This year, Diwali is to be celebrated on the 1st of November. Foremost, I would like to congratulate all the readers on the pious festivity of Diwali, in advance and I am pretty much sure that each and every possible arrangement for Diwali must have been planned till now at each one of yous homes. Similarly, Pehchaan The Street School is a home to numerous underprivileged. Just the way, we celebrate every festivity out of love and warmth with our family members, Pehchaan The Street School plans to celebrate Diwali with its fifteen hundred loved ones and its members, interns, volunteers, collaborators, famous personalities and donors for the event-PEHCHAAN KI DIWALI. The challenge which the school is facing this year is that instead of the one thousand students who were a part of Pehchaan The Street School the last year, this year, the school consists of fifteen hundred underprivileged children. This is indeed praiseworthy a fact that the school has been able to change lives of a commendable number,? for the better. But along with that, there comes the need for more number and amount of resources. Just like the Diwali-2023 celebrations, Pehchaan The Street School has planned with utmost determination to gift every student of its, with the Diwali kit’. A Diwali kit consists of:

  • A school bag, a bag which represents the zeal to learn, a necessity for a student who goes to a school daily and an article which has the power to make a child smile.
  • Stationery items like pens, pencils, erasers, rulers, or probably a notebook which are of course necessary for a student and are used by him on a daily basis.
  • Some packed snacks or eatables, like a packet of chips or Kurkure, which are all time favorite for every Indian child.

A Diwali kit for a child costs not more than about rupees 300. For us, 300 is not a big amount but for a child, it can change his mood for an extremely long time. Just imagine the way a child feels excitement of new accessories, especially a new bag. The way he shows it to his friends and feels pleased and contended on having got a new bag is literally indescribable. The enthusiasm lasts not a day but really longer. And a packet of eatables is of course enough to make the child smile and be greatly happy. Satisfaction one gets on making others smile is indeed next level.

You can donate as much as you wish to. Every little amount will count to make the whole amount get collected. Currently, Diwali kits for very much more than fourteen hundred children have been arranged but we still need to complete the number of fifteen hundred. So, in about the last part of the journey of Pehchaan The Street School to arrange gifts for fifteen hundred children at the festival of Diwali, you are invited to show an active participation. You can choose any method as per your situation, position and convenience to show your enthusiastic invitation- it can be by donating funds yourself or by encouraging others to do so. Both the ways will contribute highly since arranging for fifteen hundred students is not solely the task of an individual. Such targets which are high and gold demand a perfect amount of teamwork and collaboration. Besides, if you are a student or a financially less-stable person, who wishes to participate in making the event- Pehchaan ki Diwali, an ultimate success, you can reach out to social workers and influencers on behalf of Pehchaan The Street School, to request for funds. I am pretty sure that well-known personalities and organizations will eagerly come forward to participate in the cause. This is because the donors can join the celebrations offline, at centers of Pehchaan The Street School, making them get a chance to be part of an event which has sent its invitations to praiseworthy popular individuals and collaborators, who too have donated for Pehchaan Ki Diwali. In addition, of course, a huge number of interns, volunteers, workers and family of Pehchaan The Street School's students are going to be a part of the event too. Moreover, Pehchaan Ki Diwali will be celebrated at each center of Pehchaan The Street School, on different dates, so, as the schedule is flexible, you can join at any center of your liking, at the date on which you are free to celebrate. To have a brief idea of what the event is going to look and feel like, you can check out Pehchaan The Street School’s official pages and surf for some memories of Pehchaan Ki Diwali event, 2023. You may get an image which may attract your senses and motivate you to be a part of the massive celebrations. Plus, if you wish to interview an underprivileged child on the difficulties they face in their day-to-day lives and how Pehchaan The Street School is actually their family, not only by words, but by heart, you can donate any petty amount and join the event, just to gain some good amount of information and experience. You are free to converse with and question the workers of Pehchaan The Street School and feel peace and a cool breeze, on listening them make their heart vent out on the topic of the struggles the children face in their life and the way the workers travel daily to be at the centers and teach the little ones in every circumstance and every weather. If you are a news channel ‘s head or reporter, this is definitely a great opportunity for you to film the event and make more and more people aware about Pehchaan The Street School, Pehchaan Ki Diwali and the school’s heart-warming celebrations at every festivity. Most importantly, any person who donates will get a Certification of Donation from Pehchaan The Street School. So, if you are a? person who loves to see a good pile of certifications in your wardrobe, you are most welcome. No matter at what position or place you are, you can be a part of Pehchaan The Street School’s Pehchaan Ki Diwali event. If you contribute your time, money or any other resource, in any way, to make the celebrations of Diwali at Pehchaan The Street School, a success story, then, on adorably seeing the event’s posts, videos and images, you will naturally feel that you were absolutely a part of the on-ground celebrations. Finally, there are more feelings to be felt, but closing up, all the readers are encouraged and requested to contribute in any way you can. This is because, in the words of ‘Helen Keller’, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? “Alone we can do so little; ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? together we can do so much”

Update: PEHCHAAN KI DIWALI EVENT’S 1500 KITS HAVE BEEN ARRANGED. HOWEVER, YOU CAN DONATE TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE FUNDS NEEDED IN MANAGING THE EVENT or simply for providing facilities to the children in the long run RATHER THAN THE GIFTS at the Diwali Event WHICH WE WERE PLANNING TO GIFT THE STUDENTS since the funds needed for the gifts have been arranged.

I will just share with you the YouTube link, the official website, Instagram link, Facebook link, the link to donate to this noble cause and also the Twitter link.?





Via instamojo- https://www.instamojo.com/@pehchaanthestreetschool

Via NEFT- https://pehchaanstreetschool.org/donation/



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