Diving into the uses of Python
Ganesha Swaroop B
|17+ yrs exp Software Testing|Author| Mentor|Staff SDET|Technical Writer|Technology Reasearcher|Java|Pytest|Python|Allure|ExtentReports|BDD|Jenkins|SME|Self Taught Data Science and ML Engineer
After a lot of thought i felt it could help a few people if i could give some information as to how and where Python finds its implementation and is going to be very crucial in the coming few years if you are into python and are a beginner or intermediate or an expert.
As far as the direction of the job market is concerned there are a few things i noticed and out of my insight i would like to suggest a few things in this regard. We have already seen and moved past the trend of Data Science and there was a craze as to everyone moving towards becoming a data analyst or a data engineer or a Data Scientist. However that trend has slowed down a little bit however the new things that's causing waves is about AI. However i would like to think of it as a temporary phase just like all the others even though i think the implementation of AI is huge in terms of areas that we can consider in the present day.
Ok. Lets try to understand.
Earlier about 3 years back Java, Selenium has been ruling the market as far as Development and Automation testing is concerned however not too recently this trend seems to be undergoing a huge change as more and more companies are embracing "JavaScript" based development approach for their business products and therefore we are looking at Javascript based Automation Framework libraries or tools like Cypress, Jest, Jasmine being used extensively as it goes with the underlying technology of the product.
For people who are looking to make a long term career in IT development it would be better to choose accordingly as there are multiple options now and technical knowledge today expects one to be aware of multiple programming languages and how they go about interacting with the existing infrastructure.
Benefits of Python in the near future that i think i could find:
Apart from these there are other career areas where an automation tester can see himself/herself as all SDET's of the future need to be well versed with Coding and Programming since no amount of framework skills can help you here. The only thing that can save you is your coding programming strength and Logic reasoning.
Data Science is one more career developers can look into as it involves both programming and analysis.
The other option can be API Automation and Javascript Developer as both require Javascript and there are multiple tools using this language for verification and validation purposes.
Test Automation these days has reached a certain level of saturation as you can see more and more people finding Git, GitHub/GitLab,TravisCI,CircleCI or Jenkins in combination with some kind of framework using a Selenium library with other language specific libraries.
Of course in time there shall be other languages and tools that will comeup but as of now these are some insights into the existing market demand and trend.
Hope this gives a certain sense of direction to people who are trying to make that change in their career or even otherwise for freshers.