Divine vs Distorted Problem Solving

Divine vs Distorted Problem Solving

Divine vs Distorted Problem Solving - And how it affects your personal, business and financial success.

Whether you call them problems, challenges or (far better) opportunities, these are a natural part of creating change and growth. Whether your focus is on improving your relationships, your business, or your financial success, you will face them - most probably again and again.?

And the way you go about finding solutions to those problems, and ways to overcome those challenges can profoundly influence your growth… or keep you stuck.

So, before you continue reading, think about a specific challenge you’ve been trying to overcome for a while… a problem that has kept you stuck… and see if you can shift with a change in your approach to it.

Let’s go…


We engage in this type of problem solving when we seek solutions solely through our logical mind - and from distorted energy.?

It goes something like this:?

“I have this problem. It bothers me greatly. I don’t know what to do to fix it. What do I need to do? Oh my, what do I need to do, do, do, do, do?”?

We’ll get some idea from this (distorted) consciousness. We apply this idea with hope to fix the problem, only to find the problem is stubbornly persistent, or even getting worse.?

So we keep asking, “What do I need to DO to fix this?”?


  • Because we cannot find the solution from the same level of consciousness we created the problem from.
  • So if we are AWARE of the problem, and seeking solutions from that place, we can only get ideas that will match the energy of this consciousness - we’ll get ideas that match the energy of lack, desperation, being pissed off, frustrated, stuck etc etc.?
  • As such, when we apply these “solutions”, we’ll get more of the same problem, remaining in a vicious circle.?
  • Also: the logical mind can offer us solutions only based on our personal knowledge and experience. There is another aspect of our mind - our Higher Mind- this has access to the INFINITE wisdom and solutions, already residing within the Universal Mind. But we have no access to this mind when we are focused on the problem itself.?
  • “What do I need to DO?” is a question of the programmed, Distorted Masculine archetype within us. For centuries we were universally programmed that a hard problem needs hard work to be solved etc. So, of course, we “need to DO something to solve this problem.”?
  • Well, not quite. Or not quite yet. You see, the best solution to even the hardest problems reside within our deep, universal mind. Sometimes that solution is to do with DOING something, but also often it’s about NOT doing something, stopping something, letting go of something, or simply letting the problem solve itself… but again, these solutions cannot be accessed by desperately asking ourselves, “What the heck do I need to DO???”?


We have, inside of us, solutions to even the most complex problems. They already reside within our deep, Universal Mind. Solutions for the problems reside in a different, much higher level of consciousness than the problem itself. So, to access this consciousness, Divine Problem Solving goes something like this:?

  • “I’m aware I have this problem. Therefore, I’m aware that within me is also the opposite of this polarity, the solution, the ideal outcome.”?
  • I’ll take time to become aware how this ideal outcome looks and feels.?
  • I will fill my mind and heart with the energy of this ideal outcome. I may not know how I will get there. I may not know what solution will take me there, but I know that the ideal outcome already exists energetically. So I connect with it, and I claim it. (“This is who I am. This is my truth. I love, love, love, love, love this! Etc.)?

And that’s it. Nothing else to do, just focus on the ideal outcome.?

From there, you may immediately get an internal nudge as to what to do, not do, change, stop etc to bring you there. You may get an immediate nudge offering the divine solution.?

Or… you may not be aware of the divine solution… yet. But you will continue basking in the energy of the ideal outcome, knowing that the way will appear, in a perfect, divinely timed way.?

Sometimes that divine way will be that the problem will disappear by itself, and you simply let the ideal outcome happen (if you don’t believe it can be this simple, I invite you to open your mind to this possibility - don’t excuse it!)?

Other times you will get random internal nudges with the next thing to act upon when it comes to creating your ideal outcome. Sometimes these nudges may sound illogical, or will push you out of your comfort zone, etc. etc. Your job is to trust them and go with them. This is your co-creative part with a much more intelligent part of you. ;)?

Overall, the HOW of Divine Problem Solving is through BEING - being in the energy of the ideal outcome, being AT ONE with it. Being certain that the outcome already exists, and is being decoded right now into your physical reality, and your part in this process (what to do, change etc) is being revealed to you in the perfect time, perfect sequence, perfect way.?

This is how you’ll create solutions for even the most complex and pressing problems, and create radical, positive changes in your business, relationship, and financial success! ????

So - let’s start creating solutions and growth divinely??

With love,



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