.Django is a high-level web development framework written in Python that enables developers to build web applications quickly and efficiently.
.Django is a high-level Python web framework.
.Django automatically generates an admin interface based on the data models, providing a ready-to-use backend for managing site content and data.
.Django provides a powerful ORM system that allows you to interact with the database using Python classes and methods instead of writing SQL queries directly. This makes it easier to work with databases and promotes a more Pythonic way of dealing with data.
?-Documentation is excellent?
-Handles Security Problems
- PIP stands for "Python Package Index" and is the default package manager for Python programming language
- It is a command-line tool used to install, manage, and uninstall Python packages
- Here are some common commands and examples of how to use PIP:Installing a package: ? pip install package_nameUninstalling a package: pip uninstall package_nameUpgrading a package: pip install --upgrade package_nameListing installed packages: pip listFreezing requirements (saves a list of all installed packages and their version) : pip freeze > requirements.txt
Django installation and create project:
- Install Django:? Once you have Python installed, open the terminal (or command prompt on Windows) and install Django using PIP?
- Create a Django Project: In your terminal, navigate to the directory where you want to create your Django project. Then, run the following command to create a new Django project:
django-admin startproject project_name
- Navigate to the Project Directory :?
- Create a Django App : In Django, a project consists of one or more apps. Apps are modular components that serve specific purposes in your project, such as handling user authentication, managing blog posts, etc. To create a new app, run:
python manage.py startapp app_name
- Define Models : In Django, models are Python classes that represent the data structures and define the database schema. Open the models.py file in your app directory and define your models using Django's ORM.After defining the models, you need to add your app to the INSTALLED_APPS list in the settings.py file of your Django project:
- Create Database Tables : after defining your models, you need to create the corresponding database tables. Run the following command to apply the models and create the tables in the database:
- Create Views and Templates : Views are Python functions that handle HTTP requests and return HTTP responses. Templates are HTML files that define how the data is presented to the user. Create your views in the views.py file and templates in a templates directory inside your app directory.
- Configure URL Routing : URL routing maps URLs to specific views in Django. Open the urls.py file in your app directory and define the URL patterns for your views.
- Run the Development Server :?
python manage.py runserver
- Test Your Application : Open your browser and visit or https://localhost:8000/. You should see your Django application running.