Divine - The Natural Healer

Divine - The Natural Healer

The modern fast paced and dynamic world is inflicted with many diseases causing dismay. Interestingly, what is largely believed to be a happening determined by fate, requires a deeper understanding of the actual cause. Researches indicate most Modern Day Diseases to be Man-Made. Yet, we ignorantly assume these are not preventable.

Quantum Science states that everything is connected in this universe at a micro and macro level. Quoting the Chaos theory, the flapping of wings by a butterfly is said to bring about a storm in the Pacific Ocean. A prime example of chaos is the human body, be it in the beating of our hearts or the functioning of our brain, the intricacies of which are purely determined by external stimuli. In short, The Human system is complex and is much more than the sum of its parts. Any disarray in this complex system causes diseases - Dis-Ease of the mind and the body!

However, In all chaos there is a cosmos; in all disorder, there is a secret order!! Aligning our internal systems to this secret order is the ultimate key to healing - at a holistic level! These western inferences to our eastern modes of philosophy and healing dates back many centuries to our Vedantic texts.

SRIMAD BHAGAVATAM, which is the essence of all Vedic literatures compares the human body to a city of nine gates called as Nava-dwara-pura or the Nava-Dwara-Pattinam. Every individual’s experiences are through these nine apertures - the two eyes, the two ears, the nostrils, mouth, the excretory and the reproductive organs, with each of our 5 senses enabling interactions with the external world. The nature of our experience purely is driven by our belief systems. Thoughts and actions devoid of kaamam(desire), Krodham(anger), lobham(greed), moham(obsession), madham(pride), maathsaryam(jealousy), asuuyaa(hatred), shokam(worry), maanDhya(Laziness), Ahankaaram(Ego), Dosha Darshanam(finding fault), paraasuthaa(Apathy) help us in leading a healthy life. These are the very obstacles in the path of salvation. Absolute surrender to the divine, act as a strong shield against these traits causing the diseases. Following the nine principles of devotional service to the Lord (namely Sravanam, Keerthanam, Smaranam, Archanam, Vandhanam, Dasyam, Paadha Sevanam, Sakhyam, Atma Nivethanam) paves the way for ultimate liberation from the shackles of the materialistic world.

In a nutshell, Cure is all about the state of our mind, our perpetual view of the overall existence!!

yad yad vibhūtimat sattva? ?rīmad ūrjitam eva vā

tat tad evāvagaccha tva? mama tejo-'??a-sambhavam

athavā bahunaitena ki? j?ātena tavārjuna

vi??abhyāham ida? k?tsnam ekā??ena sthito jagat


Prof. Haripriya Rengarajan, CSM的更多文章

