Divorced Dad

Divorced Dad

I was a loving husband and dad to my daughter. It all came crashing down when my own wife filed a divorce behind my back and dragged me to court. The demands were all to her favour. I was in a shock and confused state when the lawyer listed down all her demands. I wasn't paying attention as my mind was going through confusion. I was down and disappointed. My mom in law chased me out of my own house which I built, demanded rental income from me from my own House. My wife took my daughter away from me. I built the relationship with her since she was born, pampering her with gifts.

I went back to house after 3 weeks to collect my items. To my surprise, my mom-in-law drove my wife and her newfound boyfriend back to the house. My daughter told me she has a new dad. I finally realised, all these while I was working long hours, my wife was dating this guy for a long time behind my back. My heart sank further, took my luggage and left the house disappointed.

What I did gave her was freedom to stay at home without any worries. I paid the bills, groceries and whatever she asked for. My daughter's school fees was settled. I taught my daughter maths during my off days and spent quality time with my family. I brought them to places to have quality meals at quality environment, and myself looking tired.

Did I lay hands on them or shout derogatory words at them? No. I am aware of myself where I must show the best of behaviour in front of my daughter. I just wished them all the best and continued towards my own endeavors.

What have I learnt during 6 years of marriage?

  • Never reveal my salary to my wife.
  • Never say yes to everything.
  • Always beware of who her friend circle is.
  • Always spend quality time with family. Money is never going to be enough.
  • Plan finances together.
  • Before planning on taking up loans for big ticket items like property purchase, always make sure both husband and wife sit, plan and work on how to pay up the loan for the next 30 years.
  • Child's future is in my hands. Her education is the best gift, a father would ever give.


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