DIWA welcomes 2025: a critical year for HRDD

DIWA welcomes 2025: a critical year for HRDD

2024 was a milestone year for DIWA.? Some highlights include:

  • Rebranding to Dignity in Work for All and launching a new website and social media presence
  • Publishing the report and toolkit: Implementing Ethical Standards in the In-Country Recruitment of Migrant Workers in Thailand
  • Attending dozens of fora to advance dignity in the workplace
  • Dedicating thousands of hours, boots on the ground, in 144 factories and plantations to understand key issues and conduct social audits for major brands in apparel, footwear, electronics, agriculture, seafood and more
  • Helping build the capacity of 350+ participants from major companies and suppliers in line with best practices in HRDD
  • Training 39 lead auditors for social responsibility
  • Partnering with 3 NGOs to conduct and publish groundbreaking research
  • Launching key partnerships in Japan for sustainability and human rights in seafood
  • Partnering with the Sustainable Coconut Partnership for a high-level human rights and living income assessment in Indonesia and the Philippines

There’s a lot on the horizon for 2025, another milestone year for us as we will celebrate our 20th anniversary in October.?

The past 20 years we have deepened the conversation on business and human rights.? We are known for thought leadership and real partnerships for results.? But we have not given as much time to external communication.? This year, we want to open up a little and share our two decades of experience in implementing best-in-class social auditing and capacity-building programs for suppliers in factories and plantations, on boats and on farms.?

2025 will be a critical year for companies that need to set up due diligence mechanisms in line with incoming regulations.? #CSDDD #ForcedLabourBan

There is no time to waste and we are here to help connect the dots between the Code of Conduct, supplier engagement and improvements to management systems that can move the needle for worker rights.?

As the clock ticks down for mandatory due diligence, we recommend that companies find ways to avoid drowning in the technicalities.? Rather, the focus should be on real engagement with suppliers and rights holders in the chain of activities.? Real partnership and better lines of sight will be key to track progress from baseline and ensure workers in the upstream benefit from the regulatory momentum for HRDD.??


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