Divine Command

by Barbrah Shiundu

In the timeless beginning, the ultimate Creator, actuated? existence by stating, “Let there be …” A? series of let there be ,profound proclamations? indeed, ?were the inception of the universe, ?in which everything made was made.? Creation is in the word. Let there be light, and there was light.? The word is the? tool that actuates the divine creativity. As the narrative unfolds, we encounter a vivid depiction of the earth, initially formless and empty, shrouded in darkness that lingered over the surface of the deep, where the Spirit hovered with purpose. All that was not created during the eventful six days of remained in the tacit dimension, formless and uncreated. It is the divine duty of you and me, human beings to dive deep into the tacit dimension ?where Spirit hovers with purpose ?and penetrating through the darkness that covers the surface of this deep dimension , to actuate ?and exteriorize the tacit knowledge therein into explicit knowledge, then ?use ?the exteriorized knowledge to create novel products and services to improve the life of mankind.

Divine Duty

The divine creation alludes to a state of potentiality that is within each and every one of us ?humans to examine the technologies created in the first six days, study them, master them by having a deep and profound understanding of each technology to discover the knowledge buried inside and then apply knowledge to bring out the product of that particular knowledge . The tacit dimension which is indeed the where the Spirit hovers with purpose ?is a realm of abundant untapped resources ?the dormant capital awaiting actuation. ?Hernando de soto would refer to certain aspects of the knowledge that lies in this tacit dimension, in the darkness of the deep where the spirit hovers ?with purpose, as dead capital.

Latent Richness Awaits Your Action

In one facet , the parallel between the deep ?where the spirit hovers ?with purpose and the layers of dead capital indicates a state of latent richness, resources existing in abundance but lying idle, awaiting the transformative spark of ?your ingenuity to actuate them. The darkness ?that covers the surface of the deep signifies more than mere obscurity; it embodies the untapped reservoirs of knowledge? needed to actuate raw materials, untamed landscapes, and unexplored possibilities that blanket ?and embed the earth—indeed, the over surface, the surface itself and the subsurface material resources. Of critical importance is the material of human ?mind as capital –the human resource

Just as with the darkness that awaited the Creator's command, the layers of dead capital represent potential waiting to be awakened or actuated. They comprise plants unrepresented in commodities markets, improperly registered land and buildings, unexplored mineral resources , and overlooked ?human resources , all requiring the illumination of human action to reveal their latent vitality. In a world where vast expanses of resources lie underutilized, the call echoes to bring light to these dormant assets, to transform the inert into the vibrant, and to usher in a new era of productivity.

Taking Dominion in Divine Command to Subdue and Conquer

Just as divine creative act ?of light on day one, and subsequent days leading up to day six, ?brought illumination to the cosmic darkness, us ?human beings stand at the precipice of ?actuating the potential within these layers of dead capital, just by taking action. The call to action is to subdue and conquer, to venture into the depths of untapped resources, and to illuminate the dormant ?knowledge in the tacit dimension , with the brilliance of human innovation. In this journey from darkness to light, from the tacit dimension to the explicit, from explicit dimension to products and services, from untapped potential to realized capital, lies the opportunity for responsible stewardship and the creation of a flourishing tapestry woven from the layers of dead capital that once rested in obscurity.

This divine act of creation, is a symphony of cosmic proportions, that is bestowed upon you and me ?even with a foundational grant of capital, the raw materials and resources from which to sculpt and innovate ?to create products and services to improve human life of earth. The command to "subdue and conquer the earth" emerges as an invitation to unlock and unleash the latent potential within this dead or untapped capital. The metaphorical darkness over the surface of the deep becomes analogous to the state of dead capital, resources existing but not yet animated into productive assets. It symbolizes the untapped reservoir of potential awaiting human ingenuity to illuminate and breathe life into these dormant resources.

Divine blessings and a charge to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, beckons you and me to actively engage in the stewardship of this bestowed capital. The directive to "subdue and have dominion" signifies not a ruthless exploitation but a call to responsible management, care, and creative involvement with the earth's resources. In this context, the act of subduing aligns with the notion of actuating potential within dead capital, transforming it into a force for productivity and benefit through intentional activation.

The Word

Further? the canvas expands with the resonant declaration, "In the beginning was the Word,." This statement introduces a profound perspective, attributing divine nature to ?divine energy of conscious thought—the word. ?A thought emanating from our consciousness, which is indeed the word, is all that you need to actuate, or set in motion the process of creation. The Word ?actuates resources ??to mobilize dead capital, breathing life into it. ?

In this way, the Word ?is the divine? because it is by the word that we actuate the future we really want to create. Thus, actuating dead capital is in divine order, awaiting human stewardship to fulfill its intended purpose. The transformative nature of the Word, possessing creative power, aligns with the potential for dead capital to undergo a metamorphosis through human initiative, requiring stewardship to become productive. Stewardship is to subdue and conquer, taking dominion of the resources. We are called to obey this divine command, to which if we fail to obey, we face certain wrath that lead to poverty and desolation. Failure to obey this divine command leads to an abomination of desolation, ?a true? adventure in missing the point. ?In other words, our divine purpose on earth is to take dominion of existing creations, as a grant given to us by grace, and use them to innovate and create new products and services to improve life on earth, for everyone to flourish. ?

Thus, these statements provide a foundation for understanding ?our purpose here on earth ?that we are granted by sheer grace the substrate? to create and a framework for responsible actuation of the substrate duly granted and transform? the substrate resources, ?through an intricate process of breathing life to? dead capital.

The Divine Power is Within You

Now, you may argue that you do not have the means to create, because you do not have the divine power. Here is the good news, the you have within you all the divine power to create. You have the divine power to actuate knowledge. You have the within you the divine power to dive through the darkness that covers the surface of the deep to go very deep? into the tacit dimension where the spirit of the divine hovers with purpose, and to exteriorize? that tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge, and to render it in forms that can be used to create novel products and services to improve human life.? "the Divine kingdom is within you" ?means that you are granted by grace within your consciousness the ability to actuate the knowledge in the tacit dimension. This ability lies dormant ?as an untapped resource within you; a? substrate comprising latent talents, unexplored potential, or unrealized capabilities waiting to be actuated . Essentially, ?the statement that the divine kingdom is within you , speaks to the truth that within each ?one of us lies a reservoir of untapped richness, awaiting to be activated, which when awakened and utilized, ?immensely contributes to personal growth, innovation, and positive impact. It underscores the importance of self-awareness, development, and purposeful action to unlock the inherent potential residing within ?you.


In the grand tapestry of creation and stewardship, we find ourselves at the crossroads of divine charge and human ingenuity. As we heed the call to action, it's crucial to understand that the divine power to actuate knowledge, to illuminate the dormant layers of dead capital, lies within each of us.

In the beginning was the Word—an assertion that transcends the temporal and signifies the divine energy of conscious thought. Our thoughts, our words, possess the transformative power to breathe life into the inert, mobilizing resources and capitalizing on untapped potential. The symphony of creation unfolds through the resonance of our conscious words, aligning with the Creator's command to subdue and conquer.

The layers of dead capital, akin to the darkness over the surface of the deep, represent not a void but an abundance of latent richness awaiting our creative stewardship. The divine command is not a harsh imposition but an invitation to responsibly manage and innovate, to bring light to the untapped reservoirs of knowledge and resources.

The acknowledgement that the divine kingdom is within us is a liberating truth. It implies that, equipped with inherent abilities, we possess the means to dive into the tacit dimension, where the spirit hovers with purpose. Our duty is not a burden but a gracious gift—a substrate within our consciousness that empowers us to actuate knowledge, to create, and to improve human life.

In conclusion, the symphony of creation and stewardship is our ongoing journey from potential to realized capital, from darkness to light. Embracing our divine purpose means recognizing the richness within, unlocking dormant resources, and contributing to the flourishing of humanity. It's not just a duty; it's an opportunity—a call to participate in the divine act of creation, guided by the profound understanding that the power to actuate, innovate, and transform lies within each of us.

#DivineCreation #WordofCreation #StewardshipJourney #DivineCharge #HumanIngenuity #DeadCapitalRevival #UnlockPotential #ActuateKnowledge #ResponsibilityInInnovation #DivinePowerWithin #SymphonyofCreation #CreativeStewardship #TransformativeWord #SacredResponsibility #InherentAbilities #LatentRichness #UntappedResources #SubdueandConquer #InnovationCall #FlourishingHumanity #DivinePurpose #PotentialRealization #CrossroadsOfCreation #ProfoundPerspective #DivineOrder #GracefulGrant #DormantRiches #SelfAwarenessJourney #UnlockingPotential #DivineKingdomWithin #LiberatingTruth #ConsciousThoughtPower #HumanInnovation #PurposefulAction #CreationAndStewardship #Actuate

Wambua Kalunda

Crypto Trader at FOREX

1 年

Full of Godliness, it's great

Evans Akai

Mechanical & Production Engineer | Proficient in Research, Writing, and Academic Support. Navigating the frontiers of knowledge and R&D with precision.

1 年

"Subdue and conquer", what a brilliant way to elucidate and expound on this divine command. Well done ?

Zeddy Junior

-- alumni@uonbi

1 年

Impressive ??


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