Diving into the biggest Super?Funds
We’re technology innovators turning complex problems into high-impact solutions that make work quicker & more insightful
In this article we take a look at the 2 biggest superannuation funds in Australia. To do this, we dive into SUPERtracker, the new analysis tool we’ve built that sources information from APRA and presents it in a way that trends can easily be explored.
To see which are the biggest funds (in terms of total assets), we go to the Profile option in the Analysis area of the app. We can see that as of 2022, the top funds were AustralianSuper and the newly formed ART (Australian Retirement Trust, the merger between Q Super and Sun Super).
First up here’s the total assets of AustralianSuper
and the total assets for ART
From there we can go to the Snapshots section (last of the menu options) and from the top of the menu, we can select AustralianSuper. This gives us the following snapshot.
Here’s what we can see
Next, we move to ART and we see the following
To access the app, users can go here: https://tinyurl.com/superannuationtracker
You can also read more about what else is in the app here: https://medium.com/notcentralised/digging-into-superannuation-with-supertracker-e4a36cf31b00