This Diwali let’s cheers to good health, good fortune, and good times!

This Diwali let’s cheers to good health, good fortune, and good times!

???? ???????? ???? ???? Happy Diwali

The celebration of Diwali or any other festival or any celebration for that matter only feels exciting if we are surrounded by goodness- good health, good environment, and good people.

It is the basic criteria for good fortune and then good times.

Everything in life comes with certain criteria (ifttt)

To have a good time, we need so many checks, but bad times require only one bad thing to happen and things turn sour.?

But this is the time for sweets, so not going the sour way.

So three sweet nothings (learnings) for you from us

  1. How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you
  2. You never lose by loving, you always lose by holding back
  3. Life is a one-time offer, use it well

Spread love, cheer, laughter, and always be kind, to yourself and others. Light yourself (both, enlighten & reduce your burdens) to illuminate people around you.

And always remember, you are doing it all for yourself.

Wishing you and your loved ones?

Shubh Deepawali





