divine voice from sky: Love Between God & Goddess

divine voice from sky: Love Between God & Goddess

divine voice from sky

Love between god & goddess!

Divine voice from sky is a beautiful collection of thoughtful interaction between two divine lovers and beautiful souls blessed by the divine mercy and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna. It is based on true experiences of the author mainly during the period from October 2017 to December 2017. These experiences were realized in the early hours daily during this period like sacred love of Radha and Krishna, love between god & goddess!

Read and enjoy the beauty to make this beautiful planet earth full of love.

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About the Author

Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.

You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.

Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.

It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.

Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends.

His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!

His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.

In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search about them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.

Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.

But this knowledge was lost with time.

Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.

Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!

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21 February 2025

Don't Think That My Work Is For Me-

Any work of Pravin published in Social Media or any other place is not for the use of Pravin.

It has been shared only for you, only for the public for their reading, for their use.

Tomorrow these websites may be closed. Pravin may close his account.

Then you may not find these works. Hence the wise person is one who keeps its copy or who gets it printed.

Pravin doesn't need all these writings as he has already fulfilled the aim of life.

Some of the writings of Pravin are based purely on his divine experience, hence it may not be available in any scripture.

All the writings of Pravin have been created only for you. It is up to you, how you keep it preserved for your use.

Pravin doesn't want any popularity or reward from all these writings as he thinks they have been created by the blessings of beloved Krishna.

Hence praise the lord only.

Jai Shri Radha Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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27 December 2023

How to Finish Ignorance?

Hi Friends,

The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.

Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?

Why so much evils in the world?

It is due to ignorance.

If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.

Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-

Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-


Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.

Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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25 March 2023

Don't consider my posts like poem

*My posts are not merely!

Like poems!

They are based on!

Actual truth!

Which is encountered!

At different levels of knowledge!

*Almost my all posts!

They are based on actual truth!

That is a universal truth!

At different levels of knowledge!

*I have no ability to write!

Whatever I can write!

Whatever I can do!

That is due to my Krishna!

*Almost my all posts!

They have been created!

As per my thoughts!

Blessed by Sri Krishna!

*Hence they are not mine!

They belong to Sri Krishna!

*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!

Hare Krishna!

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Oct 24, 2017

I am not, you are very special for me ... as you have come in my life ... as you have filled my life with colors, full of colors, full of love! divine love! ... i can not express in my words ... i love you ... i love you deep inside ... please accept my infinite love & thanks for making my life colorful ... how can i express my gratitude to you! ... I have no existence without you!

I had never imagined about it ... but you came and filled me full of love, O my divine love!

O my loving darling! O my divine love! ... You are very beautiful ... You have beautified, you have adored my life!

I can not hide ... i must be truthful ... your love has brought a real life, real shining in me.

Same may be your condition ... as i and you are not different O my divine love! ... i and you are same and one, there is no difference between us ... since love can not be two ... divine love can not be two ... true love can not be two ... How can my heart beat without you!

You hold my hand, never leave my hand, i will take you to divine!

I must hold your hand, i should never leave your hand, as you will take me to divine ...

Since, no one is bigger or smaller, both are same & one.

Since we both are truly loving friends, no one is bigger or smaller.

And, i am not your special Pravin ... i am your ordinary Pravin ... Very, very ordinary, a dust particle of your lotus feet!

Infinite love & thanks to you again and again!

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Oct 28, 2017

O my divine love! ... you need not do any hardship ... you need not read any scripture ... any book, any blog .......


Since love is always unconditional! ... love never binds you to do or not to do anything!

Since you are my lover! ... I am your lover! ... and divine love is a gift!

And, you are gifted! ... Hence don`t worry! ... Be happy!

It is not any favor since love does not do any favor!

Just look unto me ! ...

Never leave looking at me!

I want only your love, pure love, divine love & nothing else.

I want to give you love ... true love ... pure love ... divine love!

Since, you have suffered a lot of pains in your thousands of births!

Keep smiling & be happy!

Just look unto me!


Oct 29, 2017

O my loving darling! O my divine love!

I am waiting for you,

Spreading my arms,

To meet you!

Welcome to my abode!

Which is your real home!

Don`t shy!

Don`t hesitate!

I am eagerly waiting for you,

Welcome to my abode!

Never be dry in loving me!

I am ocean of love!

But, I am incomplete without you!


Come, welcome!

Welcome back!

To your divine home!

Don`t be shy!

I am missing you since

Your thousands of births.

Return to your real home.

Welcome to your loving abode.


Nothing exists except love,

True love, pure love

O my Divine love!


Oct 31, 2017

I am not your Krishna.

I am not your Lord.

I am your servant.

I am your Dass.

I am nothing in front of your love.

I am nothing in front of your beauty.

I am nothing in front of your charm.

A dust particle of your lotus feet.

I can not repay your love!

I can not repay your divine love!

Love can not be purchased!

So, I will love to be yours!


Nov 02, 2017

O my divine love!

You are my loving Radha!

Our love is eternal!

Our love is of thousands of births!

You say that I am increasing your ego!

But you yourself tell me if I have told any thing wrong about you!

I always speak truth!

Should I tell lie about you!

You say that I am so great!

No no, I am too small!

A dust particle of your lotus feet!

I am your Servant!

I am your Dass!

Since I can't purchase your love!

I love to to be yours!

I give myself to you!

I surrender at your lotus feet!

For always!

For ever!


Nov 03, 2017

O my divine love!

Why you repent!

Why you are sad!

Never be sad!

Never be in sorrow!

Believe me!

You have never hurt me!

No one can hurt me!

Since all are mine!

Whatever has been done in the past!

That was done due to me!

Everything is Lila!

Everything is drama!

Every thing is false!

Every thing is Maya!

Since everything is in dream!

Since truth only exists!

Since love only exists!

Since nothing else exists!


Nov 03, 2017

O my divine love!

O my loving Radha!

You say that i love you too much!

But so far you have not seen my love!

If you want to see my love!

Play with me!

In this sweet night of universe!

In this moon light of purnima!

To make this universe happy!

To bring the love on this earth!

Though i and you are not different!

Though i and you are one and same!

Hence we have to be two!

For this loving play!

Since nothing exists except love!

Since nothing exists except me!


Nov 04, 2017

O my divine love!

O my loving Radhe!

You are very special!

I need your help!

I want your love!

To remove sorrows of all!

To remove pain of all!

To remove sufferings of humanity!

To establish Dharma!

Since, I can not see pain of anyone!

So, let us play!

In this sweet night of universe!

In this moon light of Purnima!

Be happy & make happy!


No one is yours!

Everyone is yours!

And I am always yours!

Now you have married me!

So, forget your old friends!

Never ask me anything!

In this lovely play!

Since nothing is true or false!

Since nothing is right or wrong!

See only Dharma!

Since nothing exists except Love!

Since nothing exists except truth!

Since nothing exists except you!

Since nothing exists except me!


Nov 04, 2017

O my divine love!

O my loving Radhe!

All religions belong to me!

All nations belong to me!

All castes belong to me!

All languages belong to me!

Since nothing else exists except me!

Since nothing else exists except truth!

Since nothing else exists except Love!

Since everything is in my dream!

I don't want my children fighting in the name of religion!

I don't want my children fighting in the name of nations!

I don't want my children fighting in the name of castes!

Since I have not created any boundaries!


Nov 05, 2017

O my divine love!

O my loving Radhe!

Since now you have married me!

You are my divine wife!

And, I am your divine husband!

If you want me to be your worldly husband!

I am also your worldly husband!

Since I also live in him!

Since I Live in everyone!

I know that you are happy with your divine husband!

I know that you are happy with your worldly husband!

Divine life is nectar!

Divine life is bliss!

Worldly life is poison!

Worldly life is death!

So, never want the world!

Always want divine!

Your husbands change in every birth!

But, I am husband of your every birth!

Since I live in every one!

Your wives change in every birth!

But I am wife of your every birth!

Since I live in every one!

If one is not happy with one worldly husband!

One will not be happy with hundreds!

If one is not happy with one worldly wife!

One will not be happy with hundreds!

Since happiness is not physical state!

Since it is a mental state!

And, no one can be happy in this world!

Since happiness is not in world!

If you want to remain happy!


Forget worldly life!

Remember divine life!


For ever!


Nov 05, 2017

O my divine love!

O my loving Radhe!

Never share this sweet play!

Keep this within I & you!

Now I want to be your Radha!

Now you will be my Krishna!

Now let us play!

For some days!

Since i & you are same!

Since i & you are not different!

I want to play!

For some days!

In sweet night of universe!

Moon light of Purnima!

But i am shy!

I may not play well

Like you play!

Then, you will laugh at me!


Nov 07, 2017

O my divine love!

O my loving Piya!

Now I am your loving Radha!

You are my loving Krishna!

As you say!

I say!


My infinite love!

I always remember you!

I can't forget you!

You have done a lovely magic!

I am fond of your love!

I can't sleep!

I can't eat!

I can't wait any more!

Without you!

I want to fly!

I want to come to you!

I want be of you!

For ever!

For always!

I can't wait any more!

O my loving Krishna!

O my loving Piya!

You have made me!


Of your love!

Sweet love!

Divine love!

I want to get out of it!

But I can't!

Help me!

What to do!

You are treasure of bliss!

Smile at me!

I have forgotten my!

Social attachments!

I am like a picture!

My body is still!!

No words escape my lips!

Where ever I go!

People say!

I am crazy!

You have stolen my sleep!

You have stolen my hunger!

I don't know!

What to do!

You have stolen me!

From myself!

I don't know!

What to do

Without you!

I can't wait!

Without you!


Come soon!

And enter!

In me!



In me!

So that!

We both!

Become one!

For ever!

For always!

I am always!

Waiting for you!

Round the clock!

Day and night!

I am confused!

What should I say you!

I am your Radhe! Or

I am your Krishna!

You are my Radhe! Or

You are my Krishna!

I can't understand any more!

But I can say only one thing!

That you are my loving Piya!

I am your loving Piya!

I want to see you!


Every where!

If you are not seen!

I become sad!

If you are seen!

I become very happy!

Full of bliss!

Full of smile!

If you want to see me happy!

Be available for me!

Every time!

Round the clock!

Every where!

If you really love me!


Nov 08, 2017

O my divine love!

O my loving Piya!

Though spirituality binds!

For nothing!

You can not get anything!

Without losing!

In both the worlds!

It depends on you!

You want nectar!

Or poison!

Nothing is available!

Free of cost!

In both the worlds!

You can not get both!

At a time!

Spiritual life!

And worldly life!

You can not get both!

At a time!


And night!

You can not get both!

At a time!


And darkness!

You can not get both!

At a time!


And poison!

You have to choose one!

Out of both!

Since nothing is available!

Free of cost!

You have to see!

Both the worlds!

Spiritual world!

And this world!

You can not ignore!

Your spiritual family!

You can not ignore!

Your worldly family!

Be happy!

With both!


Nov 08, 2017

O my divine love!

O my loving Piya!

I see from the eyes of everyone!

I speak from the mouth of everyone!

I listen from ear of everyone!

Since all are me!

All are mine!

I am life of everyone!

All are my children!

President of greatest nation!

And an ant!

Both are equal for me!

Nothing is left!

Without me!

All are mine!

All are me!

Never consider me!

Merely a body!

I live in & out!

Of everyone!

I love all!


But those are!

Very special for me!

Who love me!

Only for me!


Nov 09, 2017

O my divine love!

O my loving Piya!

Spread the fragrance!

Of this love!

Divine love!

And be mine!


For ever!

I don`t need anything!

From this world!

Except that!

My children!

Must love!

Each other!


Must remain happy!


For ever!

Thus, do a favor!

For me!


This love!

In everyone!


Then, you will be!

Very dear to me!


For ever!


You will!

Come to me!

At last!

Then, you will be!



For ever!


Nov 09, 2017

O my divine love!

O my loving Piya!

I seek your sincere apology!

If i have ever hurt you!

You are very dear to me!

I can never see you sad!

Mistakes may be only!

From my side!

You have always!

Helped me!

In this sacred task!

I can never forget you!

It is my sincere request!

At your lotus feet!

Always shower your love!

On me!

I will also do the same!

Never forget me!

I will also do the same!

Whenever you will call me!

I will be present for you!

Keep always smiling!

And, make me the same!

Accept infinite love & thanks

From myself my divine love!


Nov 10, 2017

O my divine love!

O my loving Radhe!

Why you say!

Thanks to me!

I say my infinite thanks!

As you have made me!


To shower my love!

On you!

Have i been able!

To wipe yours tears?

Accept my infinite thanks!

If you reply this!

Have i been able!

To sow the seed of love!

In you?

Accept my infinite love!

If you reply this!

Though i know everything!

I want to know!

From your mouth!

You are satisfied or not!

Or, should i improve!

Myself !

So that i may shower!

My love on you !

For ever!

So that you must !

Remain happy with me!


For ever!

Tell me frankly!

Without fear!

As i have come for!

This purpose!

To shower my love!

To all!

I take birth!

On this earth!

To shower my love!

To Radhe!

As you are!

Very dear to me!

I come in!

Every age!

It is my promise!

To all!

I will be coming!

Again & again!

Accept my!

Infinite love!

As you have

Showered your!

Love on me!


Nov 18, 2017

You are my best student!

I appreciate your devotion!

You are my best student!

Hence i love you more than others!

You deserve more!

Since you are very attentive!

Since you follow more!

My words! divine words!

When i am late, you are waiting for me!

But i am sorry that you have to wait!

Hence i must appreciate you!

Your devotion!

You are keenly waiting

For my every lecture round the clock!

In all the places, all the times!

Hence i must appreciate you, your devotion!

Never leave this path!

Of love!

Divine love!

Never be late!

Those who listen to me!

They are very dear to me!

Those who follow my words!

They are very dear to me!


Nov 21, 2017

My heart throbs!

When I do not see you!

But when I see you!

I get too much relief!

I am always available for you!

I always wait for your love!

Round the clock!

For your love!

Yesterday Morning!

You were not available!

For a long duration!

I waited for you!

Too much with much fear!

With much worry!

Whether you are not well!

Whether you have left this path!

But I know that you are brave!

You will never leave this path!

Of Love!

Divine Love!

Be always available!

For loving me!

For this loving journey!

O my divine Love!

Since it gives me peace!

Since it fills me with love!

When I see you!

O my divine Love!


Nov 22, 2017

O my divine love!

Only I speak!

You never talk to me!

It will show your love to me!

I request you!

O my divine love!

Speak to me some thing!

Else I will feel!

You don't love me!

It will be so nice of you!

I must know!

That you are happy!

With my love!

O my divine love!

I love to be called!

Only your Pravin!

Never say Sahib!

It looks you are!

Different than me!

But we both are not different!

We both are one n same!

You are my Sahiba!

Since you are my Queen!

I am too small to you!

Very Very Ordinary!

A dust particle of your lotus feet!

I never say false!

Since I always speak truth!


Nov 22, 2017

Though i love all!

And, those i love!

All are my Queens!

But you are my chief Queen!

You say that you speak to me!

And I listen you!

Hence my complaint is wrong!

But sometimes I don`t!

Listen you!

But do you listen to me!

Can you listen my voice!

Accept my love!

If you reply this!

Last Sunday you asked me!

What I want you to do!

I never want any one!

To change the religion!

Since I have not created!

Any religion!

Any boundaries!

Any caste!

Since people don't know!

The exact meaning of Dharma!

And I never interfere!

In doing of any one!

Real Dharma is!

What to do, what not!

Real Dharma is!

To help all!

O my divine love!


Nov 23, 2017

O my divine love!

O my loving darling!

Do not love others!

Love only me!

Then, you will come to me!

Surely! no doubt!

No other way!

Leave your husband!

Leave your wife!

Leave your children!

Leave your home!

Leave your office!

Leave your post!

Leave your wealth!

Leave your past!

Leave your future!

Leave your every thing!

Leave your body!

Leave your mind!

Leave your intellect!

Leave your wisdom!

If you can not leave!

You can not come to me!

You have to come alone!

If you can not leave!

Leave from your mind!

Then leave your mind also!

Don't give importance!

Then be only mine!

Look to me only!

Only myself!

Do not love others!

Love only me!

Never see here and there!

Never look to others!

There is no other!

Except me!

Focus only on me!

Never ignore me!

Round the clock!

Love only me!

And not any other!

Then come to me!

Become mine!

Only mine!

For ever!

For always!

Become love!

Become infinite!

And enjoy me!

For ever!



Your husband!

Your wife!

Your children!

Your body!

Your everything!

Make them mine!

Only mine!


Only me!

Only myself!

Only my love!

Only divine love!

Live in present!

Live in you!

Live in me!

Become one!

Become myself!

You are already myself!

O my loving darling!

I know that!

You can do this!

You are brave enough!

O my loving darling!


Nov 24, 2017

O my sweet darling!

O my loving Radhe!

This morning, you told me!

You have given me everything!

Now, you are in me!

Now, I am in you!

Now, I & you are same!

Your body is not yours!

You are not earth!

You are not air!

You are not water!

You are not fire!

You are not sky!

You are not house!

You are not wealth!

You are not car!

You are not high office!

You are not post!

You are not name!

You are not fame!

You are not all things!

You have given me!

Your husband!

Your children!

Your wealth!

Your power!

Your post!

Your high office!

Your car!

Your bungalow!

Your body!

Your mind!

Your intellect!

Your everything!

You yourself is left!

What is left with you?

You, yourself tell me!

Then, what are you?

Then, who are you?

Then, who is left?

But, I & you are same!

Think again n again!

O my divine love!

O my loving Radhe!

Only you are left!

Only I am left!


Nov 25, 2017

O my loving Radhe!

O my divine love!

Since you have!

Given me!

Your body!

Your mind!

Your intellect!

I return to you!

You must use them!

Only with my permission!

Since now they are mine!

Not yours!

Never cheat me!

Since, you have given me!

Your body!

You must use it!

Only with my wish!

Since, you have given me!

Your mind!

You must use it!

Only with my wish!

Since you have given me!

Your intelect!

You must use it!

Only as per my wish!

You have given me!

All your things!

I return!

All them!

For using!

As per my wish!

Since now your!

All things are mine!

Not yours!

Never try to cheat me!

If you continue!

Love with me!

But I love all!


My wishes are!

Given in scriptures!

Make promise!

For the same!

O my loving darling!

O my sweet love!


Nov 26, 2017

O my divine love!

O my sweet Radhe!

Since you have promised me!

Last morning!

That you will use my items!

As per my wish!

Given in scriptures!

Now listen this secret!

From me very carefully!

Don't tell to anyone!

Without my permission!

Everything you see!

Is mortal!

Your house is mortal!

Your car is mortal!

Your post is mortal!

Your high office is mortal!

Your name is mortal!

Your fame is mortal!

Your near & dear are mortal!

Your body is mortal!

Your senses are mortal!

Your mind is mortal!

Your intelect is mortal!

Your ego is mortal!

This sun is mortal!

This moon is mortal!

All planets are mortal!

All stars are mortal!

This earth is mortal!

Water is mortal!

Fire is mortal!

Air is mortal!

Sky is mortal!

Everything known!

To you is mortal!

Nothing is immortal!

Except one!

Except me!

Except you!

Promise to me, you will not tell!

This secret to anyone!

O my divine love!

O my sweet darling!


Nov 27, 2017

O my divine love!

O my sweet darling!

Last morning, you promised!

That you will not share!

This secret to any one!

Without my saying!

Hence, you are very dear to me!

Know more secret!

Never tell to anyone!

Without my saying!

You must know!

What is immortal!

Immortal is myself!

Immortal is yourself!

Both of us are only one!

I am Satt Chitt Anand!

Thus called Sachchidanand!

Its meaning -

I am truth, consciousness!

And bliss!

You can separate none!

Of these my qualities!

Though I am quality less!

But this is my form!

This universe is in my dream!

This universe is in my!


This universe is just!

My imagination!

Hence it does not exist!

Only I exist!

Only you exist!

But we both are same!

And nothing else exists!

I am love!

I am truth!

I am bliss!

All times in me!

All places in me!

All creatures in me!

Sun, moon, stars in me!

All worlds in me!

All names in me!

All forms in me!

All Gods in me!

All incarnations in me!

All Gurus in me!

All masters in me!

Everything in me!

Nothing is beyond me!

Everything is within me!

All things of past in me!

All things of present in me!

All things of future in me!

I am infinite!

You can't imagine me!

What more!

This complete universe!

Is my small fragment!

You are in me!

All are in me!

All religions in me!

All languages in me!

Nothing exists without me!

I have given this sacred!

And very secret knowledge!

To you!

Since you are very dear to me!

Do not share it to any one!

Without my saying!

Promise to me!

For ever!

O my divine love!

O my sweet darling!


Dec 01, 2017

O my loving Radhe!

O my sweet love!

Once you asked me!

Can you accept any thing!

You must know!

If you give!

You are at advantage!

If you take!

You are looser!

But if you take something!

Out of love!

Or for acting!

Then no problem!

Even if you take anything!

You don't take!

Since yours is nothing!

Even if you give anything!

You don't give!

Since yours is nothing!

And you are just playing!

Hence, play the game!

But you must remember!


If you are playing wrong!

You must be ready!

For any disgrace!

In this sweet play!

In sweet night of universe!

If you are playing right!

You must be ready!

For any reward!

In this sweet play!

In sweet night of universe!

But you must!

Also remember!

Your duty for your family!

Is first and foremost!

Nothing is right!

Nothing is wrong!

Nothing is true!

Nothing is false!

In this sweet game!

In sweet night of universe!

You have also!

Asked some question!

About me!

That I may reply!

In time!

If I feel it okay!

O my loving darling!

O my sweet Radhe!


Dec 03, 2017

O my loving Radhe!

O my divine love!

I am very far away!

From you!

Even then I am!

Very near to you!

Wherever you go!

In the universe!

I am always!

Very near to you!

Since we both!

Are not different!

Since we both!

Are one and same!

Even then our!

Love is such that!

I miss you!


You are!

Harder than diamond!

Be soft !

O my loving Radhe!

You never remember!

Your Das!

I always remember!

My Radhe!

You always!

Remember your Krishna!

Though we both!

Are one and same!

But I always!

Missing some thing!

But I always!

Missing you!

But I always!

Missing your love!

Don't search!

The pretext!

Of your work!

Since it is not done!

By heart!

Since it is not done!

By mind!

Since it is done!

Only by body!

O my loving Radhe!

O my sweet darling!

Give me your heart!

Give me your mind!

Remember me!

Remember your Das!

And don't be!

So much hard!

It is my sacred vow!

That I am always!

Das of every one!

Who loves me!

Day and night!

But you are very!

Special to me!

So I want more!

Love from you!

I solicit your love!

Day and night!

So that we!

Never miss!

Each other!

So that we!

Become one!

For ever!

Love me like fish!

Without water!

O my loving Radhe!

O my sweet Darling!

In this sweet night of universe!

Moon light of Purnima!

I hope you will!

Accept my this prayer!

At your lotus feet!

And will love me!

Round the clock!

So that we are!

Married for ever!

O my loving Radhe!

O my sweet love!


Dec 03, 2017

O my loving Radhe!

O my sweet love!

Today I want to tell you!

Very deep secret!

Of this universe!

Since you are very!

Dear to me!

Listen very carefully!

Do not share to anyone!

Without my saying!

In this universe!

Everything is relative!

Everything needs a base!

Base of truth is Dharma!

Dharma is anything!

Which is helpful

For human race!

Contrary to that is Adharma!

This universe is!

Based on Dharma!

I also exist on Dharma!

Your senses are!

Based on subtle mind!

Subtle mind is!

Based on intellect!

Intellect is based!

On Atma or soul!

Which is also!

Called Supreme Soul!

Or Supreme Self !

Whatever you see!

By your body or mind!

That is under within!

The limit of intellect!

This universe!

This visible world!

Everything is within!

The limit of intellect!

And seen on the base!

Of intellect!

Thus intellect is!

The base of everything!

But I am the base of!

Even intellect!

I am pure consciousness!

Everything exists!

In the light of intellect!

But intellect exists!

In my light!

Thus, I am divine light!

I am divine love!

I am divine consciousness!

I am divine bliss!

Everything exists!

In my light!

Nothing exists without me!

I am only one!

I am infinite!

I become many from one!

Due to my imagination!

Due to my beautiful dream!

Due to my beautiful nature!

Who is also my loving wife!

O my sweet Radhe!

O my divine love!


Dec 04, 2017

O my loving Radhe!

O my sweet heart!

This is game of love!

No question of!

Winning or losing!

But I am always!

Defeated from you!

And I will always!

Love defeat from you!

Neither i win!

Nor yourself!

But love!

Always wins!

Don't think!

That I love you only!

I love your everything!

I love your body n mind!

I love your intellect!

I love your wisdom!

I love your husband!

I love your children!

Since they are not yours!

They are only mine!

I can't cheat anyone!

I can't cheat my wife!

O my loving Radhe!

O my sweet heart!

Don't say that!

You are not beautiful!

You are so beautiful!

But I am not handsome!

You are my Swamini!

And I am your Das!

I am not worth for you!

I don't deserve for you!

I am just dust particle!

Of your lotus feet!

I am ready to obey!

Your orders!

But you will have to!

Ask my worldly wife!

If you want!

Any worldly thing!

You can ask any!

Divine thing from me!

If you want any!

Worldly thing!

You will have to ask!

My worldly wife!

We must remember!

For ever!

Love of body is poison!

Love of soul is nectar!

I remain for ever!

But body may!

Die any time!

Hence love only myself!

Never love my body!

Always love divine!

Never love worldly thing!

You have never told!

Me anything false!

You can never tell me lie!

You are happy!

With your husband!

Your husband is myself!

Who loves everyone!

My sincere prayer!

At your lotus feet!

I can't see you weeping!

When you weep!

I also weep!

Never shed your tears!

They are more precious!

Than diamonds for me!

I can't see your tears!

I can't see even a wrinkle!

On your face!

I can never see you sad!

O my sweet heart!

O my loving darling!

I could not understand!

What you want!

Since I don't know anything!

I don't have anything!

I can't do anything!

Even then I will try!

If you write at!

Any of two places!

Where we meet daily!

So that I may understand!

O my loving Radhe!

O my divine love!

Never be!

Thankful to me!

I am always!

Thankful to you!

As you have showered!

Your love on me!

O my sweet Radhe!

O my divine love!

NOTE:- This is just imagination about pure love of Radha & Krishna.


Dec 05, 2017

O my loving Radhe!

O my sweet heart!

I am so sorry! I forgot!

That you are my Swamini!

And I am your Das!

I can not compare!

Others with you!

You are special for me!

I am special for you!

It is my sacred duty!

To do as per your wish!

I will do whatever!

You want!

I surrender at!

Your lotus feet!

I surrender my life!

At your feet!

You can take my life!

Since you are my life!

I don't care my respect!

Since it is my sacred vow!

I sold myself to my lovers!

And you are my Supreme lover!

So your order is foremost!

I will do whatever you want!

You can use me!

As per your wish!

Since I am your Das!

I don't care the world!

I am always with you!

I have total faith on you!

And your happiness!

First and foremost for me!

Since you are my Swamini!

I am your Das!

I beg your pardon!

For my this grave mistake!

I have to obey your orders!

I can't cheat you for ever!

You should never feel cheated!

In this game of love!

I don't want to!

Cheat you anymore!

You were right in saying!

That you are not harder!

Than diamonds!

But I feel myself!

Harder than diamonds!

I hope that!

Now you will be pleased!

As per your wish!

My name will always!

Be with you in pair!

Forget anything!

Since it was game of love!

I seek your sincere apology!

I will never repeat!

Such mistake!

I surrender to my love!

O my loving Radhe!

O my divine love!

O my sweet heart!

NOTE:- This is just imagination about pure love of Radha & Krishna.


Dec 06, 2017

O my divine love!

O my loving darling!

That was your!

Brilliant idea!

It is very difficult to!

Leave the attachment!

Of wife!

Of husband!

Of children!

And it is the main hurdle!

But if you surrender!

Your body!

You can remove!

Attachment easily!

If you surrender!

Your mind!

You can remove!

Attachment easily!

If you surrender!

Your intellect!

You can remove!

Attachment easily!

There is no other way!

And it is the must!

To progress in divine!

If you surrender!

Your body to me!

You may remove!

Attachment of body!

If I surrender!

My body to you!

I may remove!

Attachment of body!

If you surrender!

Your mind to me!

You may remove!

Attachment of mind!

If I surrender!

My mind to you!

I may remove!

Attachment of mind!

If you surrender!

Your intellect to me!

You may remove!

Attachment of intellect!

It I surrender!

My intellect to you!

I may remove!

Attachment of intellect!

Otherwise it is!

Very difficult!

To remove!


Without removing!


It is not!

Possible to liberate!

Hence I think!

That was your!

Brilliant idea!

Just surrender!

From inside!

No need!

Of coming to me!

O my divine love!

O my sweet heart!


Dec 07, 2017

O my loving darling!

O my sweet heart!

If I am having!

True love with you!

Even if mistake is yours!

I must tell!

That it is mine!


It is not true love!

In true love!

Your requirements are mine!

Your fears are mine!.

Your pain is mine!

Your joy is mine!

Your desire is mine!

Your suffering is mine!

Your body is my body!

Your mind is my mind!

Your intellect is my intellect!

Your wisdom is my wisdom!

In true love!

Mutual trust is first n foremost

I was not having trust on you!

When i asked you!

To write in two places!

Hence i am sorry!

Your idea is brilliant!

And that is also my idea!

Let us play!

This game of love!

In our minds!

Whatever you want!

You think! You do!

I will give you company!

Whatever you do!

I will also do!

Let us start!

This lovely game!

From today itself!

Whatever time you want!

Let us enjoy!

This loving game!

Don't be shy!

Let us play!

In our minds!

This is divine love!

And you have!

Divine intelligence!

I hope!

You will give me!

Your full company!

Let us enjoy our lives!

You enjoy me!

I will enjoy you!

In this sweet night!

Of universe!

O my divine love!

O my sweet heart!

Divine love is more sweet!

Than physical love!

Let us be!

Full of bliss!

Don't be shy!

Since our love!

Is eternal!

O my divine love!

No need of your coming!

No need of my coming!

Since you are my divine wife!

I am your divine husband!

You are intelligent!

You are brilliant!

You are smart enough!

It is my sacred vow!

Now onwards!

You will never weep!

Now onwards!

You will be without tears!

If you give me full company!

Since you understand!


About this lovely game!

Nothing is right!

Nothing is wrong!

Let us play!

And make!

Each other happy!

Let us enjoy!

Each other!

You can say!

Say to me!

Whatever you want!

I will listen!

I will do!

Whatever you want!

In this lovely play!

Play with me!

In this sweet night!

Of universe!

Now onwards we will!

Meet here only!

Not any other place!

O my sweet heart!

O my divine love!

Now a days!

You don't speak to me!

You seem to be!

Unhappy with me!

May I know the reason!

Or you have got!

Any other lover!

Reply me!

O my love!


Dec 19, 2017

I love you in any form!

You can love me in any form!

If you want to love me as human!

You can love me as human!

If you want to love me as your Guru!

You can love me as your Guru!

If you want to love me as brother!

You can love me as a brother!

If you want to love me as a sister!

You can love me as a sister!

If you want to love me as father!

You can love me as as father!

If you want to love me as mother!

You can love me as mother!

If you want to love me as son!

You can love me as son!

If you want to love me as daughter!

You can love me as daughter!

If you want to love me as uncle!

You can love me as uncle!

If you want to love me as friend!

You can love me as friend!

If you want to love me as spouse!

You can love me as spouse!

If you want to love me as lover!

You can love me as lover!

In whatever form you want to love me!

I also love you in the same form!

I accept the same!

But love me in any form!

Since I am hungry of love!

Like you are!

Whatever you are inside !

You must be outside!

Don't conceal your love!

Don't be shy to love me!

Don't be shy to express your love!

Since love acts as medicine!

Since love can cure your every disease!

Since love can give you everything!

Since love is your existence! ...

Since you are love!


Dec 20, 2017

O my divine love!

O my loving darling!

Don't consider yourself body!

Don't consider myself body!

Don't be confused!

With your body!

Don't be confused!

With my body!

Your body may die right now!

My body may die right now!

But you always live!

Since you are soul!

But I always live!

Since I am soul!

You have asked me!

Today morning!

Kya milega pyar Karke!

What we will gain!

By loving each other!

First of all, you must know!

Love is not trade!

We should not see!

What we will gain!

Or, what we will loose!


Love is worship!

Of Almighty God!

Reply of your question is!

You can get your soul!

I can get my soul!

By loving each other!

Thus, both of us can be full!

For ever!

Thus both of us can be free from sorrows!

For ever!

Thus, both of us can be!

Full of bliss, always!

By loving each other!

Thus, both of us!

Can be married!

For always!


Worldly marriage is temporary!

Divine marriage is for ever!

For this purpose only!

We have come on this planet!

For this purpose only!

Both of us have taken birth!

On this planet!

Now it is up to you!

You want to love or not!

Hence, we must not be dry!

Without love!

We must!

Make our life ever sweet!

By loving each other!

O my divine love!

O my sweet love!


Dec 28, 2017

O my loving Radhe!

O my divine love!

Never be unhappy!

You are the most beautiful!

In entire universe!

From inside and outside!

Don't consider yourself!

Merely a woman!

You are beyond woman!

Don't consider myself!

Merely a man!

I am beyond man!

I am you, you are me!

You told me that

you can not come to me!

You have invited me

to come to you!

Let Almighty decide

I will love to come to you!

No problem!

If you can't come!

To play the game of love!

No problem!

If I can't come!

To play the game of love!

We can play in our minds!

I love you from far away!

You love me from far away!

Though we are far from body!

But really we are very near!

Since I am you, you are me!

No problem if you can't talk with me!

Even then I love you!

No problem if you don't understand me your own!

Even then I love you!

No problem if you hide yourself from me!

Even then I love you!

I will love to do what you want!

As per the wish of Almighty!

For my divine love!

Since I can never see my loving Radhe unhappy!

I will do whatever required to make my Radhe always happy!

O my loving Radhe!

O my divine love!

Never keep any guilt in your mind.

O my loving Radhe!

Nothing is bad!

Nothing is wrong!

Even if mistake is yours!

Treat it as mine!

Mistake is an opportunity to blossom our love!

Divine love!

Mistakes are necessary for love!

Since we are true friends!

Since we are true lovers!

You may love me as your colleague!

You may love me as your friend!

You may love me as your lover!

You may love me as your spouse!

You may love me as your teacher!

You may love me as your student!

You may love me as your senior!

You may love me as your junior!

You may love me per your wish!

I accept your every love!

Even if you don't love me!

I will continue to love you!

Since you are my part!

Since I am your part!

Yes, an integral part!

O my loving Radhe!

O my divine love!


Mar 16, 2019

O my loving Radhe!

O my divine love!

Never be unhappy!

You are the most beautiful!

In entire universe!

From inside and out side!

You invited me to come to you!

But I couldn't come!

And I am so sorry for that!

I love you too much!

You love me too much!

Let us break the barriers of ego!

I am so sorry!

That I have hurt you!

By doubting on your love!

Accept my infinite love!

O my loving Radhe!

O my divine love!


Mar 21, 2019

O My Divine love!

O my loving darling!

Happy Holi!

Infinite love!

Though I love all!

You are very special for me!

Today I am so much happy!

As my beloved responded!

My greetings!

And shown that our love is true!

O my divine love!

O my loving darling!

I love you too much!

I can't express in words!

Colors are symbolic!

Real colors are of love!

And real Holi!

Expression of love!

I am so much fortunate!

That you showered your love on me!

Let us make this universe!

Full of divine love!


Apr 02, 2019

O my divine love!

O my loving Radhe!

You are my Swamini!

I am your Das!

Hence I have to obey you!

You had ordered me!

Never disturb you!

Then how can I talk with you!

I had promised!

That I will never disturb you!

If you don't want to talk!

I have no ill feelings!

I still love you very much!

Mistake is mine!

That I disturbed you!

It is my promise to you!

That I will never disturb you!

But I will continue to love!

Since love is my nature!

I will do as per your choice!

If you want to change the decision!

You may send message to me!

By some Gopi, friend, etc!

And I will feel myself fortunate!

O my divine love!

O my loving Radhe!


Apr 17, 2019

O my divine love!

O My Loving darling!

I love you!

But I think that I am not fit for you!

In every respect like age, beauty etc!

I am nothing in front of you!

I am nothing in front of your love!

I am nothing in front of your beauty!

I am nothing in front of your charm!

I want to ask your well being!

But you may feel disturbed by it!

I fear from you!

You are harder than diamond!

Be soft!

O my divine love!

You never remember me!

Yes I am too weak!

You are more courageous!

You can make me strong!

But you don't want to know my well being!

O my divine love!

O my loving darling!

You are very special!

I need your help!

I want your love!

To remove sorrows of all!

To remove pain of all!

To remove sufferings of humanity!

Since I can't see pain of anyone!

I can not repay your love!

I can not repay your divine love!

Love can not be purchased!

So, I will love to be yours!


Apr 22, 2019

O my divine love!

O my loving darling!

Though I am present every where!

But I go anywhere in physical form!

Only with proper invitation!

You use to talk with me!

But not my physical form!

But I am keeping body!

Hence I don't listen!

I only listen and reply!

When you talk with me!

In person!

If you talk with me in Air!

I will also reply in Air!

Then what is the use of keeping body!

If you don't talk in person!

When I ask some question!

You don't reply that!

I want to meet you!

You want to meet me!

But how can we progress!

In our Spiritual journey!

If you don't reply me!

Hope you understand me!

O my divine love!

O my loving darling!

When our exam will be finished?

It is the limit of waiting!

I am waiting for you!

You are waiting for me!

When this waiting will end!

You are the final solution!

You have to overcome!

Your shyness!

I have to overcome!

My shyness!

To progress in our path!

Spiritual journey!

O my divine love!

O my loving darling!


Apr 30, 2019

O my divine love!

O my loving darling!

I am waiting for you!

You are waiting for me!

Waiting makes!

Everything beautiful!

We have to understand!

We have to keep patience!

If we also become ordinary!

Then no difference!

Between us and them!

Patience reveals secrets!

Our love is not ordinary!

Our love is special!

Our love is beautiful!

Our love is divine!

Our love is beyond lust!

Our love is beyond desire!

Our love is only for giving!

To each other!

If we also make our love!

As an ordinary love!

Then what is the difference!

Between us and them!

Ordinary love lasts!

Only for few minutes!

But our love is!


Hope you understand!

Hope you bear with me!

O my divine love!

O my loving darling!


May 25, 2019

O my divine love!

O my loving darling!

You have done a magic!

Of your love on me!

I am intoxicated!

Of your love!

Divine love!

You are at distance!

But very near to me!

You don't speak to me!

But whisper in my ear!

We are separate!

But tied!

With an invisible thread!

Of love!

I speak to you!

Or not!

It doesn't matter!

Since we understand each other!

Then what is the need!

Of speaking!

Let it happen!

As per the wish of Almighty!

You know about me!

More than my wife!

You know about me!

More than my children!

Hence no need of speaking!

Since silence is key of magic!

If there is understanding!

No need of speaking!

If there is no understanding!

Speaking is in vain!

We have understanding!

With each other!


No need of speaking!

O my divine love!

O my loving darling!


Jul 07, 2019

O my divine love!

O my loving darling!

I can't repay your love!

Which you have expressed!

When I called you first time!

You were driving!

Even then you stopped your car!

And you rang back to me!

One morning I messaged to you!

Asking you!

Are you having time to talk!

You replied!

Aapke liye time hi time hai

Then you rang yourself to me!

When I expressed my love to you!

I told- I love you!

Then you were ashamed!

You told me to talk after some time!

After some time you told me!

Now you can talk with me!

But I could not talk!

I am so sorry for that!

On new year day!

You expressed your love to me!

Wishing me new year greetings!

I am so much thankful for that!

On the day of Holi!

You expressed your love to me!

You are so much sweetheart!

I am so much thankful for that!

On my birthday!

You greeted me!

With your sweet love!

With your sweet kiss!

I am so much thankful for that!

I can't repay your love!

There are so many occasions!

You expressed your love to me!

But I couldn't express my love!

I am so sorry for that!

I am so sorry!

That I could not do!

Anything for you!

I couldn't repay your love!

But I will love!

To remain indebted to you!

O my loving darling!

O my divine love!

Note : This blog has been posted just on the basis of imagination.


Aug 11, 2019

O my divine love!

O my loving darling!

You are so loving!

You are so sweetheart!

Earlier I used to know everything!

But now I can't know what you tell me!

Or you don't talk with me now a days!

Really I don't know!

About your husband!

He may be good or bad!

But he is mine! He is me!

During this March you came!

With all your beauty for the first meeting!

When you came to know that!

I have been transferred here!

In the hope that we will meet!

And I knew that you were coming!

But I couldn't come to attend!

You were too much happy!

In the hope to meet me!

I am so sorry I couldn't make you happy!

Last month you requested me!

About the settlement of your children!

Your children are my children!

You need not worry about them!

Let us break our silence now!

I have no ego if I speak first!

As i told you earlier!

Love is the best medicine for all ailments!

Let us start our work for all!

You are the best to

Guide me!

How to proceed!

I want to work as per your choice!

Tell me! What to do!

As I don't know anything!

I don't have anything!

I can't do anything!

Let us spread!

The message of Krishna!

Love of Radha Krishna!

Through all available platforms!

To make this earth!

More loving!

To eliminate the hatred!

From this planet!

To make this universe!

Beautiful and loving!

I feel now I should not remain!

In the darkness knowingly!

Let the light must remain the light!

Now I should not cover myself with ignorance knowingly!

Let the light must illuminate!

In the universe!

In the hearts of one n all!

Hence I should not hide the light!

Hence I solicit your reply!

I welcome your response!

O my divine love!

O my loving darling!

Note : This blog has been posted just on the basis of imagination.


Aug 19, 2019

O my divine love!

O my loving darling!

You are more hard!

Than diamonds!

I tried to contact you!

But you don't want to talk!

Why you will talk with old man!

But love doesn't see any age!

Love is not done!

But automatically created!

For me no problem!

Even if you don't love!

I love you always!

Since I love everyone!

Since love is my nature!

I will try one more day!

That may be my last attempt!

To contact you!

Then it will be my full stop!

I shall never trouble you!

That may be a long period!

During this period!

I may not talk!

You may not know about me!

I shall not try to know about you!

But I will love you always!

Since I love everyone!

Accept my infinite love!

For loving during this period!

O my divine love!

O my loving darling!

Note : This blog has been posted just on the basis of imagination.


Aug 23, 2019

O my divine love!

O my loving darling!

I know that at present!

You are not ready for bliss!

Since we can get the fruits!

When they are ripe!

It is not your mistake!

I know that!

You love me too much!

You have many doubts!

In your mind at present!

Hence time has not come!

I can wait till you are old!

Now I shall not disturb you!

Till you are ready!

I am always holding!

Your hand!

My doors are always open!

For you!

Since you are my part only!

I and you are not different!

I and you are one and same!

Whenever you want to come!

You are always welcome!

Accept my infinite love!

Accept my infinite thanks!

I am ready for your all wants!

Since love doesn't see right or wrong!

Whatever love does it becomes right!

Since love is the greatest worship of Almighty!

Since nothing is better than!

Giving happiness to others!

I have got no reservations from you!

Since we both have understanding!

Since I and you are one and same!

O my divine love!

O my loving darling!


Oct 05, 2020

O My divine love!

O my loving Radhe!

I am so sorry!

You have to wait too much!

For me always!

I am too much ashamed!

Hence I seek your apology!

I always kept you in waiting!

Last year!

In main event of the year!

You waited too much for me!

But I couldn't come in time!

You were very happy on the day!

You started to be ready!

From morning itself for function!

You were one hundred percent sure!

That I will be coming in time!

But I couldn't not do so!

I came with my wife!

I was already knowing!

On the way when I was coming!

That you came in blue saree!

And started the program!

You were looking too pretty!

You were looking so lovely!

You wanted to shake hands!

But you dropped idea!

Leaving on me!

We talked with each other!

I tried to invite you!

But I couldn't be successful!

Hence I left everything on destiny!

I didn't want to miss you!

But I had to miss you!

I was feeling that!

I must continue to see you!

I was sad when you were going!

I feel too sorry!

I always keep you waiting!

Since last three years!

When will be the end?

Of our waiting!

Almighty knows only!

I have left everything on Him!

Accept my infinite love!

Accept my infinite thanks!

For showering your love on me!

O my divine love!

O my loving Radhe!


Oct 06, 2020

O my divine love!

O my loving darling!

Never feel ashamed!

Whatever words you have spoken to me!

Whatever you have done to me!

Never feel ashamed!

Since we are one n same!

Since we are not different!

I still remember!

The words spoken by you!

You told me!

It is not my question!

It is not the question of one woman!

It is the question of all ladies!

I must respect their love!

I must honor your love!

Yes, I honor your love!

There is no doubt!

You told me!

That I am not so old!

That I can't love!

You are right!

Love doesn't see any age!

Love is ageless!

I still love you!

And I will always love you!

Irrespective of your age!

Irrespective of my age!

Without any doubt!

But love is between two persons!

We are only one!

Yes I love yourself!

That is also myself!

Not only I love yourself!

I love your every thing!

I love your divine soul!

I love your intellect!

I love your mind!

I love your beautiful body!

Never feel ashamed!

Never worry for any thing!

Whatever you have spoken to me!

Whatever you have done to me!

Since I and you are one n same!

Since I and you are not different!

O my divine love!

O my loving darling!


Oct 20, 2020

O my divine love!

O my loving Radhe!

You are so loving!

You are so sweet heart!

On the one hand!

You yourself call me!

When I send you the message!

I ask you -

Have you time to talk to me!

You reply -

Aapke Liye time hi time hai!

On the other hand!

When I call you!

You don't pick up my phone!

Kya yahi pyar hai?

How is this love?

On the one hand!

When I call you!

You reply me -

I am busy in driving!

After some time!

You stop your car!

And you call to me!

On the other hand!

When I come to meet you!

You don't come to me!

Kya yahi pyar hai?

How is this love?

Are you also doing the same!

With other friends?

Or you don't consider me!

Worth loving?

Is it due to difference of gender?

Is it due to any other difference?

If we are having any differences!

How can it be called as love?

You may be better knowing!

You may reply yourself!

You can not remain without love!

I can not remain without love!

Since you are yourself love!

Since I am myself love!

Since I and you are not different!

Since I and you are one and same!

O my divine love!

O my loving darling!


Nov 14, 2020

O my divine love!

O my loving Radhe!

You are so beautiful!

You are so charming!

You have dazzled me!

With your beauty!

You are beautiful!

From inside outside!

You are sweet heart!

You are so loving!

Accept my infinite love!

Accept my infinite thanks!

Accept my best wishes!

For happy Diwali always!

O my divine love!

O my loving darling!


Feb 14, 2023

O My Loving Radhe!

O My divine love!

You are so sweet!

In your heart!

When there were rains!

You used to worry!

About me!

You used to think!

That rain will wet me!

Since I am everywhere!

Rain can't wet me!

Though I am everywhere!

Rain is also my maya!

That is also my illusion!

Like you see mirage!

In any desert!

From distance!

But actually!

There is no water!

In the same way!

Rain is also my illusion!

Hence it can't wet me!

This is my voice!

This is divine voice from sky!

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divine voice from sky

? ? ?

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? ? ?

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? ? ?

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? ? ?

Vinay Kulkarni

Corporate Trainer | MBA, Certified Scrum Master, Certified ITIL v4 Professional, ISO 27001 ISMS, Service Delivery, Communication Management, Healthcare Trainer

1 年

Krishnam Vande Jagatgurum

Vishnu Verma

Tech Support ( R&D Dept)

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Jai Shri Radhe Krishna????????

Kundan Kumar

Lithium Emmobility B2B institutional Sales Manager

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Jai Shree Krishna


Jai shree krishna ji

Rahul Shit

Software Engineer

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