The Divine Word of God
Rich Bitterman
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The word of God is alive! Not just dead print. It does something life-altering to those who read and expose themselves to it.
The Bible as a sword
Described as, “living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword,” (Hebrews 4:12, NASB).
Not merely giving us information like a mind dump, there is life in the book that transforms us. It’s a sword!
Many understand this illustration because as you are exposed to the word of God, it pricked you. Others, it wounded you. If you are like me, it cut you to ribbons. It’s the most effective weapon possible, exposing our mind and conscience to truth.
If you let it, the Bible will affect you like nothing else can. That’s why it is piercing…dividing “soul and spirit” (Hebrews 4:12, NASB). It penetrates, where nothing else will get in.
The Bible and Martin Luther
In order for your Christian witness to have power and produce results, stay close to the revealed Word of God. It’s the spark that ignited the Reformation, as Martin Luther had his heart pierced by the Word of God.
Here’s how. He struggled with the biblical phrase “the righteousness of God” (Romans 1:17 NASB).
He wrote, “Nevertheless, in spite of the ardor of my heart I was hindered by the unique word in the first chapter (of Romans): ‘the righteousness of God is revealed in it.’ I hated the word ‘righteousness of God,’ because in accordance with the usage and custom of the doctors I had been taught to understand it philosophically as meaning, as they put it, the formal or active righteousness according to which God is righteous and punishes sinners and the unjust.”
He goes on, “As a monk I led an irreproachable life. Nevertheless I felt that I was a sinner before God….but meanwhile I was knocking at the door of this particular Pauline passage, earnestly seeking to know the mind of the great apostle.”
“Day and night I tried to meditate upon the significance of these words: ‘The righteousness of God is revealed in it, as it is written: The righteous shall live by faith.’”
The mighty sword, the Bible, claimed Luther because of his meditation on the book of Romans and a deep desire to understand divine truths!
The Bible is a mirror
As “piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow…” (Hebrews 4:12, NASB). I am not sure how to separate joints from the marrow, it seems like a difficult task.
The picture given is the Bible gets right into your innermost being. It cuts through that tough outer layer and gets into the soft inner part that is living, the marrow.
And, it says that it reads your “thoughts and intentions” (Hebrews 4:13, NASB).
That’s a frightening thought for most people.
Imagine a video screen attached to your body that plays your innermost thoughts and communicates those to everyone you come into contact with. The point is, it’s the word of God that reveals to us our true selves. That screen is turned toward our eyes and confronts us.
The Bible has a certain way of searching you and exposing you. Maybe that’s why some non-Christians and Christians choose not to read it so much. It exposes how vain and foolish that we really are. This is, in fact, the evidence that it is a divine work of God.
“And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do” (Hebrews 4:13, NASB).
God searches us and as He does he deals with us through his Word.
The Bible makes the difference
Many people believe that they are genuine Christians, even if no outward signs are present. Perhaps they attend church weekly like a country club or came forward with a welling up of emotion during an invitation. Then something prods them. They finally read what the Bible says and this is a time when the illusion is shattered.
As you really study the Bible and hear it preached you suddenly see yourself as God sees you. You realize that there are no secrets from God. Try as you might you can’t hide anything from him. To advance as a Christian, you must expose yourself to Scripture! Many people come to Christ this way driven to repentance and seeking a Savior.
And for the true Christian, reading the Bible gives you great assurance. The Bible gives you great confidence, but you must spend time reading it.
Please share with me how the Bible has affected your life!