The wisdom of the fathers
?Another step to deep communion with God is to check all eagerness to hear the latest news. Those who depend on the world for the support of their spiritual life will naturally seek to know the details of what is going on around them. They know their happiness is directly linked to the things that are taking place in the temporal realm. In contrast, those who receive their spiritual life directly from God do not worry about their changing circumstances. The limited news that is needed to see how God is currently working, and how it relates to our assigned work, can be learned very quickly. There is no need to waste time filling our minds with the world and its thought processes when we could be communing with our everlasting God and receiving life and direction from Him moment by moment.?
Another step to walking with God is to avoid showing off our religion. We have been called to a life of simplicity that does not seek to make itself known. We do not find God making a great display of Himself. While He does show Himself on occasions in very significant ways, most of His work is carried out in His hidden state. Jesus would often reveal light and then disappear from the scene. He was always telling people not to make a loud broadcast of what He had done. While we are to display a life of holy and joyous love that reveals God’s glory, we are not to seek to draw attention to ourselves. We are afraid there are many who have lost much of their spiritual life because they wanted to show off their “spirituality” before others. Nothing would be a greater crucifixion to some Christians than to refrain from ever making a display of their religion.
(from "Heavenly Life" by G.D. Watson)