Diving Deep: Navigating And Understanding The World Of Learning Difficulties
Dear readers,?
In our previous newsletter, we discussed about some ways to battle stereotypes associated with learning disabilities. Let us now dive deep into the various types of learning disabilities that affect our children, how they manifest and some ways to support your child through their journey.?
Learning disabilities can be manifested as primary conditions—as difficulties in acquiring specific academic skills—or as secondary conditions, along with other developmental disorders such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Source: American Psychologist: Understanding, educating, and supporting children with specific learning disabilities: 50 years of science and practice. Date: January 2020
Types of learning disabilities:
Disclaimer: If someone you know is exhibiting concerning signs or symptoms, similar to the above, it is crucial to approach the situation with care and empathy and seek professional help and guidance from qualified mental health experts. The above information is only for informational purposes and does not substitute for a diagnosis.