Divine light of heaven is of Nature God
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Nature is God’s creation. The creation and the Creator are never equal. That out of the way, let us address your queries of the mind. Humility: We are nothing. God is everything. The more we reflect on his omnipresence, omnipotence and other qualities, we are astounded by his greatness, and humbled by our littleness. Born of humility, we learn to be open to wisdom, not just knowledge. As a continuation, we understand that we are not alone. We need others, as they need us. We are bound inextricably.
We learn to give, not take. We learn to forgive, not hold grudges. In short, we learn to love - God and others. Last twelve years I am worshipping Shirdi Sai Baba as my Guru. In this period I have learned a lot. I am experiencing whatever below mentioned In Sai Satcharitra is true. For the benefits of the reader, I am reproducing some content from Sai Satcharitra-Whoever listens to this story, with concentration after bowing at Sai’s feet, will find it most auspicious and supremely purifying. The devotee who is possessed of real devotion and has his self-interest at heart will savor the nectar of this story with a concentrated mind.
Service never goes unrewarded. Sai will fulfill his aims and objects, be it for worldly gains or spiritual, and ultimately help in accomplishing life’s desires. While meditating, there should be intense concentration. There is no better means than meditation. He who practices this himself will undoubtedly uplift himself. How can there be life or death for him who has forgotten the desires of life and the world? He achieves bliss by being engrossed in the Atman. Therefore, the chanting of the name of one’s Guru gives birth to Supreme Bliss and the vision of God in all creatures. What else is the greatness of the name?
He, whose name has such great powers, to him my obeisance with faith and devotion. I come and surrender to him with my body, speech, and mind wholeheartedly. Discarding all pride, surrender to me who dwells in the heart. Ignorance will be destroyed immediately and there will be no need to listen to any instructions about knowledge. Baba was compassionate to the afflicted and the poor and concerned about the welfare of his devotees. He offered them the nectar of wisdom in plenty, in Shirdi, all the time. Listen to it.
“Those who love me most, they see me always before them. Without me their universe is desolate. They have only my stories on their lips. “They meditate on me ceaselessly; they have my name on their tongue and chant it repeatedly, and they sing of my deeds wherever they come or go. “When they are so merged in me and forget all about their actions and omissions, and where there is reverence for service to be rendered to me, I dwell there always. “He, who constantly remembers me after completely surrendering to me, I owe him a debt which I will repay by uplifting him.
“I am in bondage to him who does not eat or drink anything without offering it to me first and who constantly meditates upon me. I act according to his wishes. “I constantly care for him who only longs for me and for him no one is equal to me. I act according to his wishes. “He who has turned away from mother, father, kinsmen, friends and relatives, wife and son alone is attached to my feet. “During the rainy season, many rivers in flood meet the sea and forget that they are rivers. They become one with the ocean. “The form, as well as the name, has disappeared. The water has mixed with the sea. The river and the sea are enjoined. Duality is lost in unity.
“On achieving such oneness, the mind forgets the name and the form. It will begin to see me with its natural disposition because there is no other place for it but with me. Absolutely no fear, if you have fear even the rope would look like snake to you. One wouldn’t be able to see things clearly. Faith; absolute faith, when faith is absolute then whatever task you have in hand, you do it as a task given by God , if you have faith then both good results and bad results should have same impact on you. You trust that it will take care you. Patience: Being patient, and have faith.?
Nature is not God. People who believe nature to be God / divine are stuck in endless cycle of birth and death. They don't know the truth. Being stuck in nature is like being stuck in jail. Ill give you a clear analogy. Train stations exists for travelers to hop onto train and lead to their destination and not for travellers to lay a mattress on the station to enjoy and admire the view of variety of trains? How humanity treats / think people living on stations are stupid / fools / poor / illiterates. Exactly like that God thinks people stuck on earth in endless cycle of birth and death are Fools.?
Earth is also a station to travel to higher dimension through the city of God or train of God called your Body. Which is misused by all due to ignorance even after having all the knowledge available on earth on how to become one with God left by God himself. This ignorant quality of humans is reason for all the miseries Humanity is in. To escape this nasty cycle of birth and death in nature. You find a Guru. Without Guru you cannot experience God.?
Guru's diksha destroys your sins and gives divine knowledge. Diksha means divya gyan and paapo ka kshay. This allows the disciple to practice spirituality without obstructions. This is why Guru is treated as God. Or If you do deeds without expecting anything then God will reveal himself to you in some way. This can be done without Guru. This will turn you into spiritually awakened Guru after very long period of continued practice. If you have been spiritually active in your past lives then that also can fructify and God will reveal himself to you. To be Sattvic and be non selfish devoid of ego are the minimum required qualities. Look at everyone and everything as a part of you and hence be kind to all. Then you'll in the right path and as you go, you'll learn many more things!?
Divine light the destination of human. As far as I know no one till date has reached there without the help of a perfect master. All incarnations including Lord Rama and Krishna followed this rule of surrendering upon the lotus feet of Purna Guru. Now question arises how to find that master. Take help of quoting from holy books of any sect these books guide you about the qualities of perfect master. Akhand manglakaram vyaptam yen characharsya tatadam darshitam yen tasmay shree guruve naman. The Purna Guru instantaeously shows you that light through your agya chakra. Instant means instant because karmic balance can never be zero…instant means instant because Karmic balance can never be zero before attaining this knowledge of Brahm Gyan.?
Please find a Purna Guru and surrender upon the lotus feet and ask for Brahm Gyan. Being imaginary, or at least unable to demonstrate that it isn’t imaginary. Being non-existent, or at least unable to demonstrate that it exists. Representing something different to every believer. Being a character in relatively popular fiction. Having all manner of actions ascribed to it, in a way that seems inconsistent or nonsensical to non-believers. Om Namo Gurudev
Visiting Faculty--Management & Certified Career Counselor
2 年Nice post, Kishore. Swami Yukteshwar had told Paramhans Yogananda that God is not someone who sits on the throne in the nook & corner of the space and monitors things. It reveals itself as a light. It is a formless appearance. To an ardent devotee like Ramkrishna, it manifested in the form of Kalimata. When Ramkrishna was asked about the nature of God, he replied,--it is formless or with form and also beyond form and formless states.
Be silence. Let stillness move you naturally.
2 年Wonderful dearest. Cheers.Kishore Shintre
Experienced business development professional clinical research Phase I to Phase IV.
2 年??
Academy for Career Excellence
2 年Interesting share Lovely Pic Kishoreji
For a changing world that favors unity instead of division, Compassion & Kindness : Our ancestors continuity through us
2 年Friday blessings dear Kishore Shintre?? Thank you so much for sharing this insightful post.?