If Divine-Spirit existed in them then he would have also ceases along with them, which never happen.

If Divine-Spirit existed in them then he would have also ceases along with them, which never happen.

And you consider me the cause of the consequence produce by Sattwa (cosmic-conscious), Raja (energizer) and  Tamas (ignorant). Yet in reality I am not in them and they are not in Me.  (BhagwatGita: 7/12)

The Tamas is darkening quality of nature. That which obscures the underlying unity of life. Tamas is the lowest of three qualities, known as gunas, that form the entire universe. The gunas represent progressive stages of outward manifestation from the eternal spirit. In contrast to sattwa guna, the elevating or spiritual quality of nature, and rajoguna, the activating or energizing quality, tamoguna represents the darkening, stultifying, and inertial aspects of creation.  Tamas may also be translated as “mental dullness” or “ignorance.”  All creation is a mixture of the three gunas, but some human beings may be predominantly tamasic or tamasic-rajasic by nature. 

The Raja (Royal) is  activating element of nature.  That which represents movement between the two opposing sides of duality. 

In between the darkening quality of tamas and the uplifting quality of sattwa, raja represents the middle quality or guna of the universe. The three gunas together constitute vibratory creation. Whereas tamas pulls one away from divine nature and sattwa draws one toward the one eternal spirit, rajas activates the movement. Under the influence of rajas, creation expresses itself in diverse ways, without preference for movement toward or away from spirit.  The mixture of rajas-tamas induces one toward ignorance and material attachments, while the mixture of rajas-sattwa brings one toward right activity and enlightenment. 

Rajoguna manifests in the qualities of restlessness, activity, pushiness, and ambition. Rajas keeps a person involved outwardly, whether through self-debasing or self-raising actions.  If predominantly rajasic, the mind seeks diversity rather than definite direction of thought or energy. In people of predominantly sattwic nature, rajas pulls one downward toward material attachments, whereas in people of predominantly tamasic nature, rajas pulls one upward toward spirituality. 

The Sattwic ,  Rajasic and  Tamasic consequences is originated by Divine God, therefore all the manifestation of these is form of Divine God. The Man always wants happiness he never like sorrow, this lead to attachment with nature and sin. When Man indulge in prohibited deed or pray for evil desire then God appear in front of him as sorrow-hell.

Remember God has stated “I am the cause and end of world (7/6)”. Further he has added that “ taking control of nature I repeatedly create world (9/8) and “Under me nature create world (9/10).

Now God has declared that quality of  Sattwic ,  Rajasic and  Tamasic is originated by Him. These qualities do not possess independent sovereignty other than that of Divine God. Therefore God is God , God is undoubtedly superior than any one. All the Sattwic ,  Rajasic and  Tamasic materials and functions initiate and end but Divine-Spirit never ceases. If Divine-Spirit existed in them then he would have also ceases along with them, which never happen. Divine-Spirit is infinite and immortal therefore he does not exist in any mortal sovereignty and matter. Similarly attached man and deed and mortal materials are not in Divine-Spirit if they would have been in God they would also been immortal, but God never accept man with attached deed. All these explain that sovereignty of Divine-God is infinite, self sufficient, immortal and independent, not at all dependent on us. God is alerting us that the sovereignty of worldly material is dependent on Him.     


Ajanta, Maharashtra




Buddha’s message of unity, service to others important as humanity suffers from COVID-19: UN chief


UNITED NATIONS, MAY 06, 2020 11:21 IST

UPDATED: MAY 06, 2020 11:21 IST


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Vesak commemorates the birth, enlightenment and death of Gautama Buddha | Photo Credit: PTI

The UN chief called on all nations to take action for others with compassion and solidarity

Lord Buddha’s message of unity, service to others is more important today as the humanity suffers from the COVID-19 pandemic and it is only by working together that nations can stop the spread, recover from the deadly coronavirus, the UN chief said in his message for the Day of Vesak.

Vesak marks the birth, enlightenment and death of Gautama Buddha. It is the most sacred day to millions of Buddhists around the world.

“As we honour the birth, enlightenment and passing of Lord Buddha, we can all be inspired by his teachings. And as the human family suffers the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are reminded of the sutra: ‘Because all living beings are subject to illness, I am ill as well’,” Secretary General Antonio Guterres said in message for the Day of Vesak, observed on May 7.

Guterres said Buddha’s timeless message of unity and service to others is more important than ever.

“It is only together that we will stop the spread of the coronavirus and recover,” Guterres said.

As millions of Buddhists around the world celebrate the sacred occasion of Vesak, the UN chief called on all nations to celebrate Lord Buddha’s wisdom by taking action for others with compassion and solidarity, and by renewing our commitment to build a peaceful world.

Vesak is the Day of the Full Moon in the month of May.

It was on the Day of Vesak two and a half millennia ago, in the year 623 B.C., that the Buddha was born. On this day, Buddha attained enlightenment and passed away in his 80th year.

In 1999, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution in which it recognised the International Day to acknowledge the contribution that Buddhism, one of the oldest religions in the world, has made for over two and a half millennia and continues to make to the spirituality of humanity.


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