DLC coating for high corrosion resistance
Argor-Aljba SA
High performance DLC coatings (taC, aC, aC:H), PVD, PACVD, HiPIMS nanocoatings
DLC (Diamond Like Carbon) is a wide coating family, composed by different type of coating structure and related processes, able to increase:
hardness (up to 7000HV)
scratch resistance
abrasion resistance
corrosion resistance
reducing the friction
blackening of the surface
DLC coatings represent the ideal solution for many applications such as tribological applications and many more.?One of the most important benefits of DLC coating is the corrosion resistance; therefore, you can use DLC-coated tools in highly corrosive environments without the rust or stains formation.
The corrosion resistance performance of Diamond-Like Carbon is attributed to its physical and chemical properties. That’s why that DLC coatings play an important role in supporting and enforcing the corrosion protection.
The phenomenon of corrosion refers to the decay of metals, but almost all materials are subject to degradation and the level of pollution, nowadays, can deeply accelerate this process.
Corrosion measurements can help predict the resistance of materials to corrosion to estimate the life cycle of components, compare different materials and evaluate the behaviour of a material in a particular corrosive environment. Furthermore, corrosion measurements can also help manufacturers understand if coating processes are being performed to specification.
Concerning this topic, at our in-house laboratory we provide the following services: the corrosion measurement NSST according to ASTM B117 and a complete corrosion measurement report. We are available to support our customers to choose the suitable coating in order to obtain the best performance related to the importance of corrosion resistance.