaction Pruning and State Derivability” and “Merkling in Ethereum”.
Permissioned DLTs. Restrictions to join the network can refer to permissions to initiate, read, validate, and write transactions. Examples of systems that have broad permissions to initiate and read, but not validate and write, are Hedera Hashgraph and Ripple (sometimes referred to as public permissioned). Systems that are typically used to operate in a fully restricted fashion are Hyperledger Fabric and Corda. In Corda, it is further possible to narrow down access to the system state further within the already restricted set of participants, so that participants enjoy privacy from each other.
Consensus. Byzantine consensus algorithms are a necessary prerequisite for cryptocurrencies, where participants are anonymous and have no reason to trust each other. It can successfully establish consensus given more than 50% of honest participants. Bitcoin’s consensus algorithm is based on Proof-of-Work and is often referred to as Nakamoto consensus. A weaker subcategory of consensus algorithm is called crash-fault tolerant consensus and cannot deal with malicious participants, but with routine network outages or storage failures. For further reading, see the articles “Trade-offs between Distributed Ledger Technology?Characteristics”.
Thanks to my colleagues Daniel Nagy , Martin R?nnebeck and Severino Sequeira for their comments on early drafts of this article.
PhD Scholar @UCTInfoSys | Fintech | DFS | Strategy | Innovation
1 年Interesting read!..
PD PhD in Decentralized Trust (online reputation, blockchain, NFT, metaverse, augmented human, AI...)
1 年Dear Lars, the next DeFi For Good international conference is exactly about why would blockchain creates a more transparent use of government taxes and decrease corruption. You're welcome to attend. We had only 1 slot for a CBDC presentation and Platypus privacy-preserving CBDC solution will be presented: All the best!