Dividing Business Assets During a Divorce

Dividing Business Assets During a Divorce

Dividing any type of assets during a divorce can be complicated, regardless of which assets are in question.

But dividing BUSINESS ASSETS is especially complex and requires an attorney who’s experienced in divorce law and everything that comes with it. ??

Did you know that if you or your spouse started a business prior to your marriage, any interest acquired during marriage may be considered community property ??

So you need an attorney who not only has experience in divorce, but also understands California’s community property laws for a fair division of property during your divorce.

If you owned a business before your marriage, are you wondering if you’ll automatically retain the business asset after the divorce?

Actually, because of contributing efforts and labor during the marriage, the community acquires an interest in the property even if it was started BEFORE marriage. ??

In fact, even if you started a business DURING marriage, the source of funds for that business interest may impact the interest the community has in the business.

So as you can see, there are a lot of aspects to consider when it comes down to dividing business assets. ??

Schedule a consultation with us and we'll make sure to navigate you through the details.


