Amb Steve Mbugua
INTENTIONAL ENCOURAGER, Ambassador Of Safety and Wellness, Author, Entrepreneur, Mentor, Church Ushering Coach.
I worked at Equity bank for 6 months and had not qualified for the position but within those 6 months I?worked so aggressively that we won a trophy and I had an opportunity of meeting former President Mr. Kibaki. Am on your far left posing with my colleagues’ moment after receiving the trophy from Mr. President.
How did I get to Equity Bank? It is what we call ‘DIVINE ORCHESTRATION’ or ‘ALL THINGS WORKS TOGETHER FOR GOOD’
I was at Moi University and we had just completed our 2nd year exams and everyone was going home. Unfortunately, I didn’t have fare to go home(Nakuru) and my Sister Martha who was then working in Eldoret had promised in two days’ time she would send me the transport. My roommate had some unga and sugar left so he gave it to me and for the two days the unga and sugar sustained me. Uji, ugali and strong tea pushed me through.
The following day a Memo was released by the dean of Students from Equity Bank advertising opportunities from Equity bank for only the 4th years(who had just completed their studies). I was a 2nd year without any transcript but immediately I applied for the position as my crazy FAITH assured me I would get the opportunity. The memo read that shortlisting, interviews and training of the selected would take place 3 days after and so I kept surviving with my uji, ugali, strong tea and a bit of fasting. You see, a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. I saw an opportunity to work in a bank even though I had not met the requirements. One good thing is that almost all students had gone home so there were no enough forth years left to apply.
Surprisingly days later the list came out and I was on the list so we went for training and I was posted to Nakuru Gate House branch. I worked so hard for the time that I was there and most of the times I requested for more duties. Long holiday normally took 4 months but I extended for two more months and by the time I was leaving the branch they had assured me that I should report there in the next long holiday as well as once I clear my education though in my heart I felt my next roles should involve?moving around serving the community and not being confined in an office putting on suits and tie.
It's through curiosity and looking at opportunities in new ways that I've always mapped my path. We call it ‘roho juu.’
So many things are possible as long as you don't know they are impossible. Without leaps of imagination or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming big, after all is a form of planning. Turn your obstacles into opportunities and your problems into possibilities.
“Death is so final, whereas life is full of possibilities'' - Tyrion Lannister
Which opportunity do you have today? Is it an attachment, internship, volunteering, helping your parents at home and just moving around your neighborhood and town looking for something to do(kazi ya kutafuta kazi)? Do it so well as if you are doing it for God not for mere men and not commensurate to your wage and how good you feel. You never know who is watching. The bible says that diligent hands rule.?Diligence is the mother of good fortune. Be as diligent as a bee.
Let me also inform you that after university, the NGO that employed me I was underqualified. They wanted a person with a Masters degree in Public Health, Nursing, Disaster Management, Medicine or Health and Safety with a minimum of 3 years experience. I applied for the job. I had not graduated but had a recommendation from the dean of students, good CV, first year and second year transcripts and had pursued Economics. I applied, was shortlisted and attended the first and second interviews and I remember in the second interview some of the board members who were interviewing me said, ‘This young man is very passionate, look at his CV full of volunteer activities and awards. These are the caliber of people we need to push this organization forward. This guy will become a manager here soon with his passion and attitude.’ Inside I was smiling and for sure I got the job and three years later I became a head of department before resigning and starting my own companies.
In 2016 I seized a moment at KICC in a platform that had the senior citizens in Kenya and got a chance to share about Safety Culture and surprisingly I was declared Ambassador Of Safety And Wellness that day. Just a 5mins presentation turned my life around and today if you Google Ambassador Steve Mbugua or Ambassador Of Safety you'll see the great works and impact. Life ni Kujituma nduki nduki , Kujichocha na Kutrust God. You gotta FAITH IT UP! Faith it until you get it and be it!
Remember, a positive mindset brings positive things. Keep looking up!!
Develop the Tenacity of a bulldog. Have the POSSICAN Spirit (It is POSSIBLE and CAN be done atitude). Be hungry for success. Motivate and Inspire yourself. Declare that 'I can, I will and I must change the situation.' It is important, It is necessary and It is crucial that you win because your life carries the destinies of many and so if you win they win big. Arise and take up the steering wheel of your life. Accelerate and keep up the momentum. Keep moving, Keep going, Keep rising, keep shining and never give up.
May the Lord give you a spirit of excellence in whatever you do. May you find favor with people and God and may you have wisdom and revelation to seize opportunities that comes your way. May you experience divine orchestration, divine alignment and supernatural backing in your life and may you live to tell stories, testify and encourage many people with your testimonies.