Divine Design
God in his Divine Wisdom created two principles divided by his Vertical Kingdom. The female principle on the left side, and the male principle on the right side. These two principles exist within the sphere of creation and travel from the top down to its bottom. The female and male principles revolve around God’s vertical kingdom. These principles are different in purpose but equal in importance. I am not speaking of man and woman even though man and woman are subject to these principles which apply to them in every aspect of their existence.
A simple example of these principles in our world would be the wings of a bird or airplane. We also see their influence in the concept of nuts and bolts, receptacles and plugs, in the double helix of a stand of DNA and countless other examples. Together these principles give function and purpose to one another. This fact is witness in Man and Woman as they reproduce. Without these principles there would be no creation. A bird could not fly with one wing, a nut could not fasten without the marriage to a bolt, a socket could not complete a circuit without connection with a plug and so on.
My favorite example of this Divine Design is a simple tea pot. The handle serves as the grip and fulcrum point directing the spout to pour the pots content accurately. The handle needs the spout to pour the contents and the spout needs the handle to control the pour. So too does woman need man and man need woman, both equally important yet different in purpose.