The Divided State of America
Jeffrey Stier
People Strategy Architect. EY America’s lead: People Sustainability EY America's lead: Strategic Purpose & Vision Realized EY Global lead and co-founder: The EY-Simon Sinek ‘Why Effect’
The thoughts and words below are mostly from the thoughtful, introspective and purposeful Joey Reiman--you can find him on Facebook and LinkedIn. I've taken a few editorial liberties.
The Divided States Of America
The words “united” and “untied” have the same letters. Could this be a clue that our founding fathers left behind as a warning to our nation?
Today, America feels more untied than united. How do you feel?
If untied, it’s not the first time. Once we were 13 colonies with different leaders, monies, mantras and currencies. Fortunately, our Founding Fathers had the sense and semblance to assemble rather than divide...which is what our enemies—at the time primarily the British—were hoping for. Indeed, we went to Philly and came out with one idea: ‘e pluribus, unum.” Out of many, one.
Together we became stronger. We transformed differences into collective ingenuity, became the most successful country in history and a role model for other countries whose success also followed.
Today it’s a different enemy but the same strategy and objective...attack and destroy America targeting the single most important thing that made America great. Untie the united. Not with a traditional war or revolution but with a more subtle dissolution. Weaken America brick by brick. One election; one law; one politician; one community; one church, mosque, synagogue; one business leader; one news organization; one anything at a time. Until before America realizes it they are so untied that it is impossible to remember what made America great in the first place.
Who is today’s enemy?
One way to answer that question is to apply a simple filter. A simple test grounded in one of the most important principles that made America great in the first place. Is the enemy any nation, organization or individual (inside or outside of our borders) that seeks to untie America in any way, shape or form?
Today black and white factions are frictions. The divide between rich and poor, educated and uneducated is growing. Seeds of doubt have creeped into the minds of Allies who were once friends. The list goes on.
America’s enemies are succeeding in creating a United Stated that is coming apart. Nay…a world that is coming apart. How can we come together? How can we make America great again by restoring the foundational mindset and behaviors that made us great from the start. How can we be better together? How do we unite in the face of those that wish to untie us? Below are a few ideas for consideration and discussion. What would you add or delete from this list?
1. Tone at the top.
The President and Congress have one job that takes precedent over all others- unite our Nation.
2. Find a new enemy.
Partisan politics create an environment in which we fight ourselves. This is exactly what America’s real enemies plant seeds that grow and destroy/untie us from the inside out because they are too weak to beat America from the outside in.
3. Explore, articulate and recommit to the Founding Fathers’ original Purpose, Vision and Values.
Our belief in democracy. Our belief that all men and woman are created equal. Our belief in America’s core values and that living them every day (what we say and do) impacts our mindsets and how we think.
4. Take the name of the Department of Defense, literally.
It’s not called the department of offense.
5. Identify and solve the greatest challenges we face as a nation (in addition to the true enemy)
Some of the challenges that might go on that list include: the reformations of education, medication and incarceration. If we were all truly educated, we would not be so medicated and might avoid being incarcerated.
6. Rediscover the humanities-- literature for the soul and spirit.
Technology without soul is an inhumanity. We need poetry in our lives. Poets are the ministers of the invisible.
7. Find a place to have quiet time to listen and think.
The words “silent” and “listen” have the same letters. The advent of science has put the ineffable on trial. When we stop listening and thinking we stop trusting in God or nature or whatever you believe in.
8. Reinstate the power of truth over facts.
Facts are finite and don’t have a long lifespan ie. “We will never get to the moon. Computers are nonsensical for humans. There is no cure for polio. Truth on the other hand is infinite, rather than factual or ephemeral. Truth is forever. Ie. All men ( and women) are created equal. We shall overcome.”
9. Discover and live into your Personal Purpose.
What floats you boat? What makes you whole? What brings joy to your life? What do you love to do? Find it and then do it and love what you do. We are each given unique gifts to unwrap throughout our lives. Don’t leave this life with unopened presents. While your life is finite (you will someday die) you can leave a gift behind that will be infinite (will last beyond your lifetime).
I hope these thoughts stir your own conversations about united vs. divided. Is there any institution or form that is served better by begin divided rather than united. Division tends to destroy: cancer cells divide, marriages divorce, flags, borders separate parents from children, and the root of war are two sides divided by beliefs.
If we are to succeed as a nation, we need a united state of mind. Then and only then will we recognize the true power and solidarity of The United States. Could the founding fathers have given us an even bigger clue in the acronym U.S. ?