DJM 陶瓷金属复合立磨备件(辊套与磨盘)技术介绍 DJM Meatl ceramic composite vertical mill spare parts (roller and pan) technology introduction
李刚 Lee Gang
Beijing JinMei Entrepreneur Co., Ltd (DJM) President (Metal matrix ceramic composite casting)
DJM 选用高Cr陶瓷复合材料,即在高Cr材料表面注入陶瓷颗粒形成陶瓷金属复合材料层,这层复合层的耐磨性能可达高Cr材料的3 – 4倍,同时这一复合层的厚度可制成达到原备件厚度的1/3,并可根据原磨损曲线有针对性的制作,即使某些颗粒出现裂纹,也只局限于颗粒本身而不扩展至基体。金属陶瓷辊套和衬板磨煤时平均磨损量(磨损深度)每1000小时为2-4mm,而高铬辊套和衬板磨煤时平均磨损量(磨损深度)每1000小时为5-9mm,金属陶瓷辊套使用到15000小时左右,其最大磨损量(磨损深度)在43mm~46mm,磨辊中线处磨深只有15mm左右, 金属陶瓷辊套单面使用寿命是高铬产品的2倍以上,金属陶瓷衬板是高铬产品的三倍以上。
To further increase its wear life, DJM selects high Cr ceramic composite materials, which forms the ceramic metal composite reinforcement through injection of ceramic particles into the high-Cr material , the composite layer wear-resisting property is than high Cr material 3-4 times, at the same time, the composite layer thickness can be made to a third of the thickness of the original spare parts, and can make the targeted composite material according to original wear curve. Even if some particles crack, also are limited its own, can’t expand the basement. Ceramic composites roller life is more than 2 times than NihardIV alloy and high Cr alloy.