Divine Accountability
If you have been reading my posts you have probably noticed that I am a Christian and I encourage you to become one. One of the reasons I do so is because of the accountability it brings.
Being a Christian makes you accountable to someone other than yourself and the people in your life. You become accountable to God and His teaching.
God loves and cares for you, He knows the best and wants the best for you. He knows you better than yourself because He made you and He has been with you since you were born. So, all His guidelines always have your best interest at heart.
He gives us a reference point and anchor with guidelines that never change. He gives us a manual to live this life in the best way and a path to an eternity in paradise.
Choosing to follow Him relieves the pressure of figuring out life and your own path because He already did it for you. He guides and helps you.
It doesn't make life easy, but it makes it simple. Simply follow what He says, and it will be well. Of course, following Him will be difficult in practice but it is the most worthwhile pursuit that a human can have.
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