The Divine Healing Touch
Have you ever seen a guru touching a sick person and chanting a mantra with eyes closed & like a miracle the patient is cured instantly?
Sometimes, this touch is known as Reiki - which is?a non-invasive Japanese touch therapy. It helps the body heal by removing blocks in the body's energy field, aligning and balancing the body's energy centers, and straightening the body's energy pathways.?
This energy is said to be balanced or made stronger by practitioners who pass their hands over or gently touch a patient's body.
Healing Touch was developed as a touch therapy program by?Janet Mentgen, a nurse who has used energy-based care in her practice in Colorado since 1980.
Reiki healing could be a centerpiece for your holistic healing practice, or as a complementary tool in the well-being toolkit, supporting you and others during times of imbalance and stress. Reiki is a Japanese technique used for the treatment of both physical and emotional trauma, and for supporting psychological clarity and spiritual wellbeing.
It is performed by a Reiki practitioner, who places his hands over your body, or right over it, in order to redirect the Reiki practitioner's energies. To give Reiki, the practitioner channels life energy through his hands onto the other person. Reiki is rooted in the idea that the transmission of energy from one person can spur healing energy from another.
According to a review published in the December 2014 issue of Pain Management Nursing, a theory underlying Reiki- is that interaction between the practitioner's energy field, also known as a biofield, and the recipient's energy field causes the effect of healing. According to Reiki, if the energy fields are deficient or blocked, it may cause physical, mental, and emotional problems.?
The goal of Reiki is to promote good health by balancing these energy fields. As a technique for promoting general well-being and for the empowerment of self-healing, Reiki is beneficial to those facing challenges with their mental and physical health, and those who are healthy and wish to maintain that health.
Practitioners of Reiki are dedicated to helping patients bring forth their positive energy into the healing process. In this way, healing touch practitioners partner with clients to promote their natural healing abilities. The techniques taught at healing touch schools allow practitioners to influence a client's energy field, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Modern Reiki practices sometimes differ, but generally, Reiki practitioners use their hands to restore and rebalance a recipient's energy flow throughout a healing session.
To start any Reiki practice, one must activate energy within oneself. During a Reiki session — which can range anywhere from a half-hour to almost two hours, depending on where you go — you sit on a massage table, fully clothed and covered by a sheet and/or blanket, with a practitioner gently placing their hands over (or hovering above) different parts of your body, where the energy is said to be flowing most.
The first step in this healing journey- is to practice yoga or meditation to awaken your kundalini chakra in order to connect with the universe with your quantum energy and get intense power to heal anyone. As, with our thoughts and feelings, we create an electromagnetic energy force, you will start feeling this energy around your head and hand with daily meditation practices.
There are many contradictory opinions about reiki in the present day. the reiki videos you will find on youtube are not actual reiki sessions, rather that is just something to help them get publicity and make money. However, everything starts with a positive notion. Once you trust and believe in the system and universal power, anything is possible.
More holistic and alternative practitioners tout Reiki's benefits for energy clearing. You will find a lot of meditation music with a Frequency of 432 Hz, play one with plugged-in earphones during your meditation practice, and focus on breathing to drift unnecessary thoughts go away from your heart and mind.
With time, you will start feeling a connection with the universe and the creative source. Once you feel the positive force in your plan, you can start with reiki healing by touching the affected people and seeking help.
“A healer's power stems not from any special ability, but from maintaining the courage and awareness to embody and express the universal healing power that every human being naturally possesses.”
―?Eric Micha'el Leventhal
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