Divorcing the Patriarchy
As we awaken from centuries of sleep, we begin to see the truth. As our great earth mother, Gaia, begins to regain her own consciousness – we harmonize. The ebb and flow of the tides that occur with the cycles of the moon, also occur within our own bodies and lives.
The imbalance of toxic energy – both masculine and feminine, comes to the surface to be seen. This darkness can no longer be unseen. It boldly rises in a glaringly ignorant state, disillusioned with it’s own self-serving control.
This toxic power is weak. It mistakenly assumes that it can overtake us once again. But this time is different. We are waking up.
The fear, pain and deception that have been used as tools of manipulation, repression and control will no longer yield the results they used to. Feminine energies are rebalancing. Masculine energies are rebalancing.
This rebalancing rejects toxicity. It rejects abuse. It rejects anything that is not of the light. ?
As darkness is revealed, do not be afraid to look. In fact, we must bear witness and hold space for this to arise - for only within the light of truth can darkness be released.
As mothers, we hold the greatest power of all - the ability to bring forth new life. We can create and we can destroy. It is how we are made. This sacred power is ours alone to bear, and something we must reclaim.
Many of us were never taught to stand in the strength of our truth and power. The patriarchy thought they removed it from us. They did not. We just forgot it for a while. ?
Our reclamation comes with learning to notice when and where we do not feel safe or supported. Without judging our feelings, we acknowledge and accept them. Bringing these realizations into our conscious awareness, we take aligned action.
Standing in the truth of what is, we clearly see the direction of where we would like to go and what we would like to experience. Do you choose darkness or do you choose light? This choice is yours alone.