DIY 3D Printer

The first step is to find and buy 3d printer DIY kit. Kits usually contain most of parts needed to assemble the printer and can be divided into two main types:

Scratch Built 3D Printer — This 3d printer DIY kit is for those who prefer to build thing from scratch, or in other words go to DIY RepRap route. Apart from some essential advantages this approach has also its disadvantages. In theory it can save you some money and since you build it from scratch you will know every nut and bolt in it by the time you can use it and successfully print your first object. Main disadvantage of this method is time. Literally it will take a lot of time to deal with all these hundreds of bolts, wires, belts and much other stuff. In the end you still need to select and purchase or build a controller board, but it depends on your skills level.

How to build a 3D printer from scratch

Kit Built 3D Printer — This type of kit is good if you want to save some money and at the same time not to deal with all challenges described in the 1st kit type. Many manufactures sell such kits with “easy-to-assemble” instructions included. I doubt that it will be as easy as assemble a chair from IKEA, so you still have to be mechanically inclined and able to understand basic geometry. Some of such kits contain not all parts and you may need to buy something in addition.

The next step will be to determine the design for your 3D printer. In my humble opinion most of DIY 3D printers have not very breathtaking and futuristic design in comparison with MakerBot and other brands. But it is also a matter of taste, for some people the design is not very important.

How to build a 3D printer from scratch

Once you have got your 3d print DIY kit and chosen the design you could go ahead and start the most fascinating and time consuming part — build your own 3d printer. Be prepared for sleepless nights and a lot of fun. Maybe you will make up something new and present your findings to RepRap community.

When the hardware part of the 3d printer is ready you also need to add a software component to it. It basically does the following things: allows you to view and alter 3d graphical objects, as well as converts the 3d images into instructions that 3d printer can understand.

Finally you can 3d print your first object! If you do not have anything to print, you can find a big variety of objects on specialized marketplaces such as Shapeways, Thingiverse and others. Before printing make sure that the object you want to 3d print has the right size and fit on the printer frame.

Isnt it fascinates your idea? To learn More about and make your innovation true come to our workshop with your own ideas, and built your own 3D Printer.(Kit will be provided)

The success comes in our way only when we don’t lose the opportunity.Opportunities are open to all, the way you utilize it, will mark you unique. Mark yourself unique by being the part of India’s first ever 3D Printer workshop and build your own 3D Printer.The opportunity is at your doorstep avail it when it is near to you..Grab it as early as possible,only limited seats are available.


[email protected]

Contact-+91–97899 68765

Venue- #67,1st Main Road, gandhi nagar,Adyar,Chennai-600020


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