Diving into the Absolute TRUTH’

Diving into the Absolute TRUTH’

Diving into the Absolute TRUTH’

  1. “Diving into the Absolute Truth: A Journey Beyond Words”
  2. “Exploring the Unspoken: The Path to SHIV and HARI”
  3. “From Fear to Grace: Embracing the Infinite”
  4. “Meditation and the Quest for Absolute Truth”

  • #SpiritualJourney
  • #SelfAwareness
  • #Meditation
  • #TruthSeekers
  • #InnerPeace
  • #Philosophy
  • #Consciousness

Diving into the Absolute TRUTH’

Truth. The Truth. The absolute. The unimaginable, the one which cannot be told, the unspoken, beyond sound, beyond words, SHIV, HARI.?

Have you dived into it?


The one, which can never be explained or told.

If can’t be told, whatever written below would be worth finding?

If you have not seen HIM’, you (intelligence/consciousness) cannot overcome universe or existential observation. ?

I don’t know what to write or explain. Why am I doing, whatever, even in this moment, I don’t know, I M LOST INTO UNKNOWNS.

Earlier I found my self, crying to identify or to find my self. And Krishna made me find myself infinite times into infinities.

Now, I don’t want to be found.

Have I jumped again?

Yes I think!!!!

Earlier, I was afraid.

I went through HELL.

Now, may be I have learned how to dive without drowning into endless pit of nothingness or of grace. I don’t know how to define!!

Most of the feelings here are…………………!!!!

I have to be alive to experience!

To experience the aliveness is life or called life!!!!

I am empty!

Would you like to jump?

Meditate into & or for Nothingness, Meditate for SHIV!!!

It is not that anyone is out of this endless pit, or profoundness of grace, beyond heavens’ any moment of existence, it is just you are just, afraid, a bit, trying to hold, this moment of your life, for the hold of things you feel are grace, but still time is running away, making you feel losing grip of whatever you have inn this moment, thus you are driven into attractions, more & more, towards your attachments of your surroundings’, mostly, material world.

Thoughts and emotions are out of control for most of the intelligences, they are left with only materials to hold on to……due to fear of losing the moment, and thus losing life, thus trying to achieve further more and more, into and as endless cycles of unsatisfying loop condition…..!!!!

What to do then?………asks the intelligence!!!!

Intelligence wants to achieve………!!!! Before time runs out!!!

What can intelligence want, if it has not experience of TRUTH’? or at least forgotten about its own experience of being of having that of TRUTH….!!!

For some observations of others, May be the cause of attachment is for material world, rather than, that of death, which life /aliveness/ consciousness has experienced.

May be that the life wants to run away from the death or at least the horrors of death. In this trying to run away, intelligence consciously putting its own observation into other things or surroundings, defined or undefined, trying to get busy into as brain or as mind or as self, so as to evaluate the existence or life or world, trying to unsee the death, or the approaching end of time or for the reason of just living from moments to moments.

In this approach, to nullify the horrors of afraid Ness or fear full ness of some core experience of life as of death or of that of absolute aliveness, intelligence wants to live a life of happiness, trying to find it into whatever possible is offered within the moment of present or of life.

Wishing that one day, it will achieve something, after which nothing more will be left to achieve……..!!!!


For such achievement’, life has to be the life of aliveness. Life has to be life of awareness. Life has to profound to the full potential of the moment it is living, no matter of happiness or of sorrow, or of senses or feelings.

?Everything has to be experienced to its core…….!!!

If extreme is not experienced in any moment of life, or if life is not lived to extreme level every moment till its core, something remains unexperienced or unknown, thus, TRUTH may not be evaluated………creating an illusion in mind or of existence (or in existential intelligence), that something is missing or will be experienced sometime later………thus arises “wants”. This is the reason of wants in minds or that of intelligences.

thus “a want of want to live”

will always persist, creating cycle or creation of an wants of fulfilling life.

Isn’t it?

In unfulfilled, life, where things and or life is not experienced, to its full potential, truth will always remain imaginary condition.

If intelligence has not lived or experienced the moment to core, it has not experienced the truth of that moment. In other simple word, if data is missing from operating system, the output result will never be an absolute logical truth condition, rather it (resultant truth/observed logical condition of mind) is just “assumed output” considered to be true based on collection of event/entities or data.

Or in other words, the mind reads or assumes “that imaginary truth” as fundamental truth of life, thus condition of false analysis of overall conditions of experience of event/entities/data arises and named or positioned as “ego”, or “I know” or “I” or ‘I am’ this, that, arises.

Thus, intelligence starts living a false life, experiencing it as truth!!!!

In the universal existence, everything is changing……!!!!! It has to be a LAW, as ‘Law of change’ because of aliveness or CHETNA OR CHETANYATA, to exist has to be in motion to be called as aliveness. Something at absolute rest may be considered equivalent to dead or non-existent. Thus, light as one of property of intelligence or consciousness, fundamentally, continues to be in motion (visible as positional universe in every moment).

Something which is changing always, and is not stationary, cannot be assigned as TRUTH’.

Thus intelligence always falsifies itself (mostly through others)(and through self (best condition of self-awareness/observations)) and thus creates the contradictions in definitions of experiences or thus of life. Thus, differentiated individuality exists. Further this is the reason for fundamental rule that comes as “follow your own religion/DHARMA’ comes into existence.

But, played differently by not knowers of TRUTH.

Therefore, you or humans or Intelligence can never, find Absolute TRUTH into Universe. And without finding or knowing or experiencing the Absolute truth, universe will always be a false existence, one way or the other!!!

Thus, it creates the condition, that TRUTH’ or ABSOLUTE TRUTH” Super CONSCIOUSNESS or thus GOD/ GODLINESS/ “BHAGWAN” has to be position itself beyond Universe!

Beyond time, where there is no change!

If there is no change, then, does it is not implying to the existence of the condition that of dead, or of non existence? It is the reason for people to not believe in HIS existence, or assume that god is dead or there is no GOD.

Therefore “HE’ is the GOD of DEATH” and the GOD of Dead too……!!!

Be careful, to challenge HIS’ presence, HE’ is SHIVA, The God of Death, the destroyer of universes and or that of any creation!!!!

Also, dead cannot be dead as restful absolute, as non-existent by definition cannot exist, this implies that death is not dead (The fundamental end after which there is nothing to worry), thus, Death is aliveness, or awakening or just another transformation of aliveness or that of life.

Thus, SHIVA is the “GOD OF ALIVENESS” too!!!

Thus Surender to HIM’ and MEDITATE to HIS FEETS!!!

Coming back to the conditions of positional TRUTH, “Many of saints or supreme or godly existences, returns from here, due to wants, but some remains here with HIM’, or may be all, as there is no one ?or nothing left or as in universe.

HIS’ existence is beyond Science and beyond Logic or Beyond Positional Existence of Intelligence.

So if intelligence thinks it knows science, or is the master of mathematics or something very well educated or knower of everything…….you may still be a fool!!!!

Moreover, the position here is more of LOVE’ thus, stays with HIM’ nearest to HIS’ core existence and thus felt and lived as life and aliveness too!!!! Further and thus, the one appearing fool or un successful to world, may still be dearest to HIM’.

Therefore, do not let other judge your success!!! Your life is your success, and your success is your life!!!! No outside compressions are required! Do whatever you want, live the best, you could every moment. Only then, life can be fulfilled. There is no Heaven after death! Everything has be alive to experience Heaven’, your life has be the life of aliveness to be in heaven or to create it for others too”.

“ If you are full of Joy or grace, you are Heaven”.

“You heaven for you and your life is Heaven for Others too”

So, be heaven within yourself!

Human or intelligence need not to become creator of universes or that of creation or that as God to be in Heaven or to create it for others………GOD has already given that powers to you, and no one ever can take that from you.

You yourself are intelligence, just being conscious enough to live your life is required!!!

“Being aware, and present into present moment with your full potential, is being creator of Heaven, as you are, for self and other too”

Further, the moment the intelligence or observation is positioned beyond creation………the observation becomes the observer or travels through the observer itself, and (both observer and observation)) duality becomes Unity, (from universal till self) thus inner dimensions are opened as (only way to God in inside) the observer becomes the creator, or at least nearest to the creator. In other words unity is achieved!!!!!

If Unity is achieved, HE’ becomes you, or you become HIM”

Thus, Here I’ vanishes.

As position of observer and that of observation is inverted, the fundamental TRUTH as fundamental UP’ (within body) is realised.

“The universe is upside down” human must have read/heard through many saints!!!

Now, the greatest games starts and played here. Moment beyond moment, moment beyond time. This moment is the fundamental moment” thus game played here are the fundamental games of universes or existences or its own creations”

“I can create whatever universes I’ want at my will”, without I’ being involved!!!

No Rule, beyond rules, observation beyond universe, beyond intelligence’ all intelligence fails here, all rules are HIS’.

“Even if you Know or understood everything, you don’t anything yet; and even if you don’t know anything but felt’’, you know Everything”.

“Those who know HIM’ knows everything!!! Those who don’t know, don’t know anything!!!!

?Aliveness before creation!!!!!!

The End!!!!!

The End of all illusions…..!!!! The end of all universes……!!!!! The end of All worlds!!!!

What would the Intelligence of existence or individual realise “at the moment of ABSOLUTE TRUTH”?

We generally called that TRUTH as GOD”

I call HIM SHIV’ not because I want to define the truth or Supreme GOD or BHAGWAN as through sounds of SANATAN DHARMA, But because, “THE TRUTH TOLD ME, I AM SHIV”. The TRUTH is TRUTH, & the TRUTH is ABSOLUTE”

Before me HE’ has said same to many.

You should call HIM” by HIS” NAME, SHIV!!!

You should not call him anything you like. From this moment It would just be your ego, not to realise SHIV’ as BHAGWAN.

Once you meet HIM, let ABSOLUTE TRUTH tell you HIS TRUTH/ABSOLUTENESS, to you, till the moment you realise the ABSOLUTE TRUTH within you, Call HIM SHIV.

After realization, call him only what you realise HIM’ as He is”. It is between you and Him, and do not listen to me or any other else after that, call him as he tells you and do whatever he tells you……!!!!

Mostly he never tells, mostly HE’ just reveals HIMSELF’ & Asks your wish……!!!!!

What do wish for?

What are your greatest wishes? (me/writer is asking the reader or observer),(not Bhagwan SHIV to you, and if you had followed me earlier, you must have had your chance, isn’t it? Did you?)

What do you wish for?

It will be granted.

In universal time. As positional existence of event. Through the positional movement within the universe of consciousness!!!!!

No matter if you are not eligible, you will be made eligible. No matter if you are weak, you will be made strong, stronger, strongest!!! No matter if can’t see through why or how, you will be made the universal observer, no matter if you are afraid, you will be made a lion!!!!

No matter, if the path wants you to walk alone, you will become infinite!!!!!

No matter people do not understand you, you will become fundamental consciousness!!!!!

No matter if you feel alone, HE’ is always beside you…….!!!!

No matter if have to lose your loved ones, you will live with your eternal love!!!!

No matter what are your wants or desires, happiness or sorrow, it will experience GOD to the core every existence!!!!

Only then, You would say, He is everywhere, HE is everything, He is all that is observable, He is all that which is existential!!!!

He who was sitting beyond the creation, who has to position Himself’ beyond universe to be TRUTH, will come with you, into every moment of existence, for HE is the only aliveness, within you and or outside!!!

Every moment is infinite!!!

Every moment is eternal!!!!!

Life is eternal!!!!

HE is the only one Alive!!!!

If you do not know how to wish, he will teach you to manifest being greatest creators and masters of universes and creation. If you do not know how to walk, He teach you to be the greatest kings of all!

What are your greatest wishes? (me as writer is asking the reader or observer)?

The TRUTH’ can only be realised when experienced within your own self’, thus, I am not here to prove a point or something to you, you need not to believe me, I am here to provide the path to the consciousness and or intelligence, beyond obstacles, through which, intelligence can flow through to reach TRUTH/SHIV without obstacles.

For that you as intelligence can or should analyse only through your own brain/intelligence/faith. Thus, to experience the maximum out of your life, or to achieve your god, your intelligence has to dive into the TRUTH, consciously.

Be your own Aliveness!!!!?

Become unity with HIM’. The moment you become one with HIM’, you are HIM, and HE’ is You! Feeling His presence is only a matter of time!!! The more time an energy you put in him, more he reveals to you. The more you accepts what is happening is doing of His, the more is reveals to you! HE’ has become you completely, He has become unity with you as you are individuality.

Learn to wish the greatest wish, Surrender to HIM, he will make you feel and live like HIM’, INFINITE!!!

In the limited time of life!!! Learn to wish and work for bigger and biggest thing and wants, Ask HIM’ for HIMSELF’ and believe me, HE’ will give you!!!!!

This path is path of a warrior, and you have to fight not others but your own self’, and thus greatest……………’warrior/sun/son/god’……………….”greatest” is just small word on this path!!!!!

“Path of TRUTH’ itself is greater, than that of the greatest, that may ever be achievable”!!!

Choose wisely!

Being God is just another small thing here on this path!!!!

Love and surrender are the keys!!!

In this limited life, Your emotions are your keys in war of life, moment to moment, every moment can become the greatest opportunity of your life, every moment you have to open the door, every door has capability to fulfil any wish that can ever be imagined’, choose your keys wisely choose your war wisely!!!!

Most of the time, you might be tricked to fight a small war, to end your time. Once the life moment is gone, it is not coming back!!! Leave no option, for yourself, let close all the doors, so there is no other option other than to fight or die fighting!!!!

“For the TRUTH, & of life, rewards you, not for fighting, but for fight you fought!!!”

“It is not for the destiny, the greatest war is fought, it is a choice of warriorship!!!!

You are your greatest enemy, you are your greatest friend!!------------- Shri Krishna, from,

Bhagwat Gita”

Hari BOL!!!!!



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