Dixcart Legal's May Employment Law News
Welcome to May's Employment Law Newsletter from Dixcart Legal covering issues such as: #UnfairDismissal, #equalityact, ?#covid19uk, #Dismissal, #discriminationlaw , #DirectorDisqualification, #MentalHealth, #StressAtWork, #ACASguidance, #StaffWelfare, #disability, #brexit, #RetainedEULaw, #ACAS, #FlexibleWorking, #Diversity, #SexDiscrimination
Employment Law Case Update – May 2023
This month’s summary includes a look at the pools used for comparison in discrimination cases, considering all the options before dismissing for redundancy, taking a look at ...
Employment Law General Update – May 2023
This month’s news provides an update on the effect of the Retained EU Law Bill and the scrapping of the sunset clause, a new smart regulation from the DBT, a report on the post-pandemic economic growth...
If you would like any additional information, please contact Anne-Marie Pavitt or Sophie Banks on:?[email protected]
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