Divide and Conquer: Why Lawyers Need to Bring Their Paralegal to MTMP in Las Vegas
MTMP Fall 2023 Paralegal Happy Hour

Divide and Conquer: Why Lawyers Need to Bring Their Paralegal to MTMP in Las Vegas

If you’re a lawyer at a mass tort or personal injury firm and planning to attend Mass Torts Made Perfect in April in Las Vegas, you might be looking at the agenda and wondering how on earth you are going to manage to attend all the relevant sessions across the 5 tracks that you feel you need to attend.

The MTMP Agenda is a monster for sure! We’ve got so much content to cover in 3 days, that we have to “double up” meaning we’ve got sessions going on concurrently in different rooms, and find that there may be 2 projects being talked about or two skills topics being covered at the same time.

When you bring your paralegal, you can divide the agenda up between the two of you so that you do not miss anything – you will be able to get to all the important sessions if you double your presence and bring your Paralegal.

In addition to being able to cover the sessions you can’t cover, your Paralegal can also attend two tracks that are designed for Paralegals or new lawyers – our “Nuts & Bolts of Mass Torts” track, and our “Paralegal Skills in Mass Torts” track.

In addition, as you all know, mass tort projects don’t progress in a vacuum – you and your firm need to work with lawyers, paralegals, clients, and others all over the country. When you bring your Paralegal to Las Vegas, you’re allowing them to meet in person folks that they work with on different projects, and these networking opportunities can be invaluable.

Many of the firms that are in leadership in the MDLs send their paralegals to MTMP – this is a chance for your paralegal to really get connected to the people that they will need to reach out to during the course of the project.

And let’s face it – sending your paralegal to Vegas is a nice way of saying “Thank you for all your hard work – I appreciate you, I value you, and I believe in investing in you and your career”.


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