Divine Union
Throughout time, poets have created magic from their deepest reverence of romance. Where the power of their union is hallowed through the embodied mastery of love.
United through their merging, the Lovers create a forcefield of consciousness. The Union is reverenced as a sacred container: as both lovers offer their undivided focus towards the expansion and growth of the union’s integrity.
Empowered through consistency each surrenders their selfish ways in order to merge through the miracle of deep communion. Love exudes as the purity of their presence attunes the couple to a higher octave of frequency. The regenerative powers come through the release of oxytocin that heals and restores their bodies; a hormone that is only available when one is merged through the grace of love.
Encoded within is the awareness of a love so pure and unadulterated. A magic that drives one another to deeply dive into the mystery of communion. Enraptured Souls engage in the sacred honor of connection. As Source lives through their hearts they are radiant through their unrelenting passion, nurturing and solidifying the holy container of love.
?Elayne Le Monde
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