Divine Light
Barbara Doane
Entrepreneurial Doula & Career Coach | Go-To-Market Strategist | Soulpreneur | Top Writer on Substack | EcoSpiritual Retreat Leader | Human Rewilder??
My weekly blog post has been on pause for a bit as the last few weeks have been consumed by unexpected events of the 'drop everything to help a loved one' variety. In these moments time stops, and all attention goes to the present situation. The intense need for focus combined with lack of sleep creates a level of exhaustion that can only be described as bone tired. Thankfully the situation has stabilized and remains positive for which I am beyond grateful. It feels good to get back to writing.?
This unexpected turn of events came at a time when I was reading "Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul" by John Philip Newell in preparation for the Spirit module of the EcoMinistry program I am enrolled in with the Center for Wild Spirituality. The introduction of this book about Celtic wisdom and spirituality holds a really powerful story. I read it several days ago and am still thinking about it today. One must pay attention when that happens! It goes like this:?
Many years ago, John Phillip Newell was giving a talk on the Celtic wisdom tradition which suggests that humans are not just made in the image of God, but rather all beings are of God, meaning all beings carry a divine light. The Celtic?tradition invites us to honor the divine light in all beings, human and non-human.?Also invited to speak that evening on the similarities between Celtic and Native wisdom was a Mohawk elder. After Newell's portion ended, the Mohawk elder rose with tears in his eyes and said, "As I have been listening to these themes, I have been wondering where I would be tonight, I have been wondering where my people would be tonight, and I have been wondering where we would be as a Western world tonight, if the mission that had come to us from Europe centuries ago had come expecting to find light in us."?
This absolutely gutted me. Imagine how everything would be different if we honored the divine light in ourselves, each other and all beings. Imagine if we treated all beings, human, plant and animal as sacred. Imagine if we honored the Earth instead of using it as a resource for economic gain. Imagine how our thinking and actions would change if we always looked for and honored the divine light.?
We cannot reverse injustice, but we can be part of a new way of being in the world. As I've practiced looking for divine light in others, I've found it in small kindnesses like a nurse who warms a meal at 2:00 am when the cafeteria is closed, or a neighbor who offers a hug just when you need it most. I definitely see it when I look into the eyes of my fur babies. It is present in the way the sun glistens through the trees and in the twinkle of the stars. Divine light is in all beings.?
Practice looking for the divine light in all things. It will change your perspective on the world and what truly matters most.?
Be well, and frolic on.?